in the cage-第17节
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something of a desire not so much to be helped as to be treated
rather more nicely than she had treated him the other time。 Yes;
he considered quite probably that he had help rather to offer than
to ask for。 Still; none the less; when he again saw her free he
continued to keep away from her; when he came back with his thumbed
Guide it was Mr。 Buckton he caughtit was from Mr。 Buckton he
obtained half…a…crown's…worth of stamps。
After asking for the stamps he asked; quite as a second thought;
for a postal…order for ten shillings。 What did he want with so
many stamps when he wrote so few letters? How could he enclose a
postal…order in a telegram? She expected him; the next thing; to
go into the corner and make up one of his telegramshalf a dozen
of themon purpose to prolong his presence。 She had so completely
stopped looking at him that she could only guess his movements
guess even where his eyes rested。 Finally she saw him make a dash
that might have been toward the nook where the forms were hung; and
at this she suddenly felt that she couldn't keep it up。 The
counter…clerk had just taken a telegram from a slavey; and; to give
herself something to cover her; she snatched it out of his hand。
The gesture was so violent that he gave her in return an odd look;
and she also perceived that Mr。 Buckton noticed it。 The latter
personage; with a quick stare at her; appeared for an instant to
wonder whether his snatching it in HIS turn mightn't be the thing
she would least like; and she anticipated this practical criticism
by the frankest glare she had ever given him。 It sufficed: this
time it paralysed him; and she sought with her trophy the refuge of
the sounder。
It was repeated the next day; it went on for three days; and at the
end of that time she knew what to think。 When; at the beginning;
she had emerged from her temporary shelter Captain Everard had
quitted the shop; and he had not come again that evening; as it had
struck her he possibly mightmight all the more easily that there
were numberless persons who came; morning and afternoon; numberless
times; so that he wouldn't necessarily have attracted attention。
The second day it was different and yet on the whole worse。 His
access to her had become possibleshe felt herself even reaping
the fruit of her yesterday's glare at Mr。 Buckton; but transacting
his business with him didn't simplifyit could; in spite of the
rigour of circumstance; feed so her new conviction。 The rigour was
tremendous; and his telegramsnot now mere pretexts for getting at
herwere apparently genuine; yet the conviction had taken but a
night to develop。 It could be simply enough expressed; she had had
the glimmer of it the day before in her idea that he needed no more
help than she had already given; that it was help he himself was
prepared to render。 He had come up to town but for three or four
days; he had been absolutely obliged to be absent after the other
time; yet he would; now that he was face to face with her; stay on
as much longer as she liked。 Little by little it was thus
clarified; though from the first flash of his re…appearance she had
read into it the real essence。
That was what the night before; at eight o'clock; her hour to go;
had made her hang back and dawdle。 She did last things or
pretended to do them; to be in the cage had suddenly become her
safety; and she was literally afraid of the alternate self who
might be waiting outside。 HE might be waiting; it was he who was
her alternate self; and of him she was afraid。 The most
extraordinary change had taken place in her from the moment of her
catching the impression he seemed to have returned on purpose to
give her。 Just before she had done so; on that bewitched
afternoon; she had seen herself approach without a scruple the
porter at Park Chambers; then as the effect of the rush of a
consciousness quite altered she had on at last quitting Cocker's;
gone straight home for the first time since her return from
Bournemouth。 She had passed his door every night for weeks; but
nothing would have induced her to pass it now。 This change was the
tribute of her fearthe result of a change in himself as to which
she needed no more explanation than his mere face vividly gave her;
strange though it was to find an element of deterrence in the
object that she regarded as the most beautiful in the world。 He
had taken it from her in the Park that night that she wanted him
not to propose to her to sup; but he had put away the lesson by
this timehe practically proposed supper every time he looked at
her。 This was what; for that matter; mainly filled the three days。
He came in twice on each of these; and it was as if he came in to
give her a chance to relent。 That was after all; she said to
herself in the intervals; the most that he did。 There were ways;
she fully recognised; in which he spared her; and other particular
ways as to which she meant that her silence should be full to him
of exquisite pleading。 The most particular of all was his not
being outside; at the corner; when she quitted the place for the
night。 This he might so easily have beenso easily if he hadn't
been so nice。 She continued to recognise in his forbearance the
fruit of her dumb supplication; and the only compensation he found
for it was the harmless freedom of being able to appear to say:
〃Yes; I'm in town only for three or four days; but; you know; I
WOULD stay on。〃 He struck her as calling attention each day; each
hour; to the rapid ebb of time; he exaggerated to the point of
putting it that there were only two days more; that there was at
last; dreadfully; only one。
There were other things still that he struck her as doing with a
special intention; as to the most marked of whichunless indeed it
were the most obscureshe might well have marvelled that it didn't
seem to her more horrid。 It was either the frenzy of her
imagination or the disorder of his baffled passion that gave her
once or twice the vision of his putting down redundant money
sovereigns not concerned with the little payments he was
perpetually makingso that she might give him some sign of helping
him to slip them over to her。 What was most extraordinary in this
impression was the amount of excuse that; with some incoherence;
she found for him。 He wanted to pay her because there was nothing
to pay her for。 He wanted to offer her things he knew she wouldn't
take。 He wanted to show her how much he respected her by giving
her the supreme chance to show HIM she was respectable。 Over the
dryest transactions; at any rate; their eyes had out these
questions。 On the third day he put in a telegram that had
evidently something of the same point as the stray sovereignsa
message that was in the first place concocted and that on a second
thought he took back from her before she had stamped it。 He had
given her time to read it and had only then bethought himself that
he had better not send it。 If it was not to Lady Bradeen at
Twindlewhere she knew her ladyship then to bethis was because
an address to Doctor Buzzard at Brickwood was just as good; with
the added merit of its not giving away quite so much a person whom
he had still; after all; in a manner to consider。 It was of course
most complicated; only half lighted; but there was; discernibly
enough; a scheme of communication in which Lady Bradeen at Twindle
and Dr。 Buzzard at Brickwood were; within limits; one and the same
person。 The words he had shown her and then taken back consisted;
at all events; of the brief but vivid phrase 〃Absolutely
impossible。〃 The point was not that she should transmit it; the
point was just that she should see it。 What was absolutely
impossible was that before he had setted something at Cocker's he
should go either to Twindle or to Brickwood。
The logic of this; in turn; for herself; was that she could lend
herself to no settlement so long as she so intensely knew。 What
she knew was that he was; almost under peril of life; clenched in a
situation: therefore how could she also know where a poor girl in
the P。O。 might really stand? It was more and more between them
that if he might convey to her he was free; with all the impossible
locked away into a closed chapter; her own case might become
different for her; she might understand and meet him and listen。
But he could convey nothing of the sort; and he only fidgeted and
floundered in his want of power。 The chapter wasn't in the least
closed; not for the other party; and the other party had a pull;
somehow and somewhere: this his whole attitude and expression
confessed; at the same time that they entreated her not to remember
and not to mind。 So long as she did remember and did mind he could
only circle about and go and come; doing futile things of which he
was ashamed。 He was ashamed of his two words to Dr。 Buzza