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running a thousand miles for freedom-第16节

小说: running a thousand miles for freedom 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Thou livest in the life of all good things;   What words thou spak'st for Freedom shall not die;  Thou sleepest not; for now thy Love hath wings   To soar where hence thy hope could hardly fly。

〃And often; from that other world; on this   Some gleams from great souls gone before may shine;  To shed on struggling hearts a clearer bliss;   And clothe the Right with lustre more divine。

〃Farewell! good man; good angel now! this hand   Soon; like thine own; shall lose its cunning; too;  Soon shall this soul; like thine; bewildered stand;   Then leap to thread the free unfathomed blue。〃


In the preceding pages I have not dwelt upon the great barbarities which are practised upon the slaves; because I wish to present the system in its mildest form; and to show that the 〃tender mercies of the wicked are cruel。〃  But I do now; however; most solemnly declare; that a very large majority of the American slaves are over…worked; under…fed; and frequently unmercifully flogged。

I have often seen slaves tortured in every con… ceivable manner。  I have seen him hunted down and torn by bloodhounds。  I have seen them shamefully beaten; and branded with hot irons。  I have seen them hunted; and even burned alive at the stake; frequently for offences that would be applauded if committed by white persons for similar purposes。

In short; it is well known in England; if not all over the world; that the Americans; as a people; are notoriously mean and cruel towards all coloured persons; whether they are bond or free。

     〃Oh; tyrant; thou who sleepest  On a volcano; from whose pent…up wrath;  Already some red flashes bursting up;  Beware!〃


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