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the life and adventures of baron trenck-2-第7节

小说: the life and adventures of baron trenck-2 字数: 每页4000字

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; however; after eight months' incessant labour; rendered my whole project abortive。

I wrote once more to Ruckhardt; at Vienna; sent him a new assignment for money; and desired he would again repair to Gummern; where he should wait six several nights; with two spare horses; on the glacis of Klosterbergen; at the time appointed; everything being prepared for flight。  Within these six days Gelfhardt would have found means; either in rotation; or by exchanging the guard; to have been with me。  Alas! the sweet hope of again beholding the face of the sun; of once more obtaining my freedom; endured but three days:  Providence thought proper otherwise to ordain。  Gelfhardt sent his wife to Gummern with the letter; and this silly woman told the post…master her husband had a lawsuit at Vienna; that therefore she begged he would take particular care of the letter; for which purpose she slipped ten rix…dollars into his hand。

This unexpected liberality raised the suspicions of the Saxon post… master; who therefore opened the letter; read the contents; and instead of sending it to Vienna; or at least to the general post… master at Dresden; he preferred the traitorous act of taking it himself to the governor of Magdeburg; who then; as at present; was Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick。

What were my terrors; what my despair; when I beheld the Prince himself; about three o'clock in the afternoon; enter my prison with his attendants; present my letter; and ask; in an authoritative voice; who had carried it to Gummern。  My answer was; 〃I know not。〃 Strict search was immediately made by smiths; carpenters; and masons; and after half an hour's examination; they discovered neither my hole nor the manner in which I disencumbered myself of my chains; they only saw that the middle grating; in the aperture where the light was admitted; had been removed。  This was boarded up the next day; only a small air…hole left; of about six inches diameter。

The Prince began to threaten; I persisted I had never seen the sentinel who had rendered me this service; nor asked his name。 Seeing his attempts all ineffectual; the governor; in a milder tone; said; 〃You have ever complained; Baron Trenck; of not having been legally sentenced; or heard in your own defence; I give you my word of honour; this you shall be; and also that you shall be released from your fetters; if you will only tell me who took your letter。〃 To this I replied; with all the fortitude of innocence; 〃Everybody knows; my lord; I have never deserved the treatment I have met with in my country。  My heart is irreproachable。  I seek to recover my liberty by every means in my power:  but were I capable of betraying the man whose compassion has induced him to succour my distress; were I the coward that could purchase happiness at his expense; I then should; indeed; deserve to wear those chains with which I am loaded。  For myself; do with me what you please:  yet remember I am not wholly destitute:  I am still a captain in the Imperial service; and a descendant of the house of Trenck。〃

Prince Ferdinand stood for a moment unable to answer; then renewed his threats; and left my dungeon。  I have since been told that; when he was out of hearing; he said to those around him; 〃I pity his hard fate; and cannot but admire his strength of mind!〃

I must here remark that; when we remember the usual circumspection of this great man; we are obliged to wonder at his imprudence in holding a conversation of such a kind with me; which lasted a considerable time; in the presence of the guard。  The soldiers of the whole garrison had afterwards the utmost confidence; as they were convinced I would not meanly devote others to destruction; that I might benefit myself。  This was the way to gain me esteem and intercourse among the men; especially as the Duke had said he knew I must have money concealed; for that I had distributed some to the sentinels。

He had scarcely been gone an hour; before I heard a noise near my prison。  I listenedwhat could it be?  I heard talking; and learned a grenadier had hanged himself to the pallisadoes of my prison。

The officer of the town…guard; and the town…major again entered my dungeon to fetch a lanthorn they had forgotten; and the officer at going out; told me in a whisper; 〃One of your associates has just hanged himself。〃

It was impossible to imagine my terror or sensations; I believed it could be only my kind; my honest Gelfhardt。  After many gloomy thoughts; and lamenting the unhappy end of so worthy a fellow; I began to recollect what the Prince had promised me; if I would discover the accomplice。  I knocked at the door; and desired to speak to the officer; he came to the window and asked me what I wanted; I requested he would inform the governor that if he would send me light; pen; ink; and paper; I would discover my whole secret。

These were accordingly sent; an hour's time was granted; the door was shut; and I was left alone。  I sat myself down; began to write on my night…table; and was about to insert the name of Gelfhardt; but my blood thrilled; and shrank back to my heart。  I shuddered; rose; went to the aperture of the window and called; 〃Is there no man who in compassion will tell me the name of him who has hanged himself; that I may deliver many others from destruction?〃  The window was not nailed up till the next day; I therefore wrapped five pistoles in a paper; threw them out; called to the sentinel; and said; 〃Friend; take these; and save thy comrades; or go and betray me; and bring down innocent blood upon thy head!〃

The paper was taken up; a pause of silence ensued:  I heard sighs; and presently after a low voice said; 〃his name is Schutz; he belonged to the company of Ripps。〃  I had never heard the name before; or known the man; but I however immediately wrote SCHUTZ; instead of Gelfhardt。  Having finished the letter I called the lieutenant; who took that and the light away; and again barred up the door of my dungeon。  The Duke; however; suspected there must be some evasion; and everything remained in the same state:  I obtained neither hearing nor court…martial。  I learned; in the sequel; the following circumstances; which will display the truth of this apparently incredible story。

While I was imprisoned in the citadel; a sentinel came to the post under my window; cursed and blasphemed; exclaiming aloud against the Prussian service; and saying; if Trenck only knew my mind; he would not long continue in his hole!  I entered into discourse with him; and he told me; if I could give him money to purchase a boat; in which he might cross the Elbe; he would soon make my doors fly open; and set me free。

Money at that time I had none; but I gave him a diamond shirt… buckle; worth five hundred ferns; which I had concealed。  I never heard more from this man; he spoke to me no more。  He often stood sentinel over me; which I knew by his Westphalian dialect; and I as often addressed myself to him; but ineffectually; he would make no answer。

This Schutz must have sold my buckle; and let his riches be seen; for; when the Duke left me; the lieutenant on guard said to him 〃You must certainly be the rascal who carried Trenck's letter; you have; for some time past; spent much money; and we have seen you with louis…d'ors。  How came you by them?〃  Schutz was terrified; his conscience accused him; he imagined I should betray him; knowing he had deceived me。  He; therefore; in the first agonies of despair; came to the pallisadoes; and hung himself before the door of my dungeon。


How wonderful is the hand of Providence!  The wicked man fell a sacrifice to his crime; after having escaped a whole year; and the faithful; the benevolent…hearted Gelfhardt was thereby saved。

The sentinels were now doubled; that any intercourse with them might be rendered more difficult。  Gelfhardt again stood guard; but he had scarcely opportunity; without danger; to speak a few words:  he thanked me for having preserved him; wished me better fortune; and told me the garrison; in a few days; would take the field。

This was dreadful news:  my whole plan was destroyed at a breath。 I; however; soon recovered fresh hopes。  The hole I had sunken was not discovered:  I had five hundred florins; candles; and implements。

The seven years' war broke out about a week after; and the regiment took the field。  Major Weyner came; for the last time; and committed me to the care of the new major of the militia; Bruckhausen; who was one of the most surly and stupid of men。  I shall often have occasion to mention this man。

All the majors and lieutenants of the guard; who had treated me with compassion and esteem; now departed; and I became an old prisoner in a new world。  I acquired greater confidence; however; by remembering that both officers and men in the militia were much easier to gain over than in the regulars; the truth of which opinion was soon confirmed。

Four lieutenants were appointed; with their men; to mount guard at the Star Fort in turn; and before a year had passed; three of them were in my interest。

The regiments had scarcely taken the field ere the new governor; General Borck; entered my prison; like what he was; an imperious; cruel tyrant。  The King; in g

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