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the life and adventures of baron trenck-2-第5节

小说: the life and adventures of baron trenck-2 字数: 每页4000字

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asked; 〃What didst thou see?〃 And when I answered with sincerity and truth; how often have I been derided as a liar; and been persecuted by those who determined not to see themselves; as an innovator singular and rash!

Sire; I further say to thee; teach thy descendants to seek the golden mean; and say with Gellert〃The boy Fritz needs nothing; his stupidity will insure his success; Examine our wealthy and titled lords; what are their abilities and honours; then inquire how they were attained; and; if thou canst; discover in what true happiness consists。〃

Once more to my prison。  The failure of my escape; and the recovery of life from this state of despair; led me to moralise deeper than I had ever done before; and in this depth of thought I found unexpected consolation and fortitude; and a firm persuasion I yet should accomplish my deliverance。

Gelfhardt; my honest grenadier; had infused fresh hope; and my mind now busily began to meditate new plans。  A sentinel was placed before my door; that I might be more narrowly watched; and the married men of the Prussian states were appointed to this duty; who; as I will hereafter show; were more easy to persuade in aiding my flight than foreign fugitives。  The Pomeranian will listen; and is by nature kind; therefore may easily be moved; and induced to succour distress。

I began to be more accustomed to my irons; which I had before found so insupportable; I could comb out my long hair; and could tie it at last with one hand。  My beard; which had so long remained unshaven; gave me a grim appearance; and I began to pluck it up by the roots。 The pain at first was considerable; especially about the lips; but this also custom conquered; and I performed this operation in the following years; once in six weeks; or two months; as the hair thus plucked up required that length of time before the nails could again get hold。  Vermin did not molest me; the dampness of my den was inimical to them。  My limbs never swelled; because of the exercise I gave myself; as before described。  The greatest pain I found was in the continued unvivifying dimness in which I lived。

I had read much; had lived in; and seen much of the world。  Vacuity of thought; therefore; I was little troubled with; the former transactions of my life; and the remembrance of the persons I had known; I revolved so often in my mind; that they became as familiar and connected as if the events had each been written in the order it occurred。  Habit made this mental exercise so perfect to me; that I could compose speeches; fables; odes; satires; all of which I repeated aloud; and had so stored my memory with them that I was enabled; after I had obtained my freedom; to commit to writing two volumes of my prison labours。  Accustomed to this exercise; days that would otherwise have been days of misery appeared but as a moment。  The following narrative will show how munch esteem; how many friends; these compositions procured me; even in my dungeon; insomuch that I obtained light; paper; and finally freedom itself。 For these I have to thank the industrious acquirements of my youth; therefore do I counsel all my readers so to employ their time。 Riches; honours; the favours of fortune; may be showered by monarchs upon the most worthless; but monarchs can give and take; say and unsay; raise and pull down。  Monarchs; however; can neither give wisdom nor virtue。  Arbitrary power itself; in the presence of these; is foiled。

How wisely has Providence ordained that the endowments of industry; learning; and science; given by ourselves; cannot be taken from us; while; on the contrary; what others bestow is a fantastical dream; from which any accident may awaken us!  The wrath of Frederic could destroy legions; and defeat armies; but it could not take from me the sense of honour; of innocence; and their sweet concomitant; peace of mindcould not deprive me of fortitude and magnanimity。  I defied his power; rested on the justice of my cause; found in myself expedients wherewith to oppose him; was at length crowned with conquest; and came forth to the world the martyr of suffering virtue。

Some of my oppressors now rot in dishonourable graves。  Others; alas! in Vienna; remain immured in houses of correction; as Krugel and Zeto; or beg their bread; like Gravenitz and Doo。  Nor are the wealthy possessors of my estates more fortunate; but look down with shame wherever I and my children appear。  We stand erect; esteemed; and honoured; while their injustice is manifest to the whole world。

Young man; be industrious:  for without industry can none of the treasures I have described be purchased。  Thy labour will reward itself; then; when assaulted by misfortune; or even misery; learn of me and smile; or; shouldst thou escape such trials; still labour to acquire wisdom; that in old age thou mayest find content and happiness。

The years in my dungeon passed away as days; those moments excepted when; thinking on the great world; and the deeds of great men; my ambition was roused:  except when; contemplating the vileness of my chains; and the wretchedness of my situation; I laboured for liberty; and found my labours endless and ineffectual; except while I remembered the triumph of my enemies; and the splendour in which those lived by whom I had been plundered。  Then; indeed; did I experience intervals that approached madness; despair; and horror: beholding myself destitute of friend or protector; the Empress herself; for whose sake I suffered; deserting me; reflecting on past times and past prosperity; remembering how the good and virtuous; from the cruel nature of my punishment; must be obliged to conclude me a wretch and a villain; and that all means of justification were cut off:  O God!  How did my heart beat! with what violence!  What would I not have undertaken; in these suffering moments; to have put my enemies to shame!  Vengeance and rage then rose rebellious against patience; long…suffering philosophy vanished; and the poisoned cup of Socrates would have been the nectar of the gods。

Man deprived of hope is man destroyed。  I found but little probability in all my plans and projects; yet did I trust that some of them should succeed; yet did I confide in them and my honest Gelfhardt; and that I should still free myself from my chains。

The greatest of all my incitements to patient endurance was love。  I had left behind me; in Vienna; a lady for whom the world still was dear to me; her would I neither desert nor afflict。  To her and my sister was my existence still necessary。  For their sakes; who had lost and suffered so much for mine; would I preserve my life; for them no difficulty; no suffering was too great; yet; alas! when long…desired liberty was restored; I found them both in their graves。  The joy; for which I had borne so much; was no more to be tasted。

About three weeks after my attempt to escape; the good Gelfhardt first came to stand sentinel over me; and the sentinel they had so carefully set was indeed the only hope I could have of escape; for help must be had from without; or this was impossible。

The effort I had made had excited too munch surprise and alarm for me to pass without strict examination; since; on the ninth day after I was confined; I had; in eighteen hours; so far broken through a prison built purposely for myself; by a combination of so many projectors; and with such extreme precaution; that it had been universally declared impenetrable。

Gelfhardt scarcely had taken his post before we had free opportunity of conversing together; for; when I stood with one foot on my bedstead; I could reach the aperture through which light was admitted。

Gelfhardt described the situation of my dungeon; and our first plan was to break under the foundation which he had seen laid; and which he affirmed to be only two feet deep。

Money was the first thing necessary。  Gelfhardt was relieved during his guard; and returned bringing within him a sheet of paper rolled on a wire; which he passed through my grating; as he also did a piece of small wax candle; some burning amadone (a kind of tinder); a match; and a pen。  I now had light; and I pricked my finger; and wrote with my blood to my faithful friend; Captain Ruckhardt; at Vienna; described my situation in a few words; sent him an acquittance for three thousand florins on my revenues; and requested he would dispose of a thousand florins to defray the expenses of his journey to Gummern; only two miles from Magdeburg。  Here he was positively to be on the 15th of August。  About noon; on this same day; he was to walk with a letter in his hand; and a man was there to meet him; carrying a roll of smoking tobacco; to whom he must remit the two thousand florins; and return to Vienna。

I returned the written paper to Gelfhardt by the same means it had been received; gave him my instructions; and he sent his wife with it to Gummern; by whom it was safely put in the post。

My hopes daily rose; and as often as Gelfhardt mounted guard; so often did we continue our projects。  The 15th of August came; but it was some days before Gelfhardt was again on guard; and oh! how did my heart palpitate when he came and exclaimed; 〃All is right! we have succeeded。〃  He returned in the evening; and we

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