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memoirs of the comtesse du barry-第62节

小说: memoirs of the comtesse du barry 字数: 每页4000字

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Whilst we were conversing in this manner; a female; between the age of forty and fifty; entered the room。  She saluted me with great affectation of politeness; and then; without speaking to Rousseau; went and seated herself familiarly upon a chair on the other side of the table: this was Therese; a sort of factotum; who served the master of these apartments both as servant and mistress。  I could not help regarding this woman with a feeling of disgust; she had a horrible cough; which she told us was more than usually troublesome on that day。  I had heard of her avarice; therefore to prevent the appearance of having called upon an unprofitable errand; I inquired of Jean Jacques Rousseau how much the music would cost。

〃Six sous a page; madam;〃 replied he; 〃is the usual price。〃

〃Shall I; sir;〃 asked I; 〃leave you any cash in hand for the purchase of what paper you will require?〃

〃No; I thank you; madam;〃 replied Rousseau; smiling; 〃thank God!  I am not yet so far reduced that I cannot purchase it for you。  I have a trifling annuity〃

〃And you would be a much richer man;〃 screamed Therese; 〃if you would insist upon those people at the opera paying you what they owe you。〃  These words were accompanied with a shrug of the shoulders; intended to convey a vast idea of her own opinion。

Rousseau made no reply; indeed he appeared to me like a frightened child in the presence of its nurse; and I could quickly see; that from the moment of her entering the room he had become restless and dejected; he fidgeted on his seat; and seemed like a person in excessive pain。  At length he rose; and requesting my pardon for absenting himself; he added; 〃My wife will have the honour to entertain you whilst I am away。〃  With these words he opened a small glass…door; and disappeared in the neighbouring room。

When we were alone with Therese; she lost no time in opening the conversation。

〃Madam;〃 cried she; 〃I trust you will have the goodness to excuse M。 Rousseau; he is very unwell; it is really extremely vexatious。〃

I replied that M。 Rousseau had made his own excuses。  Just then Therese; wishing to give herself the appearance of great utility; cried out;

〃Am I wanted there; M。 Rousseau?〃

〃No; no; no;〃 replied Jean Jacques; in a faint voice; which died away as if at a distance。

He soon after re…entered the room。

〃Madam;〃 said he; 〃have the kindness to place your music in other hands to copy; I am truly concerned that I cannot execute your wishes; but I feel too ill to set about it directly。〃

I replied; that I was in no hurry; that I should be in Paris some time yet; and that he might copy it at his leisure。  It was then settled that it should be ready within a week from that time; upon which I rose; and ceremoniously saluting Therese; was conducted to the door by M。 Rousseau; whose politeness led him to escort me thither; holding his cap in his hand。  I retired; filled with admiration; respect; and pity。

When next I saw the duc d'Aiguillon; I could not refrain from relating to him all that had happened。  My recital inspired him with the most lively curiosity to see Rousseau; whom he had never met in society。  It was then agreed; that when I went to fetch my music he should accompany me; disguised in a similar manner to myself; and that I should pass him off as my uncle。  At the end of the eight days I repaired early as before to Paris; the duke was not long in joining me there。  He was so inimitably well disguised; that no person would ever have detected the most elegant nobleman of the court of France beneath the garb of a plain country squire。  We set out laughing。  like simpletons at the easy air with which he wore his new costume; nevertheless our gaiety disappeared as we reached the habitation of J。  J。 Rousseau。  Spite of ourselves we were compelled to honour and respect the man of talent and genius; who preferred independence of ideas to riches; and before whom rank and power were compelled to lay aside their unmeaning trappings ere they could reach his presence。  When we reached the fifth landing…place I rang; and this time the door was opened by Therese; who told us M Rousseau was out。

〃But; madam;〃 answered I; 〃I am here by the direction of your husband to fetch away the music he has been engaged in copying for me。〃

〃Ah; madam;〃 exclaimed she; 〃is it you?  I did not recollect you again; pray walk in。  M。 Rousseau will be sure to be at home for you。〃

〃So; then;〃 thought I; 〃even genius has its visiting lists。〃  We entered; Jean Jacques formally saluted us; and invited us to be seated。  He then gave me my music; I inquired what it came to; he consulted a little memorandum which lay upon the table; and replied; 〃 So many pages; so much paper; eighteen livres twelve sous;〃 which; of course; I instantly paid。  The duc d'Aiguillon; whom I styled my uncle; was endeavoring to lead Rousseau into conversation; when the outer bell rang。  Therese went to open the door; and a gentleman entered; of mature age; although still preserving his good looks。  The duke regarded him in silence and immediately made signs for me to hasten our departure; I obeyed; and took leave of Rousseau; with many thanks his punctuality。  He accompanied us as before to door; and there I quitted him never to see him more。  As we were descending the staircase; M。 d'Aiguillon told me that the person who had so hastened our departure was Duclas; and that his hurry to quit Rousseau arose from his dread of being recognised by him。  Although M。 Duclas was a very excellent man; I must own that I owed no small grudge for a visit which had thus abridged ours。

In the evening the duc d'Aiguillon and myself related to the king our morning's pilgrimage。  I likewise recounted my former visit; which I had concealed until now。  Louis XV seemed greatly interested with the recital of it; he asked me a thousand questions; and would fain hear the most trifling particulars。

〃I shall never forget;〃 said Louis XV; 〃the amazing success obtained by his '' There certainly were some beautiful airs〃; and the king began to hum over the song of

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