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memoirs of the comtesse du barry-第59节

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exercise power and command。  Your alliance with a prince of the blood would render you sole mistress in this kingdom; and should I ever arrive; through your means; to the rank of prime minister; it would be my pleasure and pride to submit all things to you; and from this accord would spring an authority which nothing could weaken。〃

I listened in silence; and; for once; my natural frankness received a check; for I durst not tell him all I knew of the king's sentiments towards him。  The fact was; Louis XV was far from feeling any regard for the prince de Conde; and; not to mince the matter; had unequivocally expressed his contempt for him。  He often said to me; when speaking of him; 〃He is a conceited fellow; who would fain induce persons to believe him somebody of vast importance。〃 Louis XV had prejudices; from which no power on earth could have weaned him; and the princes of the house of Conde were amongst his strongest antipathies: he knew a score of scandalous anecdotes relating to them; which he took no small pleasure in repeating。

However; all the arguments of the prince de Conde were useless; and produced him nothing; or; at least; nothing for himself; although he procured the nomination of another to the ministry; as you will hear in its proper place; but this was not sufficient to allay the cravings of his ambition; and; in his rage and disappointment; when open war was proclaimed between the king and his parliament; he ranged himself on the side of the latter。 He soon; however; became weary of his new allies; and; once more abandoning himself to the guidance of interest; he rejoined our party。  Well did M。 de Maupeou know men; when he said they all had their price; and great as may be the rank and title of princes; with plenty of money; they too may be had。

But amongst all the candidates for the ministry; the one who occasioned me the greatest trouble was the duc de la Vauguyon; who insisted upon it that he had done much for me; and complained bitterly of his unrequited services; and of my having bestowed my confidence on others。  Up to the moment of the disgrace of the des Choiseuls; he had been amongst the most bitter of the malcontents; but no sooner were they banished from court than M。 de la Vauguyon forgot every thing; and hastened to me with every mark of the warmest friendship。

〃Ah!〃  exclaimed he;〃 I have much to scold you for; but I will forgive you all your past misdeeds; if you will perform your promise to me。〃

〃My dear father;〃 cried I (for I used jestingly to style him so; in the same manner as I designated the bishop of Orleans ); 〃are you; indeed displeased with me?  That is very naughty: for you know I love you with all my heart。〃

〃If it be true that you entertain any regard for me; why have you evinced so little towards me?  Am I not of the right materials for making ministers?  Why; then; have you never procured my appointment to any of the vacant situations?〃

〃Stay; stay; my dear father;〃 cried I; 〃how you run on!  To hear you talk; any person would suppose that places and appointments rained down upon me; and that I had only to say to you; my dear duke; choose which you please; then; indeed; you might complain with justice; but you know very well; that all these delightful things are in the hands of the king; who alone has a right to bestow them as he judges best; whilst I am wholly powerless in the business。〃

〃Say; rather;〃 replied the duke; quickly; 〃that you find it suits your present purpose to put on this want of power。  We all know; that your veto is absolute with his majesty; and it requires nothing more to obtain whatsoever you desire。〃

The duc de la Vauguyon was powerful; and represented the whole of a partythat of the religionists; which was still further supported by the ; but for this very reason the triumvirate; consisting of messieurs d' Aiguillon; de Maupeou; and the abbe Terre; would not have accepted his services at any price。

The good duke returned several times to the charge; sometimes endeavouring to move me by gentle intreaties and; at others; holding out threats and menaces; good and bad words flowed from his lips like a mixture of honey and gall; but when he found that both were equally thrown away upon me; he retired offended; and by the expression of his rage and disappointment; succeeded in incensing both the dauphin and dauphiness against me。  May heaven preserve you; my friend; from the anger of a bigot!

I think I have detained you long enough with the relation of the intrigues by which I was surrounded upon the dismissal of the des Choiseuls; and I will now return to the morning of the 24th of December。  When the exiles were fairly out of Paris; the king found himself not a little embarrassed in the choice of a prime minister。  Those who would have suited our purposes did not meet with the king's approbation; and he had not yet sufficient courage to venture upon electing one who should be disagreeable to us; he therefore hit upon a curious provisional election; the abbe Terray; for instance; was placed at the head of the war department。  This measure was excused by the assertion; that it would require the head of a financier to look into and settle the accounts; which the late minister had; no doubt; left in a very confused state。 Upon the same principle; M。 Bertin was appointed to the direction of foreign affairs; and M。 de Boynes was invested solely with the management of naval affairs。  This man; who was counsellor of state; and first president of the parliament of Besancon; knew not a letter of the office thus bestowed upon him; but then he was bound body and soul to the chancellor; and it was worth something to have a person who; it might be relied on; would offer no opposition to the important reforms which were to be set on foot immediately。  We required merely automata; and M。 de Boynes answered our purpose perfectly well; for a provisional minister nothing could have been better。

The king had at length (in his own opinion); hit upon a very excellent minister of war; and the person selected was the chevalier; afterwards comte de Muy; formerly usher to the late dauphin: he was a man of the old school; possessing many sterling virtues and qualities。  We were in the utmost terror when his majesty communicated to us his election of a minister of war; and declared his intention of immediately signifying his pleasure to M。 de Muy。  Such a blow would have overthrown all our projects。 Happily chance befriended us; the modern Cato declared that he should esteem himself most honored to serve his sovereign by every possible endeavour; but that he could never be induced to enter my service upon any pretext whatever。  The strangeness of this refusal puzzled Louis XV not a little。  He said to me。  〃Can you make out the real motive of this silly conduct?  I had a better opinion of the man; I thought him possessed of sense; but I see now that he is only fit for the cowl of a monk; he will never be a minister。〃  The king was mistaken; M。 de Muy became one under the auspices of his successor。

Immediately that the prince de Conde was informed of what had passed; he recommenced his attack; and finding he could not be minister himself; he determined; at least; to be principally concerned in the appointment of one; he therefore proposed the marquis de Monteynard; a man of such negative qualities; that the best that could be said of him was; that he was as incapable of a bad as of a good action; and; for want of a better; he was elected。 Such were the colleagues given to M。 de Maupeou to conduct the war which was about to be declared against the parliaments。  I should tell you; ; that the discontent of the magistracy had only increased; and that the parliament of Paris had even finished by refusing to decide the suits which were referred to them; thus punishing the poor litigants for their quarrel with the minister。

Meanwhile; the general interest expressed for the duc  de Choiseul greatly irritated the king。

〃Who would have thought;〃 said he to me; 〃that a disgraced minister could have been so idolized by a whole court?  Would you believe that I receive a hundred petitions a day for leave to visit at Chanteloup?  This is something new indeed!  I cannot understand it。〃

〃Sire;〃 replied I; 〃that only proves how much danger you incurred by keeping such a man in your employment。〃

〃Why; yes;〃 answered Louis XV; 〃it really seem as though; had he chosen some fine morning to propose my abdicating the throne in favour of the dauphin; he would only have needed to utter the suggestion to have it carried into execution。  Fortunately for me; my grandson is by no means partial to him; and will most certainly never recall him after my death。  The dauphin possesses all the obstinacy of persons of confined understanding: he has but slender judgment; and will see with no eye but his own。〃

Louis XV augured ill of his successor's reign; and imagined that the cabinet of Vienna would direct that of Versailles at pleasure。 His late majesty was mistaken; Louis XVI is endowed with many rare virtues; but they are unfortunately clouded over by his timidity and want of self…confidence。

The open and undisguised censure passed by the w

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