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in the cage-第5节

小说: in the cage 字数: 每页4000字

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clear。  On the clearness therefore what she did retain stood

sharply out; she nipped and caught it; turned it over and interwove



She met Mrs。 Jordan when she could; and learned from her more and

more how the great people; under her gentle shake and after going

through everything with the mere shops; were waking up to the gain

of putting into the hands of a person of real refinement the

question that the shop…people spoke of so vulgarly as that of the

floral decorations。  The regular dealers in these decorations were

all very well; but there was a peculiar magic in the play of taste

of a lady who had only to remember; through whatever intervening

dusk; all her own little tables; little bowls and little jars and

little other arrangements; and the wonderful thing she had made of

the garden of the vicarage。  This small domain; which her young

friend had never seen; bloomed in Mrs。 Jordan's discourse like a

new Eden; and she converted the past into a bank of violets by the

tone in which she said 〃Of course you always knew my one passion!〃

She obviously met now; at any rate; a big contemporary need;

measured what it was rapidly becoming for people to feel they could

trust her without a tremor。  It brought them a peace thatduring

the quarter of an hour before dinner in especialwas worth more to

them than mere payment could express。  Mere payment; none the less;

was tolerably prompt; she engaged by the month; taking over the

whole thing; and there was an evening on which; in respect to our

heroine; she at last returned to the charge。  〃It's growing and

growing; and I see that I must really divide the work。  One wants

an associateof one's own kind; don't you know?  You know the look

they want it all to have?of having come; not from a florist; but

from one of themselves。  Well; I'm sure YOU could give itbecause

you ARE one。  Then we SHOULD win。  Therefore just come in with me。〃

〃And leave the P。O。?〃

〃Let the P。O。 simply bring you your letters。  It would bring you

lots; you'd see:  orders; after a bit; by the score。〃  It was on

this; in due course; that the great advantage again came up:  〃One

seems to live again with one's own people。〃  It had taken some

little time (after their having parted company in the tempest of

their troubles and then; in the glimmering dawn; finally sighted

each other again) for each to admit that the other was; in her

private circle; her only equal; but the admission came; when it did

come; with an honest groan; and since equality was named; each

found much personal profit in exaggerating the other's original

grandeur。  Mrs。 Jordan was ten years the older; but her young

friend was struck with the smaller difference this now made:  it

had counted otherwise at the time when; much more as a friend of

her mother's; the bereaved lady; without a penny of provision and

with stopgaps; like their own; all gone; had; across the sordid

landing on which the opposite doors of the pair of scared miseries

opened and to which they were bewilderedly bolted; borrowed coals

and umbrellas that were repaid in potatoes and postage…stamps。  It

had been a questionable help; at that time; to ladies submerged;

floundering; panting; swimming for their lives; that they were

ladies; but such an advantage could come up again in proportion as

others vanished; and it had grown very great by the time it was the

only ghost of one they possessed。  They had literally watched it

take to itself a portion of the substance of each that had

departed; and it became prodigious now; when they could talk of it

together; when they could look back at it across a desert of

accepted derogation; and when; above all; they could together work

up a credulity about it that neither could otherwise work up。

Nothing was really so marked as that they felt the need to

cultivate this legend much more after having found their feet and

stayed their stomachs in the ultimate obscure than they had done in

the upper air of mere frequent shocks。  The thing they could now

oftenest say to each other was that they knew what they meant; and

the sentiment with which; all round; they knew it was known had

well…nigh amounted to a promise not again to fall apart。

Mrs。 Jordan was at present fairly dazzling on the subject of the

way that; in the practice of her fairy art; as she called it; she

more than peeped inshe penetrated。  There was not a house of the

great kindand it was of course only a question of those; real

homes of luxuryin which she was not; at the rate such people now

had things; all over the place。  The girl felt before the picture

the cold breath of disinheritance as much as she had ever felt it

in the cage; she knew moreover how much she betrayed this; for the

experience of poverty had begun; in her life; too early; and her

ignorance of the requirements of homes of luxury had grown; with

other active knowledge; a depth of simplification。  She had

accordingly at first often found that in these colloquies she could

only pretend she understood。  Educated as she had rapidly been by

her chances at Cocker's; there were still strange gaps in her

learningshe could never; like Mrs。 Jordan; have found her way

about one of the 〃homes。〃  Little by little; however; she had

caught on; above all in the light of what Mrs。 Jordan's redemption

had materially made of that lady; giving her; though the years and

the struggles had naturally not straightened a feature; an almost

super…eminent air。  There were women in and out of Cocker's who

were quite nice and who yet didn't look well; whereas Mrs。 Jordan

looked well and yet; with her extraordinarily protrusive teeth; was

by no means quite nice。  It would seem; mystifyingly; that it might

really come from all the greatness she could live with。  It was

fine to hear her talk so often of dinners of twenty and of her

doing; as she said; exactly as she liked with them。  She spoke as

if; for that matter; she invited the company。  〃They simply give me

the tableall the rest; all the other effects; come afterwards。〃


〃Then you DO see them?〃 the girl again asked。

Mrs。 Jordan hesitated; and indeed the point had been ambiguous

before。  〃Do you mean the guests?〃

Her young friend; cautious about an undue exposure of innocence;

was not quite sure。  〃Wellthe people who live there。〃

〃Lady Ventnor?  Mrs。 Bubb?  Lord Rye?  Dear; yes。  Why they LIKE


〃But does one personally KNOW them?〃 our young lady went on; since

that was the way to speak。  〃I mean socially; don't you know?as

you know ME。〃

〃They're not so nice as you!〃 Mrs。 Jordan charmingly cried。  〃But I

SHALL see more and more of them。〃

Ah this was the old story。  〃But how soon?〃

〃Why almost any day。  Of course;〃 Mrs。 Jordan honestly added;

〃they're nearly always out。〃

〃Then why do they want flowers all over?〃

〃Oh that doesn't make any difference。〃  Mrs。 Jordan was not

philosophic; she was just evidently determined it SHOULDN'T make

any。  〃They're awfully interested in my ideas; and it's inevitable

they should meet me over them。〃

Her interlocutress was sturdy enough。  〃What do you call your


Mrs。 Jordan's reply was fine。  〃If you were to see me some day with

a thousand tulips you'd discover。〃

〃A thousand?〃the girl gaped at such a revelation of the scale of

it; she felt for the instant fairly planted out。  〃Well; but if in

fact they never do meet you?〃 she none the less pessimistically


〃Never?  They OFTEN doand evidently quite on purpose。  We have

grand long talks。〃

There was something in our young lady that could still stay her

from asking for a personal description of these apparitions; that

showed too starved a state。  But while she considered she took in

afresh the whole of the clergyman's widow。  Mrs。 Jordan couldn't

help her teeth; and her sleeves were a distinct rise in the world。

A thousand tulips at a shilling clearly took one further than a

thousand words at a penny; and the betrothed of Mr。 Mudge; in whom

the sense of the race for life was always acute; found herself

wondering; with a twinge of her easy jealousy; if it mightn't after

all then; for HER also; be betterbetter than where she wasto

follow some such scent。  Where she was was where Mr。 Buckton's

elbow could freely enter her right side and the counter…clerk's

breathinghe had something the matter with his nosepervade her

left ear。  It was something to fill an office under Government; and

she knew but too well there were places commoner still than

Cocker's; but it needed no great range of taste to bring home to

her the picture of servitude and promiscuity she couldn't but offer

to the eye of comparative freedom。  She was so boxed up with her

young men; and anything like a margin so absent; that it needed

more art than she should ever possess to pretend in the l

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