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the witch and other stories-第5节

小说: the witch and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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instinctively looked upwards; as though the voice had soared to
heaven itself。

Varvara came out of the house; and screening her eyes with her
hand; as though from the sun; she looked towards the church。

〃It's the priest's sons with the schoolmaster;〃 she said。

Again all the three voices began to sing together。 Matvey Savitch
sighed and went on:

〃Well; that's how it was; old man。 Two years later we got a
letter from Vasya from Warsaw。 He wrote that he was being sent
home sick。 He was ill。 By that time I had put all that
foolishness out of my head; and I had a fine match picked out all
ready for me; only I didn't know how to break it off with my
sweetheart。 Every day I'd make up my mind to have it out with
Mashenka; but I didn't know how to approach her so as not to have
a woman's screeching about my ears。 The letter freed my hands。 I
read it through with Mashenka; she turned white as a sheet; while
I said to her: 'Thank God; now;' says I; 'you'll be a married
woman again。' But says she: 'I'm not going to live with him。'
'Why; isn't he your husband?' said I。 'Is it an easy thing? 。 。 。
I never loved him and I married him not of my own free will。 My
mother made me。' 'Don't try to get out of it; silly;' said I;
'but tell me this: were you married to him in church or not?' 'I
was married;' she said; 'but it's you that I love; and I will
stay with you to the day of my death。 Folks may jeer。 I don't
care。 。 。 。' 'You're a Christian woman;' said I; 'and have read
the Scriptures; what is written there?'

〃Once married; with her husband she must live;〃 said Dyudya。

〃 'Man and wife are one flesh。 We have sinned;' I said; 'you and
I; and it is enough; we must repent and fear God。 We must confess
it all to Vasya;' said I; 'he's a quiet fellow and soft  he
won't kill you。 And indeed;' said I; 'better to suffer torments
in this world at the hands of your lawful master than to gnash
your teeth at the dread Seat of Judgment。' The wench wouldn't
listen; she stuck to her silly; 'It's you I love!' and nothing
more could I get out of her。

〃Vasya came back on the Saturday before Trinity; early in the
morning。 From my fence I could see everything; he ran into the
house; and came back a minute later with Kuzka in his arms; and
he was laughing and crying all at once; he was kissing Kuzka and
looking up at the hay…loft; and hadn't the heart to put the child
down; and yet he was longing to go to his pigeons。 He was always
a soft sort of chap  sentimental。 That day passed off very
well; all quiet and proper。 They had begun ringing the church
bells for the evening service; when the thought struck me:
'To…morrow's Trinity Sunday; how is it they are not decking the
gates and the fence with green? Something's wrong;' I thought。 I
went over to them。 I peeped in; and there he was; sitting on the
floor in the middle of the room; his eyes staring like a drunken
man's; the tears streaming down his cheeks and his hands shaking;
he was pulling cracknels; necklaces; gingerbread nuts; and all
sorts of little presents out of his bundle and flinging them on
the floor。 Kuzka  he was three years old  was crawling on the
floor; munching the gingerbreads; while Mashenka stood by the
stove; white and shivering all over; muttering: 'I'm not your
wife; I can't live with you;' and all sorts of foolishness。 I
bowed down at Vasya's feet; and said: 'We have sinned against
you; Vassily Maximitch; forgive us; for Christ's sake!' Then I
got up and spoke to Mashenka: 'You; Marya Semyonovna; ought now
to wash Vassily Maximitch's feet and drink the water。 Do you be
an obedient wife to him; and pray to God for me; that He in His
mercy may forgive my transgression。' It came to me like an
inspiration from an angel of Heaven; I gave her solemn counsel
and spoke with such feeling that my own tears flowed too。 And so
two days later Vasya comes to me: 'Matyusha;' says he; 'I forgive
you and my wife; God have mercy on you! She was a soldier's wife;
a young thing all alone; it was hard for her to be on her guard。
She's not the first; nor will she be the last。 Only;' he says; 'I
beg you to behave as though there had never been anything between
you; and to make no sign; while I;' says he; 'will do my best to
please her in every way; so that she may come to love me again。'
He gave me his hand on it; drank a cup of tea; and went away more

〃 'Well;' thought I; 'thank God!' and I did feel glad that
everything had gone off so well。 But no sooner had Vasya gone out
of the yard; when in came Mashenka。 Ah! What I had to suffer! She
hung on my neck; weeping and praying: 'For God's sake; don't cast
me off; I can't live without you!' 〃

〃The vile hussy!〃 sighed Dyudya。

〃I swore at her; stamped my foot; and dragging her
 into the passage; I fastened the door with the hook。 'Go to your
husband;' I cried。 'Don't shame me before folks。 Fear God!' And
every day there was a scene of that sort。

〃One morning I was standing in my yard near the stable cleaning a
bridle。 All at once I saw her running through the little gate
into my yard; with bare feet; in her petticoat; and straight
towards me; she clutched at the bridle; getting all smeared with
the pitch; and shaking and weeping; she cried: 'I can't stand
him; I loathe him; I can't bear it! If you don't love me; better
kill me!' I was angry; and I struck her twice with the bridle;
but at that instant Vasya ran in at the gate; and in a despairing
voice he shouted: 'Don't beat her! Don't beat her!' But he ran up
himself; and waving his arms; as though he were mad; he let fly
with his fists at her with all his might; then flung her on the
ground and kicked her。 I tried to defend her; but he snatched up
the reins and thrashed her with them; and all the while; like a
colt's whinny; he went: 'He  he he!' 〃

〃I'd take the reins and let you feel them;〃 muttered Varvara;
moving away; 〃murdering our sister; the damned brutes! 。 。 。〃

〃Hold your tongue; you jade!〃 Dyudya shouted at her。

〃 'He  he  he!' 〃 Matvey Savitch went on。 〃A carrier ran out
of his yard; I called to my workman; and the three of us got
Mashenka away from him and carried her home in our arms。 The
disgrace of it! The same day I went over in the evening to see
how things were。 She was lying in bed; all wrapped up in
bandages; nothing but her eyes and nose to be seen; she was
looking at the ceiling。 I said: 'Good…evening; Marya Semyonovna!'
She did not speak。 And Vasya was sitting in the next room; his
head in his hands; crying and saying: 'Brute that I am! I've
ruined my life! O God; let me die!' I sat for half an hour by
Mashenka and gave her a good talking…to。 I tried to frighten her
a bit。 'The righteous;' said I; 'after this life go to Paradise;
but you will go to a Gehenna of fire; like all adulteresses。
Don't strive against your husband; go and lay yourself at his
feet。' But never a word from her; she didn't so much as blink an
eyelid; for all the world as though I were talking to a post。 The
next day Vasya fell ill with something like cholera; and in the
evening I heard that he was dead。 Well; so they buried him; and
Mashenka did not go to the funeral; she didn't care to show her
shameless face and her bruises。 And soon there began to be talk
all over the district that Vasya had not died a natural death;
that Mashenka had made away with him。 It got to the ears of the
police; they had Vasya dug up and cut open; and in his stomach
they found arsenic。 It was clear he had been poisoned; the police
came and took Mashenka away; and with her the innocent Kuzka。
They were put in prison。 。 。 。 The woman had gone too far  God
punished her。 。 。 。 Eight months later they tried her。 She sat; I
remember; on a low stool; with a little white kerchief on her
head; wearing a grey gown; and she was so thin; so pale; so
sharp…eyed it made one sad to look at her。 Behind her stood a
soldier with a gun。 She would not confess her guilt。 Some in the
court said she had poisoned her husband and others declared he
had poisoned himself for grief。 I was one of the witnesses。 When
they questioned me; I told the whole truth according to my oath。
'Hers;' said I; 'is the guilt。 It's no good to conceal it; she
did not love her husband; and she had a will of her own。 。 。 。'
The trial began in the morning and towards night they passed this
sentence: to send her to hard labour in Siberia for thirteen
years。 After that sentence Mashenka remained three months longer
in prison。 I went to see her; and from Christian charity I took
her a little tea and sugar。 But as soon as she set eyes on me she
began to shake all over; wringing her hands and muttering: 'Go
away! go away!' And Kuzka she clasped to her as though she were
afraid I would take him away。 'See;' said I; 'what you have come
to! Ah; Masha; Masha! you would not listen to me when I gave you
good advice; and now you must repent it。 You are yourself to
blame;' said I; 'blame yourself!' I was giving her good counsel;
but she: 'Go away; go away!' huddling herself and Kuzka against
the wall; and trembling all over。

〃When they were taking her away to the chief town of our
province; I walked by the escort as far as the sta

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