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a dream of armageddom-及6准

弌傍 a dream of armageddom 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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along the main roads察many gave themselves into the hands of the

soldiery and were sent northward。  Many of the men were impressed。 

But we kept away from these things察we had brought no money to

bribe a passage north察and I feared for my lady at the hands of

these conscript crowds。  We had landed at Salerno察and we had been

turned back from Cava察and we had tried to cross towards Taranto by

a pass over Mount Alburno察but we had been driven back for want of

food察and so we had come down among the marshes by Paestum察where

those great temples stand alone。  I had some vague idea that by

Paestum it might be possible to find a boat or something察and take

once more to sea。  And there it was the battle overtook us。

;A sort of soul´blindness had me。  Plainly I could see that we

were being hemmed in察that the great net of that giant Warfare had

us in its toils。  Many times we had seen the levies that had come

down from the north going to and fro察and had come upon them in the

distance amidst the mountains making ways for the ammunition and

preparing the mounting of the guns。  Once we fancied they had fired

at us察taking us for spiesat any rate a shot had gone shuddering

over us。  Several times we had hidden in woods from hovering


;But all these things do not matter now察these nights of

flight and pain 。 。 。  We were in an open place near those great

temples at Paestum察at last察on a blank stony place dotted with

spiky bushes察empty and desolate and so flat that a grove of

eucalyptus far away showed to the feet of its stems。  How I can see

it  My lady was sitting down under a bush resting a little察for

she was very weak and weary察and I was standing up watching to see

if I could tell the distance of the firing that came and went。 

They were still察you know察fighting far from each other察with those

terrible new weapons that had never before been used此guns that

would carry beyond sight察and aeroplanes that would doWhat they

would do no man could foretell。

;I knew that we were between the two armies察and that they

drew together。  I knew we were in danger察and that we could not

stop there and rest

;Though all these things were in my mind察they were in the

background。  They seemed to be affairs beyond our concern。 

Chiefly察I was thinking of my lady。  An aching distress filled me。 

For the first time she had owned herself beaten and had fallen

a´weeping。  Behind me I could hear her sobbing察but I would not

turn round to her because I knew she had need of weeping察and had

held herself so far and so long for me。  It was well察I thought

that she would weep and rest and then we would toil on again察for

I had no inkling of the thing that hung so near。  Even now I can

see her as she sat there察her lovely hair upon her shoulder察can

mark again the deepening hollow of her cheek。

;'If we had parted' she said察'if I had let you go。'

;'No' said I。' Even now察I do not repent。 I will not repent

I made my choice察and I will hold on to the end。'

;And then

;Overhead in the sky flashed something and burst察and all

about us I heard the bullets making a noise like a handful of peas

suddenly thrown。  They chipped the stones about us察and whirled

fragments from the bricks and passed 。 。 。 。;

He put his hand to his mouth察and then moistened his lips。  

;At the flash I had turned about 。 。 。

;You knowshe stood up

;She stood up察you know察and moved a step towards meas

though she wanted to reach me

;And she had been shot through the heart。;

He stopped and stared at me。  I felt all that foolish

incapacity an Englishman feels on such occasions。  I met his eyes

for a moment察and then stared out of the window。  For a long space

we kept silence。  When at last I looked at him he was sitting back

in his corner察his arms folded察and his teeth gnawing at his


He bit his nail suddenly察and stared at it。

;I carried her察─he said察 towards the temples察in my armsas

though it mattered。  I don't know why。  They seemed a sort of

sanctuary察you know察they had lasted so long察I suppose。

;She must have died almost instantly。  OnlyI talked to her

all the way。;

Silence again。

;I have seen those temples察─I said abruptly察and indeed he

had brought those still察sunlit arcades of worn sandstone very

vividly before me。

;It was the brown one察the big brown one。  I sat down on a

fallen pillar and held her in my arms 。 。 。 Silent after the first

babble was over。  And after a little while the lizards came out and

ran about again察as though nothing unusual was going on察as though

nothing had changed 。 。 。  It was tremendously still there察the sun

high and the shadows still察even the shadows of the weeds upon the

entablature were stillin spite of the thudding and banging that

went all about the sky。

;I seem to remember that the aeroplanes came up out of the

south察and that the battle went away to the west。  One aeroplane

was struck察and overset and fell。  I remember thatthough it

didn't interest me in the least。  It didn't seem to signify。  It

was like a wounded gull察you knowflapping for a time in the

water。  I could see it down the aisle of the templea black thing

in the bright blue water。

;Three or four times shells burst about the beach察and then

that ceased。  Each time that happened all the lizards scuttled in

and hid for a space。  That was all the mischief done察except that

once a stray bullet gashed the stone hard bymade just a fresh

bright surface。

;As the shadows grew longer察the stillness seemed greater。

;The curious thing察─he remarked察with the manner of a man who

makes a trivial conversation察 is that I didn't THINKat

all。  I sat with her in my arms amidst the stonesin a sort of


;And I don't remember waking up。  I don't remember dressing

that day。  I know I found myself in my office察with my letters all

slit open in front of me察and how I was struck by the absurdity of

being there察seeing that in reality I was sitting察stunned察in that

Paestum Temple with a dead woman in my arms。  I read my letters

like a machine。  I have forgotten what they were about。;

He stopped察and there was a long silence。

Suddenly I perceived that we were running down the incline

from Chalk Farm to Euston。  I started at this passing of time。  I

turned on him with a brutal question察with the tone of ;Now or


;And did you dream again拭


He seemed to force himself to finish。  His voice was very low。

;Once more察and as it were only for a few instants。  I seemed

to have suddenly awakened out of a great apathy察to have risen into

a sitting position察and the body lay there on the stones beside me。

A gaunt body。  Not her察you know。  So soonit was not her 。 。 。 。

;I may have heard voices。  I do not know。  Only I knew clearly

that men were coming into the solitude and that that was a last


;I stood up and walked through the temple察and then there came

into sightfirst one man with a yellow face察dressed in a uniform

of dirty white察trimmed with blue察and then several察climbing to

the crest of the old wall of the vanished city察and crouching

there。  They were little bright figures in the sunlight察and there

they hung察weapon in hand察peering cautiously before them。

;And further away I saw others and then more at another point

in the wall。  It was a long lax line of men in open order。

;Presently the man I had first seen stood up and shouted a

command察and his men came tumbling down the wall and into the high

weeds towards the temple。  He scrambled down with them and led

them。  He came facing towards me察and when he saw me he stopped。

;At first I had watched these men with a mere curiosity察but

when I had seen they meant to come to the temple I was moved to

forbid them。  I shouted to the officer。

;'You must not come here' I cried察'_I_ am here。  I am

here with my dead。'

;He stared察and then shouted a question back to me in some

unknown tongue。

;I repeated what I had said。

;He shouted again察and I folded my arms and stood still。 

Presently he spoke to his men and came forward。  He carried a drawn


;I signed to him to keep away察but he continued to advance。 

I told him again very patiently and clearly此'You must not come

here。  These are old temples and I am here with my dead。'

;Presently he was so close I could see his face clearly。  It

was a narrow face察with dull gray eyes察and a black moustache。  He

had a scar on his upper lip察and he was dirty and unshaven。  He

kept shouting unintelligible things察questions察perhaps察at me。

;I know now that he was afraid of me察but at the time that did

not occur to me。  As I tried to explain to him察he interrupted me

in imperious tones察bidding me察I suppose察stand aside。

;He made to go p

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