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running a thousand miles for freedom-第8节

小说: running a thousand miles for freedom 字数: 每页4000字

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y master what he called the proper way to treat me。

After he had gone out to get his master's lug… gage ready; the officer said; 〃That is the way to speak to them。  If every nigger was drilled in this manner; they would be as humble as dogs; and never dare to run away。

The gentleman urged my master not to go to the North for the restoration of his health; but to visit the Warm Springs in Arkansas。

My master said; he thought the air of Phila… delphia would suit his complaint best; and; not only so; he thought he could get better advice there。

The boat had now reached the wharf。  The officer wished my master a safe and pleasant jour… ney; and left the saloon。

There were a large number of persons on the quay waiting the arrival of the steamer: but we were afraid to venture out for fear that some one might recognize me; or that they had heard that we were gone; and had telegraphed to have us stopped。  However; after remaining in the cabin till all the other passengers were gone; we had our luggage placed on a fly; and I took my master by the arm; and with a little difficulty he hobbled on shore; got in and drove off to the best hotel; which John C。 Calhoun; and all the other great southern fire…eating statesmen; made their head…quarters while in Charleston。

On arriving at the house the landlord ran out and opened the door: but judging; from the poul… tices and green glasses; that my master was an invalid; he took him very tenderly by one arm and ordered his man to take the other。

My master then eased himself out; and with their assistance found no trouble in getting up the steps into the hotel。  The proprietor made me stand on one side; while he paid my master the attention and homage he thought a gentleman of his high position merited。

My master asked for a bed…room。  The servant was ordered to show a good one; into which we helped him。  The servant returned。  My master then handed me the bandages; I took them down… stairs in great haste; and told the landlord my master wanted two hot poultices as quickly as possible。  He rang the bell; the servant came in; to whom he said; 〃Run to the kitchen and tell the cook to make two hot poultices right off; for there is a gentleman upstairs very badly off indeed!〃

In a few minutes the smoking poultices were brought in。  I placed them in white handker… chiefs; and hurried upstairs; went into my master's apartment; shut the door; and laid them on the mantel…piece。  As he was alone for a little while; he thought he could rest a great deal better with the poultices off。  However; it was necessary to have them to complete the remainder of the journey。 I then ordered dinner; and took my master's boots out to polish them。  While doing so I en… tered into conversation with one of the slaves。  I may state here; that on the sea…coast of South Carolina and Georgia the slaves speak worse Eng… lish than in any other part of the country。  This is owing to the frequent importation; or smug… gling in; of Africans; who mingle with the natives。 Consequently the language cannot properly be called English or African; but a corruption of the two。

The shrewd son of African parents to whom I referred said to me; 〃Say; brudder; way you come from; and which side you goin day wid dat ar little don up buckra〃 (white man)?

I replied; 〃To Philadelphia。〃

〃What!〃 he exclaimed; with astonishment; 〃to Philumadelphy?〃

〃Yes;〃 I said。

〃By squash!  I wish I was going wid you!  I hears um say dat dare's no slaves way over in dem parts; is um so?〃

I quietly said; 〃I have heard the same thing。〃

〃Well;〃 continued he; as he threw down the boot and brush; and; placing his hands in his pockets; strutted across the floor with an air of independence〃Gorra Mighty; dem is de parts for Pompey; and I hope when you get dare you will stay; and nebber follow dat buckra back to dis hot quarter no more; let him be eber so good。〃

I thanked him; and just as I took the boots up and started off; he caught my hand between his two; and gave it a hearty shake; and; with tears streaming down his cheeks; said:

〃God bless you; broder; and may de Lord be wid you。  When you gets de freedom; and sitin under your own wine and fig…tree; don't forget to pray for poor Pompey。〃

I was afraid to say much to him; but I shall never forget his earnest request; nor fail to do what little I can to release the millions of unhappy bondmen; of whom he was one。

At the proper time my master had the poultices placed on; came down; and seated himself at a table in a very brilliant dining…room; to have his dinner。 I had to have something at the same time; in order to be ready for the boat; so they gave me my dinner in an old broken plate; with a rusty knife and fork; and said; 〃Here; boy; you go in the kitchen。〃  I took it and went out; but did not stay more than a few minutes; because I was in a great hurry to get back to see how the invalid was getting on。  On arriving I found two or three servants waiting on him; but as he did not feel able to make a very hearty dinner; he soon finished; paid the bill; and gave the servants each a trifle; which caused one of them to say to me; 〃Your massa is a big bug〃meaning a gentleman of distinction 〃he is the greatest gentleman dat has been dis way for dis six months。〃  I said; 〃Yes; he is some pumpkins;〃 meaning the same as 〃big bug。〃

When we left Macon; it was our intention to take a steamer at Charleston through to Phila… delphia; but on arriving there we found that the vessels did not run during the winter; and I have no doubt it was well for us they did not; for on the very last voyage the steamer made that we intended to go by; a fugitive was discovered secreted on board; and sent back to slavery。  However; as we had also heard of the Overland Mail Route; we were all right。  So I ordered a fly to the door; had the luggage placed on; we got in; and drove down to the Custom…house Office; which was near the wharf where we had to obtain tickets; to take a steamer for Wilmington; North Carolina。  When we reached the building; I helped my master into the office; which was crowded with passengers。 He asked for a ticket for himself and one for his slave to Philadelphia。  This caused the prin… cipal officera very mean…looking; cheese…coloured fellow; who was sitting thereto look up at us very suspiciously; and in a fierce tone of voice he said to me; 〃Boy; do you belong to that gentleman?〃 I quickly replied; 〃Yes; sir〃 (which was quite correct)。  The tickets were handed out; and as my master was paying for them the chief man said to him; 〃I wish you to register your name here; sir; and also the name of your nigger; and pay a dollar duty on him。〃

My master paid the dollar; and pointing to the hand that was in the poultice; requested the officer to register his name for him。  This seemed to offend the 〃high…bred〃 South Carolinian。  He jumped up; shaking his head; and; cramming his hands almost through the bottom of his trousers pockets; with a slave…bullying air; said; 〃I shan't do it。〃

This attracted the attention of all the passengers。 Just then the young military officer with whom my master travelled and conversed on the steamer from Savannah stepped in; somewhat the worse for brandy; he shook hands with my master; and pre… tended to know all about him。  He said; 〃I know his kin (friends) like a book;〃 and as the officer was known in Charleston; and was going to stop there with friends; the recognition was very much in my master's favor。

The captain of the steamer; a good…looking; jovial fellow; seeing that the gentleman appeared to know my master; and perhaps not wishing to lose us as passengers; said in an off…hand sailor…like manner; 〃I will register the gentleman's name; and take the responsibility upon myself。〃  He asked my master's name。  He said; 〃William Johnson。〃  The names were put down; I think; 〃Mr。 Johnson and slave。〃  The captain said; 〃It's all right now; Mr。 Johnson。〃  He thanked him kindly; and the young officer begged my master to go with him; and have something to drink and a cigar; but as he had not acquired these accomplishments; he excused him… self; and we went on board and came off to Wil… mington; North Carolina。  When the gentleman finds out his mistake; he will; I have no doubt; be careful in future not to pretend to have an intimate acquaintance with an entire stranger。  During the voyage the captain said; 〃It was rather sharp shooting this morning; Mr。 Johnson。  It was not out of any disrespect to you; sir; but they make it a rule to be very strict at Charleston。  I have known families to be detained there with their slaves till reliable information could be received respecting them。  If they were not very careful; any dd abolitionist might take off a lot of valuable niggers。〃

My master said; 〃I suppose so;〃 and thanked him again for helping him over the difficulty。

We reached Wilmington the next morning; and took the train for Richmond; Virginia。  I have stated that the American railway carriages (or cars; as they are called); are constructed differently to those in England。  At one end of some of them; in the South; there is a little apartment with a couch on both sides for the convenience of families and invalids; and as they thought my mast

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