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the black tulip-第18节

小说: the black tulip 字数: 每页4000字

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however little benevolent the man had shown himself during 

their short interview。 

At the noise of Gryphus's fall; and at the cry which escaped 

him; a hasty step was heard on the staircase; and 

immediately after a lovely apparition presented itself to 

the eyes of Cornelius。 

It was the beautiful young Frisian; who; seeing her father 

stretched on the ground; and the prisoner bending over him; 

uttered a faint cry; as in the first fright she thought 

Gryphus; whose brutality she well knew; had fallen in 

consequence of a struggle between him and the prisoner。 

Cornelius understood what was passing in the mind of the 

girl; at the very moment when the suspicion arose in her 


But one moment told her the true state of the case and; 

ashamed of her first thoughts; she cast her beautiful eyes; 

wet with tears; on the young man; and said to him;  

〃I beg your pardon; and thank you; sir; the first for what I 

have thought; and the second for what you are doing。〃 

Cornelius blushed; and said; 〃I am but doing my duty as a 

Christian in helping my neighbour。〃 

〃Yes; and affording him your help this evening; you have 

forgotten the abuse which he heaped on you this morning。 Oh; 

sir! this is more than humanity;  this is indeed Christian 


Cornelius cast his eyes on the beautiful girl; quite 

astonished to hear from the mouth of one so humble such a 

noble and feeling speech。 

But he had no time to express his surprise。 Gryphus 

recovered from his swoon; opened his eyes; and as his 

brutality was returning with his senses; he growled 〃That's 

it; a fellow is in a hurry to bring to a prisoner his 

supper; and falls and breaks his arm; and is left lying on 

the ground。〃 

〃Hush; my father;〃 said Rosa; 〃you are unjust to this 

gentleman; whom I found endeavouring to give you his aid。〃 

〃His aid?〃 Gryphus replied; with a doubtful air。 

〃It is quite true; master! I am quite ready to help you 

still more。〃 

〃You!〃 said Gryphus; 〃are you a medical man?〃 

〃It was formerly my profession。〃 

〃And so you would be able to set my arm?〃 


〃And what would you need to do it? let us hear。〃 

〃Two splinters of wood; and some linen for a bandage。〃 

〃Do you hear; Rosa?〃 said Gryphus; 〃the prisoner is going to 

set my arm; that's a saving; come; assist me to get up; I 

feel as heavy as lead。〃 

Rosa lent the sufferer her shoulder; he put his unhurt arm 

around her neck; and making an effort; got on his legs; 

whilst Cornelius; to save him a walk; pushed a chair towards 


Gryphus sat down; then; turning towards his daughter; he 


〃Well; didn't you hear? go and fetch what is wanted。〃 

Rosa went down; and immediately after returned with two 

staves of a small barrel and a large roll of linen bandage。 

Cornelius had made use of the intervening moments to take 

off the man's coat; and to tuck up his shirt sleeve。 

〃Is this what you require; sir?〃 asked Rosa。 

〃Yes; mademoiselle;〃 answered Cornelius; looking at the 

things she had brought;  〃yes; that's right。 Now push this 

table; whilst I support the arm of your father。〃 

Rosa pushed the table; Cornelius placed the broken arm on it 

so as to make it flat; and with perfect skill set the bone; 

adjusted the splinters; and fastened the bandages。 

At the last touch; the jailer fainted a second time。 

〃Go and fetch vinegar; mademoiselle;〃 said Cornelius; 〃we 

will bathe his temples; and he will recover。〃 

But; instead of acting up to the doctor's prescription; 

Rosa; after having satisfied herself that her father was 

still unconscious; approached Cornelius and said;  

〃Service for service; sir。〃 

〃What do you mean; my pretty child?〃 said Cornelius。 

〃I mean to say; sir; that the judge who is to examine you 

to…morrow has inquired to…day for the room in which you are 

confined; and; on being told that you are occupying the cell 

of Mynheer Cornelius de Witt; laughed in a very strange and 

very disagreeable manner; which makes me fear that no good 

awaits you。〃 

〃But;〃 asked Cornelius; 〃what harm can they do to me?〃 

〃Look at that gibbet。〃 

〃But I am not guilty;〃 said Cornelius。 

〃Were they guilty whom you see down there gibbeted; mangled; 

and torn to pieces?〃 

〃That's true;〃 said Cornelius; gravely。 

〃And besides;〃 continued Rosa; 〃the people want to find you 

guilty。 But whether innocent or guilty; your trial begins 

to…morrow; and the day after you will be condemned。 Matters 

are settled very quickly in these times。〃 

〃Well; and what do you conclude from all this?〃 

〃I conclude that I am alone; that I am weak; that my father 

is lying in a swoon; that the dog is muzzled; and that 

consequently there is nothing to prevent your making your 

escape。 Fly; then; that's what I mean。〃 

〃What do you say?〃 

〃I say that I was not able to save Mynheer Cornelius or 

Mynheer John de Witt; and that I should like to save you。 

Only be quick; there; my father is regaining his breath; one 

minute more; and he will open his eyes; and it will be too 

late。 Do you hesitate?〃 

In fact; Cornelius stood immovable; looking at Rosa; yet 

looking at her as if he did not hear her。 

〃Don't you understand me?〃 said the young girl; with some 


〃Yes; I do;〃 said Cornelius; 〃but  〃 


〃I will not; they would accuse you。〃 

〃Never mind;〃 said Rosa; blushing; 〃never mind that。〃 

〃You are very good; my dear child;〃 replied Cornelius; 〃but 

I stay。〃 

〃You stay; oh; sir! oh; sir! don't you understand that you 

will be condemned to death; executed on the scaffold; 

perhaps assassinated and torn to pieces; just like Mynheer 

John and Mynheer Cornelius。 For heaven's sake; don't think 

of me; but fly from this place; Take care; it bears ill luck 

to the De Witts!〃 

〃Halloa!〃 cried the jailer; recovering his senses; 〃who is 

talking of those rogues; those wretches; those villains; the 

De Witts?〃 

〃Don't be angry; my good man;〃 said Cornelius; with his 

good…tempered smile; 〃the worst thing for a fracture is 

excitement; by which the blood is heated。〃 

Thereupon; he said in an undertone to Rosa  

〃My child; I am innocent; and I shall await my trial with 

tranquillity and an easy mind。〃 

〃Hush;〃 said Rosa。 

〃Why hush?〃 

〃My father must not suppose that we have been talking to 

each other。〃 

〃What harm would that do?〃 

〃What harm? He would never allow me to come here any more;〃 

said Rosa。 

Cornelius received this innocent confidence with a smile; he 

felt as if a ray of good fortune were shining on his path。 

〃Now; then; what are you chattering there together about?〃 

said Gryphus; rising and supporting his right arm with his 


〃Nothing;〃 said Rosa; 〃the doctor is explaining to me what 

diet you are to keep。〃 

〃Diet; diet for me? Well; my fine girl; I shall put you on 

diet too。〃 

〃On what diet; my father?〃 

〃Never to go to the cells of the prisoners; and; if ever you 

should happen to go; to leave them as soon as possible。 

Come; off with me; lead the way; and be quick。〃 

Rosa and Cornelius exchanged glances。 

That of Rosa tried to express;  

〃There; you see?〃 

That of Cornelius said;  

〃Let it be as the Lord wills。〃 

Chapter 11

Cornelius van Baerle's Will

Rosa had not been mistaken; the judges came on the following 

day to the Buytenhof; and proceeded with the trial of 

Cornelius van Baerle。 The examination; however; did not last 

long; it having appeared on evidence that Cornelius had kept 

at his house that fatal correspondence of the brothers De 

Witt with France。 

He did not deny it。 

The only point about which there seemed any difficulty was 

whether this correspondence had been intrusted to him by his 

godfather; Cornelius de Witt。 

But as; since the death of those two martyrs; Van Baerle had 

no longer any reason for withholding the truth; he not only 

did not deny that the parcel had been delivered to him by 

Cornelius de Witt himself; but he also stated all the 

circumstances under which it was done。 

This confession involved the godson in the crime of the 

godfather; manifest complicity being considered to exist 

between Cornelius de Witt and Cornelius van Baerle。 

The honest doctor did not confine himself to this avowal; 

but told the whole truth with regard to his own tastes; 

habits; and daily life。 He described his indifference to 

politics; his love of study; of the fine arts; of science; 

and of flowers。 He explained that; since the day when 

Cornelius de Witt handed to him the parcel at Dort; he 

himself had never touched; nor even notice

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