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memoirs of the comtesse du barry-第53节

小说: memoirs of the comtesse du barry 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Because I reproach myself with having in my own prosperity forgotten one of my earliest and dearest friends; who loved me with the tenderest affection。  Possibly she may now be in trouble or difficulties; from which I might have a thousand ways of relieving her; but it is never too late to do good。  To…morrow; early; you shall set out for Paris; when there; go to the rue Saint Martin; inquire for the sign of la Bonne Foi; it is kept by a pastrycook; named M。 Mathon; of whom I wish you to learn every particular relative to his daughter Genevieve。〃

My wishes were laws to Henriette; who instantly retired to prepare for her journey。  I had not ventured to desire her to glean any information concerning the brother of Genevieve; and yet at the recollection of the handsome Nicolas my heart beat impetuously。 With what impatience did I await the return of Henriette!  at length she came。

〃Well!〃  said I。

〃I have found out M。 Mathon;〃 answered Henriette。

〃Which; the father?〃

〃Yes; madam。〃

〃And what is his present occupation?〃

〃As usual; madam; superintending his kitchen and shop。〃

〃Is he alone in his business?〃

〃Oh; no!  madam; he is assisted by his son; a fine dark handsome young man。〃

〃His son then lives with him?〃

〃Yes; madam; and he is married。〃

〃Married!but it is not of this young man I wish to speak; but of his sister; of Genevieve; tell me of her。〃

〃I only learned; madam; that she had married a tailor; named Guerardwho; after having been very unsuccessful in business; died suddenly; leaving her wholly destitute with two young children。〃

I immediately wrote the following note to my early friend:

〃The comtesse du Barry having heard of the misfortunes of madame Guerard; and knowing how much she is deserving of a better fate; is desirous of being useful to her。  She therefore requests madame Guerard will call next Monday; at two o'clock; on her at her hotel; rue de la Pussienne。〃

Poor Genevieve nearly fainted when she received this note; which was conveyed to her by a footman wearing my livery。  She could not imagine to whom she was indebted for procuring her such exalted patronage; and she and her family spent the intervening hours before her appointed interview in a thousand conjectures on the subject。  On Monday; punctually at two o'clock; she was at the hotel dressed in her best; her lovely countenance setting off the humble style of even her holiday garb。  She knew me the instant she saw me; and; in the frank simplicity of her own heart imagining she could judge of mine; she ran to me; and threw herself into my arms; exclaiming;

〃Oh; my dear Jeannette; what pleasure does it afford me to meet you again。  Oh!  I see how it is; you are the friend of the comtesse du Barry; and it is to you I shall owe my future good fortune; as I do this present mark of her favor。〃

〃No; my good Genevieve;〃 cried I; weeping for joy; 〃she who now embraces you is the comtesse du Barry。〃

After we had a little recovered ourselves; I took my friend by the hand; and led her to a sofa; where we seated ourselves side by side。  Returning to the scenes of our early youth; I related to Genevieve all that had occurred sincemy adventures; faults; and favour。  When I had concluded my recital; Genevieve commenced hers; but it was soon told。  There is little to relate in the life of a woman who has passed her days in the virtuous discharge of her duties。

Our mutual confidences being over; and having again exchanged a most affectionate embrace; I put into the hands of my companion a portfolio; containing 30;000 livres in bank bills。  I promised her likewise to obtain for her some lucrative situation。  〃Do more than this for me!〃  cried Genevieve。  〃Since you will still grant me your friendship; secure for me the happiness of occasionally meeting you。  I can with truth declare; that of all your proofs of kindness and regard; that which I prefer is the pleasure of seeing you。〃

This ingenuous request touched my heart; and I replied to it by fondly caressing the warm…hearted Genevieve; and assuring her that my purse and my house should be ever open to her。  We then resumed our interesting reminiscences; and Genevieve was the first to speak of her brother。  At the name of Nicolas I felt the blood mount to my very forehead; and an indefinable sensation passed over me at the mention of him who had possessed my virgin love。 I strove; however; to conceal from my friend the powerful emotion which agitated me; and  I replied; with apparent tranquillity; that I should be happy to assist her brother with the best of my credit and influence; and I kept my word by obtaining for him; at the solicitation; of his sister; some lucrative situation; the exact nature of which I do not now recollect; where they resided together in ease and comfort。  I had only to recommend them to the notice of M。 de Boulogne; who felt himself much flattered at being selected by me to make the fortunes of my two friends。

》From this time Genevieve visited me as frequently as she could; and her society delighted me; whilst; in her conversation I found  a frankness and sincerity which I had vainly sought for at court。 She had loved me when a simple milliner; and she cherished the same fond regard for me in my improved situation。  Her friendship has not forsaken me in my reverses; and I feel quite assured that death only will dissolve the tender friendship which still subsists between us。  As for her brother; he spared me much shame and confusion by never seeking my presence; a meeting with him would indeed have overwhelmed me with painful recollections。

And now; my friend; I am about to relate to you an adventure; the bare mention of which covers my cheek with guilty blushes; fain would I conceal it from you; but my promise is given to lay my whole heart before you; and it shall be done; cost what it may。

I know not why it should ever have been permitted you gentlemen to frame laws; which; while they permit you; in the gratification of your passions; to descend ever so low in the scale of society without any disgrace attaching itself to you from the obscure condition of the object of your search; to us females it is prohibited; under penalty of incurring the utmost degradation; to gratify the inclination of our hearts when awakened by one of more humble rank than our own。  A great lord may love a kitchen maid; a noble duke; like M。 de Villeroi; may indulge his fancy for a waiting…woman; and yet lose no portion of his dignity; or of the esteem in which the world holds him; but; on the other hand; woe to the high…born dame who should receive the homage of an obscure citizen; or the noble countess who should lend a favourable ear to the sighs of her ; the public voice would loud and angrily inveigh against so flagrant a breach of decorum。  And why should this be?  But; my friend; do you not see in my seeking to defend so weak a cause sufficient intimation that such a justification involves a consciousness of requiring it?  Alas!  I plead guilty; and will no longer delay the painful confession I have to make。

Do you remember a singularly handsome young man; who; during my abode with madame Lagarde; fascinated me till my very senses seemed bewildered by my passion。  You know how he betrayed me; and how; through him; I was expelled the house; as well as the termination of this foolish adventure。  You are now to pass over seven or eight years; and take your place with me in the drawing…room; in which I stood when I rang to summon a servant to convey a letter to the duc de Villeroi。  You may remember what I told you in the last chapter of the person who entered; of his agitation and his blushes; and of his fixing his eyes with deep meaning upon me till he quitted the room…this servant was Noel!

Had I listened to the dictates of prudence; I should; without loss of time; have obtained against him a ; which would have freed me from all chance of discovery through his means; but I could not listen to such cool…blooded; though cautious; suggestions。  One idea only took possession of my mindthe absurd desire to know what had become of Noel since we separated; and by what accident I now found him wearing my livery in the castle。  With this intent I availed myself of the first moment I was secure from interruption; to summon him to my presence。 He threw himself at my feet; imploring of me to pardon his audacity。 〃Alas; madam!〃  said he; 〃I am more unfortunate than guilty。  I saw you walking some time since; and I could obtain no rest or peace till I was fortunate enough to obtain admission to your establishment。 Punish me for my temerity if you will; expel me from the castle; have me confined in a prison; I deserve it all; but; voluntarily; I cannot leave this house; and if you will only permit my stay; I solemnly vow you shall see nothing in my conduct but the zeal of an attached and respectful servant。〃

I was weak enough to pardon Noel and shortly after to raise him to the rank of ; which brought him infinitely too much about me。

Yes; my friend; the woman is; after all attempts to excuse it; blamable for bestowing her affection on one below herself in the scale of society。  Nature herself appears 

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