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in the cage-第9节

小说: in the cage 字数: 每页4000字

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easier; smoother; sociably brighter; slightly more picturesque; in

short more propitious in general to his little affairs; than any

other establishment just thereabouts。  She was quite aware that

they couldn't be; in so huddled a hole; particularly quick; but she

found her account in the slownessshe certainly could bear it if

HE could。  The great pang was that just thereabouts post…offices

were so awfully thick。  She was always seeing him in imagination in

other places and with other girls。  But she would defy any other

girl to follow him as she followed。  And though they weren't; for

so many reasons; quick at Cocker's; she could hurry for him when;

through an intimation light as air; she gathered that he was


When hurry was; better still; impossible; it was because of the

pleasantest thing of all; the particular element of their contact

she would have called it their friendshipthat consisted of an

almost humorous treatment of the look of some of his words。  They

would never perhaps have grown half so intimate if he had not; by

the blessing of heaven; formed some of his letters with a

queerness!  It was positive that the queerness could scarce have

been greater if he had practised it for the very purpose of

bringing their heads together over it as far as was possible to

heads on different sides of a wire fence。  It had taken her truly

but once or twice to master these tricks; but; at the cost of

striking him perhaps as stupid; she could still challenge them when

circumstances favoured。  The great circumstance that favoured was

that she sometimes actually believed he knew she only feigned

perplexity。  If he knew it therefore he tolerated it; if he

tolerated it he came back; and if he came back he liked her。  This

was her seventh heaven; and she didn't ask much of his likingshe

only asked of it to reach the point of his not going away because

of her own。  He had at times to be away for weeks; he had to lead

lets life; he had to travelthere were places to which he was

constantly wiring for 〃rooms〃:  all this she granted him; forgave

him; in fact; in the long run; literally blessed and thanked him

for。  If he had to lead his life; that precisely fostered his

leading it so much by telegraph:  therefore the benediction was to

come in when he could。  That was all she askedthat he shouldn't

wholly deprive her。

Sometimes she almost felt that he couldn't have deprived her even

had he been minded; by reason of the web of revelation that was

woven between them。  She quite thrilled herself with thinking what;

with such a lot of material; a bad girl would do。  It would be a

scene better than many in her ha'penny novels; this going to him in

the dusk of evening at Park Chambers and letting him at last have

it。  〃I know too much about a certain person now not to put it to

youexcuse my being so luridthat it's quite worth your while to

buy me off。  Come; therefore; buy me!〃  There was a point indeed at

which such flights had to drop againthe point of an unreadiness

to name; when it came to that; the purchasing medium。  It wouldn't

certainly be anything so gross as money; and the matter accordingly

remained rather vague; all the more that SHE was not a bad girl。

It wasn't for any such reason as might have aggravated a mere minx

that she often hoped he would again bring Cissy。  The difficulty of

this; however; was constantly present to her; for the kind of

communion to which Cocker's so richly ministered rested on the fact

that Cissy and he were so often in different places。  She knew by

this time all the placesSuchbury; Monkhouse; Whiteroy; Finches

and even how the parties on these occasions were composed; but her

subtlety found ways to make her knowledge fairly protect and

promote their keeping; as she had heard Mrs。 Jordan say; in touch。

So; when he actually sometimes smiled as if he really felt the

awkwardness of giving her again one of the same old addresses; all

her being went out in the desirewhich her face must have

expressedthat he should recognise her forbearance to criticise as

one of the finest tenderest sacrifices a woman had ever made for



She was occasionally worried; however this might be; by the

impression that these sacrifices; great as they were; were nothing

to those that his own passion had imposed; if indeed it was not

rather the passion of his confederate; which had caught him up and

was whirling him round like a great steam…wheel。  He was at any

rate in the strong grip of a dizzy splendid fate; the wild wind of

his life blew him straight before it。  Didn't she catch in his face

at times; even through his smile and his happy habit; the gleam of

that pale glare with which a bewildered victim appeals; as he

passes; to some pair of pitying eyes?  He perhaps didn't even

himself know how scared he was; but SHE knew。  They were in danger;

they were in danger; Captain Everard and Lady Bradeen:  it beat

every novel in the shop。  She thought of Mr。 Mudge and his safe

sentiment; she thought of herself and blushed even more for her

tepid response to it。  It was a comfort to her at such moments to

feel that in another relationa relation supplying that affinity

with her nature that Mr。 Mudge; deluded creature; would never

supplyshe should have been no more tepid than her ladyship。  Her

deepest soundings were on two or three occasions of finding herself

almost sure that; if she dared; her ladyship's lover would have

gathered relief from 〃speaking〃 to her。  She literally fancied once

or twice that; projected as he was toward his doom; her own eyes

struck him; while the air roared in his ears; as the one pitying

pair in the crowd。  But how could he speak to her while she sat

sandwiched there between the counter…clerk and the sounder?

She had long ago; in her comings and goings made acquaintance with

Park Chambers and reflected as she looked up at their luxurious

front that they of course would supply the ideal setting for the

ideal speech。  There was not an object in London that; before the

season was over; was more stamped upon her brain。  She went

roundabout to pass it; for it was not on the short way; she passed

on the opposite side of the street and always looked up; though it

had taken her a long time to be sure of the particular set of

windows。  She had made that out finally by an act of audacity that

at the time had almost stopped her heart…beats and that in

retrospect greatly quickened her blushes。  One evening she had

lingered late and watchedwatched for some moment when the porter;

who was in uniform and often on the steps; had gone in with a

visitor。  Then she followed boldly; on the calculation that he

would have taken the visitor up and that the hall would be free。

The hall WAS free; and the electric light played over the gilded

and lettered board that showed the names and numbers of the

occupants of the different floors。  What she wanted looked straight

at herCaptain Everard was on the third。  It was as if; in the

immense intimacy of this; they were; for the instant and the first

time; face to face outside the cage。  Alas! they were face to face

but a second or two:  she was whirled out on the wings of a panic

fear that he might just then be entering or issuing。  This fear was

indeed; in her shameless deflexions; never very far from her; and

was mixed in the oddest way with depressions and disappointments。

It was dreadful; as she trembled by; to run the risk of looking to

him as if she basely hung about; and yet it was dreadful to be

obliged to pass only at such moments as put an encounter out of the


At the horrible hour of her first coming to Cocker's he was always…

…it was to be hopedsnug in bed; and at the hour of her final

departure he was of courseshe had such things all on her

fingers'…endsdressing for dinner。  We may let it pass that if she

couldn't bring herself to hover till he was dressed; this was

simply because such a process for such a person could only be

terribly prolonged。  When she went in the middle of the day to her

own dinner she had too little time to do anything but go straight;

though it must be added that for a real certainty she would

joyously have omitted the repast。  She had made up her mind as to

there being on the whole no decent pretext to justify her flitting

casually past at three o'clock in the morning。  That was the hour

at which; if the ha'penny novels were not all wrong; he probably

came home for the night。  She was therefore reduced to the vainest

figuration of the miraculous meeting toward which a hundred

impossibilities would have to conspire。  But if nothing was more

impossible than the fact; nothing was more intense than the vision。

What may not; we can only moralise; take place in the quickened

muffled perception of a young person with an ardent soul?  All our

humble friend's native distinction; her refinemen

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