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40-the blue mountains-第2节

小说: 40-the blue mountains 字数: 每页4000字

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Irishman's coat without his noticing it; whereupon he fell sound


Before long the Princess came with the carriage and four horses;

and asked the lad whether his master was awake。  He said that he

wasn't。  'It is bad for him;' said she; 'when the night is not

long enough for him to sleep。  Tell him that if he doesn't meet

me at this time to…morrow it is not likely that he will ever see

me again all his life。'

As soon as she was gone the lad took the pin out of  his master's

coat; who instantly awoke。  The first word he said to the lad

was; 'Have you seen her?'

'Yes;' said he; 'and she bade me tell you that if you don't meet

her at nine o'clock to…morrow you will never see her again。'

He was very sorry when he heard this; and could not understand

why the sleep should have fallen upon him just when she was

coming。  He decided; however; to go early to bed that night; in

order to rise in time nest morning; and so he did。  When it was

getting near nine o'clock he went out to the garden to wait till

she came; and the fair…haired lad along with him; but as soon as

the lad got the chance he stuck the pin into his master's coat

again and he fell asleep as before。  Precisely at nine o'clock

came the Princess in the carriage with four horses; and asked the

lad if his master had got up yet; but he said 'No; he was asleep;

just as he was the day before。'  'Dear!  dear!' said the

Princess; 'I am sorry for him。  Was the sleep he had last night

not enough for him?  Tell him that he will never see me here

again; and here is a sword that you will give him in my name; and

my blessing along with it。'

With this she went off; and as soon as she had gone the lad took

the pin out of his master's coat。  He awoke instantly; and the

first word he said was; 'Have you seen her?' The lad said that he

had; and there was the sword she had left for him。  The Irishman

was ready to kill the lad out of sheer vexation; but when he gave

a glance over his shoulder not a trace of the fair…haired lad was


Being thus left all alone; he thought of going into the room

where all the men were lying asleep; and there among the rest he

found his two comrades who had deserted along with him。  Then he

remembered what the Princess had told himthat he had only to

touch them with the rod she had given him and they would all

awake; and the first he touched were his own comrades。  They

started to their feet at once; and he gave them as much silver

and gold as they could carry when they went away。  There was

plenty to do before he got all the others wakened; for the two

doors of the castle were crowded with them all the day long。

The loss of the Princess; however; kept rankling in his mind day

and night; till finally he thought he would go about the world to

see if he could find anyone to give him news of her。  So he took

the best horse in the stable and set out。  Three years he spent

travelling through forests and wildernesses; but could find no

one able to tell him anything of the Princess。  At last he fell

into so great despair that he thought he would put an end to his

own life; and for this purpose laid hold of the sword that she

had given him by the hands of the fair…haired lad; but on drawing

it from its sheath he noticed that there was some writing on one

side of the blade。  He looked at this; and read there; 'You will

find me in the Blue Mountains。'  This made him take heart again;

and he gave up the idea of killing himself; thinking that he

would go on in hope of meeting some one who could tell him where

the Blue Mountains were。  After he had gone a long way without

thinking where he was going; he saw at last a light far away; and

made straight for it。  On reaching it he found it came from a

little house; and as soon as the man inside heard the noise of

the horse's feet he came out to see who was there。  Seeing a

stranger on horseback; he asked what brought him there and where

he was going。

'I have lived here;' said he; 'for three hundred years; and all

that time I have not seen a single human being but yourself。'

'I have been going about for the last three years;' said the

Irishman; 'to see if I could find anyone who can tell me where

the Blue Mountains are。'

'Come in;' said the old man; 'and stay with me all night。  I have

a book which contains the history of the world; which I shall go

through to…night; and if there is such a place as the Blue

Mountains in it we shall find it out。'

The Irishman stayed there all night; and as soon as morning came

rose to go。  The old man said he had not gone to sleep all night

for going through the book; but there was not a word about the

Blue Mountains in it。  'But I'll tell you what;' he said; 'if

there is such a place on earth at all; I have a brother who lives

nine hundred miles from here; and he is sure to know where they

are; if anyone in this world does。'  The Irishman answered that

he could never go these nine hundred miles; for his horse was

giving in already。  'That doesn't matter;' said the old man; 'I

can do better than that。  I have only to blow my whistle and you

will be at my brother's house before nightfall。'

So he blew the whistle; and the Irishman did not know where on

earth he was until he found himself at the other old man's door;

who also told him that it was three hundred years since he had

seen anyone; and asked him where he was going。

'I am going to see if I can find anyone that can tell me where

the Blue Mountains are;' he said。

'If you will stay with me to…night;' said the old man; 'I have a

book of the history of the world; and I shall know where they are

before daylight; if there is such a place in it at all。'

He stayed there all night; but there was not a word in the book

about the Blue Mountains。  Seeing that he was rather cast down;

the old man told him that he had a brother nine hundred miles

away; and that if information could be got about them from anyone

it would be from him; 'and I will enable you;' he said; 'to reach

the place where he lives before night。'  So he blew his whistle;

and the Irishman landed at the brother's house before nightfall。 

When the old man saw him he said he had not seen a single man for

three hundred years; and was very much surprised to see anyone

come to him now。

'Where are you going to?' he said。

'I am going about asking for the Blue Mountains;' said the


'The Blue Mountains?' said the old man。

'Yes;' said the Irishman。

'I never heard the name before; but if they do exist I shall find

them out。  I am master of all the birds in the world; and have

only to blow my whistle and every one will come to me。  I shall

then ask each of them to tell where it came from; and if there is

any way of finding out the Blue Mountains that is it。'

So he blew his whistle; and when he blew it then all the birds of

the world began to gather。  The old man questioned each of them

as to where they had come from; but there was not one of them

that had come from the Blue Mountains。  After he had run over

them all; however; he missed a big Eagle that was wanting; and

wondered that it had not come。  Soon afterwards he saw something

big coming towards him; darkening the sky。  It kept coming nearer

and growing bigger; and what was this after all but the Eagle? 

When she arrived the old man scolded her; and asked what had kept

her so long behind。

'I couldn't help it;' she said; 'I had more than twenty times

further to come than any bird that has come here to…day。'

'Where have you come from; then?' said the old man。

'From the Blue Mountains;' said she。

'Indeed!' said the old man; and what are they doing there?'

'They are making ready this very day;' said the Eagle; 'for the

marriage of the daughter of the King of the Blue Mountains。  For

three years now she has refused to marry anyone whatsoever; until

she should give up all hope of the coming of the man who released

her from the spell。  Now she can wait no longer; for three years

is the time that she agreed with her father to remain without


The Irishman knew that it was for himself she had been waiting so

long; but he was unable to make any better of it; for he had no

hope of reaching the Blue Mountains all his life。  The old man

noticed how sad he grew; and asked the Eagle what she would take

for carrying this man on her back to the Blue Mountains。

'I must have threescore cattle killed;' said she; 'and cut up

into quarters; and every time I look over my shoulder he must

throw one of them into my mouth。'

As soon as the Irishman and the old man heard her demand they

went out hunting; and before evening they had killed three…score

cattle。  They made quarters of them; as the Eagle told them; and

then the old man asked her to lie down; till they would get it

all heaped up on her back。  F

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