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5 midnigh+sun-第37节

小说: 5 midnigh+sun 字数: 每页4000字

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also want to talk to Bella。  I wasn't sure if I was ready to have Bella more involved with 
my world。  Wasn't one vampire trouble enough? 
I checked in routinely with Jessica again。  She was thinking about her jewelry; 
asking Angela's opinion。 
〃Maybe I should take the necklace back。  I've got one at home that would 
probably work; and I spent more than I was supposed to?〃 My mom is going to freak 
out。  What was I thinking? 
〃I don't mind going back to the store。  Do you think Bella will be looking for us; 
What was this?  Bella wasn't with them?  I stared through Jessica's eyes first; 
then switched to Angela's。  They were on the sidewalk in front of a line of shops; just 
turning back the other way。  Bella was no where in sight。 
Oh; who cares about Bella?  Jess thought impatiently; before answering Angela's 
question。 〃She's fine。  We'll get to the restaurant in plenty of time; even if we go back。 
Anyway; I think she wanted to be alone。〃  I got a brief glimpse of the bookshop Jessica 
thought Bella had gone to。 
〃Let's hurry; then;〃 Angela said。  I hope Bella doesn't think we ditched her。  She 
was so nice to me in the car before?  She's really a sweet person。  But she's seemed kind 
? 2008 Stephenie Meyer 

of blue all day。  I wonder if it's because of Edward Cullen?  I'll bet that was why she was 
asking about his family? 
I should have been paying better attention。  What all had I missed here?  Bella 
was off wandering by herself; and she'd been asking about me before?  Angela was 
paying attention to Jessica now—Jessica was babbling about that idiot Mike—and I could 
get nothing more from her。 
I judged the shadows。  The sun would be behind the clouds soon enough。  If I 
stayed on the west side of the road; where the buildings would shade the street from the 
fading light? 
I started to feel anxious as I drove through the sparse traffic into the center of the 
town。  This wasn't something I had considered—Bella taking off on her own—and I had 
no idea how to find her。  I should have considered it。 
I knew Port Angeles well; I drove straight to the bookstore in Jessica's head; 
hoping my search would be short; but doubting it would be so easy。  When did Bella ever 
make it easy? 
Sure enough; the little shop was empty except for the anachronistically dressed 
woman behind the counter。  This didn't look like the kind of place Bella would be 
interested in—too new age for a practical person。  I wondered if she'd even bothered to 
go in? 
There was a patch of shade I could park in?  It made a dark pathway right up to 
the overhang of the shop。  I really shouldn't。  Wandering around in the sunlight hours was 
not safe。  What if a passing car threw the sun's reflection into the shade at just the wrong 
But I didn't know how else to look for Bella! 
I parked and got out; keeping to the deepest side of the shadow。  I strode quickly 
into the store; noting the faint trace of Bella's scent in the air。  She had been here; on the 
sidewalk; but there was no hint of her fragrance inside the shop。 
〃Welcome!  Can I help—〃 the saleswoman began to say; but I was already out the 
I followed Bella's scent as far as the shade would allow; stopping when I got to 
the edge of the sunlight。 
? 2008 Stephenie Meyer 

How powerless it made me feel—fenced in by the line between dark and light that 
stretched across the sidewalk in front of me。  So limited。 
I could only guess that she'd continued across the street; heading south。  There 
wasn't really much in that direction。  Was she lost?  Well; that possibility didn't sound 
entirely out of character。 
I got back in the car and drove slowly through the streets; looking for her。  I 
stepped out into a few other patches of shadow; but I only caught her scent once more; 
and the direction of it confused me。  Where was she trying to go? 
I drove back and forth between the bookstore and the restaurant a few times; 
hoping to see her on her way。  Jessica and Angela were already there; trying to decide 
whether to order; or to wait for Bella。  Jessica was pushing for ordering immediately。 
I began flitting through the minds of strangers; looking through their eyes。 
Surely; someone must have seen her somewhere。 
I got more and more anxious the longer she remained missing。  I hadn't 
considered before how difficult she might prove to find once; like now; she was out of 
my sight and off her normal paths。  I didn't like it。 
The clouds were massing on the horizon; and; in a few more minutes; I would be 
free to track her on foot。  It wouldn't take me long then。  It was only the sun that made 
me so helpless now。  Just few more minutes; and then the advantage would be mine again 
and it would be the human world that was powerless。 
Another mind; and another。  So many trivial thoughts。 
?think the baby has another ear infection? 
Was it six…four…oh or six…oh…four?? 
Late again。  I ought to tell him? 
Here she comes!  Aha! 
There; at last; was her face。  Finally; someone had noticed her! 
The relief lasted for only a fraction of a second; and then I read more fully the 
thoughts of the man who was gloating over her face in the shadows。 
His mind was a stranger to me; and yet; not totally unfamiliar。  I had once hunted 
exactly such minds。 
? 2008 Stephenie Meyer 

〃NO!〃 I roared; and a volley of snarls erupted from my throat。  My foot shoved 
the gas pedal to the floor; but where was I going? 
I knew the general location of his thoughts; but the knowledge was not specific 
enough。  Something; there had to be something—a street sign; a store front; something in 
his sight that would give away his location。  But Bella was deep in shadow; and his eyes 
were focused only on her frightened expression—enjoying the fear there。 
Her face was blurred in his mind by the memory of other faces。  Bella was not his 
first victim。 
The sound of my growls shook the frame of the car; but did not distract me。 
There were no windows in the wall behind her。  Somewhere industrial; away from 
the more populated shopping district。  My car squealed around a corner; swerving past 
another vehicle; heading in what I hoped was the right direction。  By the time the other 
driver honked; the sound was far behind me。 
Look at her shaking!  The man chuckled in anticipation。  The fear was the draw 
for him—the part he enjoyed。 
〃Stay away from me。〃  Her voice was low and steady; not a scream。 
〃Don't be like that; sugar。〃 
He watched her flinch to a rowdy laugh that came from another direction。  He was 
irritated with the noise—Shut up; Jeff! he thought—but he enjoyed the way she cringed。 
It excited him。  He began to imagine her pleas; the way she would beg? 
I hadn't realized that there were others with him until I'd heard the loud laughter。 
I scanned out from him; desperate for something that I could use。  He was taking the first 
step in her direction; flexing his hands。 
The minds around him were not the cesspool that his was。  They were all slightly 
intoxicated; not one of them realizing how far the man they called Lonnie planned to go 
with this。  They were following Lonnie's lead blindly。  He'd promised them a little fun? 
One of them glanced down the street; nervous—he didn't want to get caught 
harassing the girl—and gave me what I needed。  I recognized the cross street he stared 
I flew under a red light; sliding through a space just wide enough between two 
cars in the moving traffic。  Horns blared behind me。 
? 2008 Stephenie Meyer 

My phone vibrated in my pocket。  I ignored it。 
Lonnie moved slowly toward the girl; drawing out the suspense—the moment of 
terror that aroused him。  He waited for her scream; preparing to savor it。 
But Bella locked her jaw and braced herself。  He was surprised—he'd expected 
her to try to run。  Surprised and slightly disappointed。  He liked to chase his prey down; 
the adrenaline of the hunt。 
Brave; this one。  Maybe better; I guess?more fight in her。 
I was a block away。  The monster could hear the roar of my engine now; but he 
paid it no attention; too intent on his victim。 
I would see how he enjoyed the hunt when he was the prey。  I would see what he 
thought of my style of hunting。 
In another compartment of my head; I was already sorting through the range of 
tortures I'd born witness to in my vigilante days; searching for the most painful of them。 
He would suffer for this。  He would writhe in agony。  The others would merely die for 
their part; but the monster named Lonnie would beg for death long before I would give 
him that gift。 
He was in the road; crossing toward her。 
I spun sharply around the corner; my headlights washing across the scene and 
freezing the rest of them in place。  I could have run down the leader; who leapt out of the 
way; but that was too easy a death for him。 
I let the car spin out; swinging all the way around so that I was facing back the 
way I'd come and the passenger door was closest to Bella。  I threw that open; and she was 
already running toward the car。 
〃Get in;〃 I snarled。 
What the hell? 
Knew this was a bad idea!  She's not

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