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the witch and other stories-第38节

小说: the witch and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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NIKOLAY TCHIKILDYEEV; a waiter in the Moscow hotel; Slavyansky
Bazaar; was taken ill。 His legs went numb and his gait was
affected; so that on one occasion; as he was going along the
corridor; he tumbled and fell down with a tray full of ham and
peas。 He had to leave his job。 All his own savings and his wife's
were spent on doctors and medicines; they had nothing left to
live upon。 He felt dull with no work to do; and he made up his
mind he must go home to the village。 It is better to be ill at
home; and living there is cheaper; and it is a true saying that
the walls of home are a help。

He reached Zhukovo towards evening。 In his memories of childhood
he had pictured his home as bright; snug; comfortable。 Now; going
into the hut; he was positively frightened; it was so dark; so
crowded; so unclean。 His wife Olga and his daughter Sasha; who
had come with him; kept looking in bewilderment at the big untidy
stove; which filled up almost half the hut and was black with
soot and flies。 What lots of flies! The stove was on one side;
the beams lay slanting on the walls; and it looked as though the
hut were just going to fall to pieces。 In the corner; facing the
door; under the holy images; bottle labels and newspaper cuttings
were stuck on the walls instead of pictures。 The poverty; the
poverty! Of the grown…up people there were none at home; all were
at work at the harvest。 On the stove was sitting a white…headed
girl of eight; unwashed and apathetic; she did not even glance at
them as they came in。 On the floor a white cat was rubbing itself
against the oven fork。

〃Puss; puss!〃 Sasha called to her。 〃Puss!〃

〃She can't hear;〃 said the little girl; 〃she has gone deaf。〃

〃How is that?〃

〃Oh; she was beaten。〃

Nikolay  and Olga realized from the firs t glance what life was
like here; but said nothing to one another; in silence they put
down their bundles; and went out into the village street。 Their
hut was the third from the end; and seemed the very poorest and
oldest…looking; the second was not much better; but the last one
had an iron roof; and curtains in the windows。 That hut stood
apart; not enclosed; it was a tavern。 The huts were in a single
row; and the whole of the little village  quiet and dreamy;
with willows; elders; and mountain…ash trees peeping out from the
yards  had an attractive look。

Beyond the peasants homesteads there was a slope down to the
river; so steep and precipitous that huge stones jutted out bare
here and there through the clay。 Down the slope; among the stones
and holes dug by the potters; ran winding paths; bits of broken
pottery; some brown; some red; lay piled up in heaps; and below
there stretched a broad; level; bright green meadow; from which
the hay had been already carried; and in which the peasants'
cattle were wandering。 The river; three…quarters of a mile from
the village; ran twisting and turning; with beautiful leafy
banks; beyond it was again a broad meadow; a herd of cattle; long
strings of white geese; then; just as on the near side; a steep
ascent uphill; and on the top of the hill a hamlet; and a church
with five domes; and at a little distance the manor…house。

〃It's lovely here in your parts!〃 said Olga; crossing herself at
the sight of the church。 〃What space; oh Lord!〃

Just at that moment the bell began ringing for service (it was
Saturday evening)。 Two little girls; down below; who were
dragging up a pail of water; looked round at the church to listen
to the bell。

〃At this time they are serving the dinners at the Slavyansky
Bazaar;〃 said Nikolay dreamily。

Sitting on the edge of the slope; Nikolay and Olga watched the
sun setting; watched the gold and crimson sky reflected in the
river; in the church windows; and in the whole air  which was
soft and still and unutterably pure as it never was in Moscow。
And when the sun had set the flocks and herds passed; bleating
and lowing; geese flew across from the further side of the river;
and all sank into silence; the soft light died away in the air;
and the dusk of evening began quickly moving down upon them。

Meanwhile Nikolay's father and mother; two gaunt; bent; toothless
old people; just of the same height; came back。 The women  the
sisters…in…law Marya and Fyokla  who had been working on the
landowner's estate beyond the river; arrived home; too。 Marya;
the wife of Nikolay's brother Kiryak; had six children; and
Fyokla; the wife of Nikolay's brother Denis  who had gone for a
soldier  had two; and when Nikolay; going into the hut; saw all
the family; all those bodies big and little moving about on the
lockers; in the hanging cradles and in all the corners; and when
he saw the greed with which the old father and the women ate the
black bread; dipping it in water; he realized he had made a
mistake in coming here; sick; penniless; and with a family; too
 a great mistake!

〃And where is Kiryak?〃 he asked after they had exchanged

〃He is in service at the merchant's;〃 answered his father; 〃a
keeper in the woods。 He is not a bad peasant; but too fond of his

〃He is no great help!〃 said the old woman tearfully。 〃Our men are
a grievous lot; they bring nothing into the house; but take
plenty out。 Kiryak drinks; and so does the old man; it is no use
hiding a sin; he knows his way to the tavern。 The Heavenly Mother
is wroth。〃

In honour of the visitors they brought out the samovar。 The tea
smelt of fish; the sugar was grey and looked as though it had
been nibbled; cockroaches ran to and fro over the bread and among
the crockery。 It was disgusting to drink; and the conversation
was disgusting; too  about nothing but poverty and illnesses。
But before they had time to empty their first cups there came a
loud; prolonged; drunken shout from the yard:


〃It looks as though Kiryak were coming;〃 said the old man。 〃Speak
of the devil。〃

All were hushed。 And again; soon afterwards; the same shout;
coarse and drawn…out as though it came out of the earth:


Marya; the elder sister…in…law; turned pale and huddled against
the stove; and it was strange to see the look of terror on the
face of the strong; broad…shouldered; ugly woman。 Her daughter;
the child who had been sitting on the stove and looked so
apathetic; suddenly broke into loud weeping。

〃What are you howling for; you plague?〃 Fyokla; a handsome woman;
also strong and broad…shouldered; shouted to her。 〃He won't kill
you; no fear!〃

From his old father Nikolay learned that Marya was afraid to live
in the forest with Kiryak; and that when he was drunk he always
came for her; made a row; and beat her mercilessly。

〃Ma…arya!〃 the shout sounded close to the door。

〃Protect me; for Christ's sake; good people!〃 faltered Marya;
breathing as though she had been plunged into very cold water。
〃Protect me; kind people。 。 。 。〃

All the children in the hut began crying; and looking at them;
Sasha; too; began to cry。 They heard a drunken cough; and a tall;
black…bearded peasant wearing a winter cap came into the hut; and
was the more terrible because his face could not be seen in the
dim light of the little lamp。 It was Kiryak。 Going up to his
wife; he swung his arm and punched her in the face with his fist。
Stunned by the blow; she did not utter a sound; but sat down; and
her nose instantly began bleeding。

〃What a disgrace! What a disgrace!〃 muttered the old man;
clambering up on to the stove。 〃Before visitors; too! It's a

The old mother sat silent; bowed; lost in thought; Fyokla rocked
the cradle。

Evidently conscious of inspiring fear; and pleased at doing so;
Kiryak seized Marya by the arm; dragged her towards the door; and
bellowed like an animal in order to seem still more terrible; but
at that moment he suddenly caught sight of the visitors and

〃Oh; they have come; 。 。 。〃 he said; letting his wife go; 〃my own
brother and his family。 。 。 。〃

Staggering and opening wide his red; drunken eyes; he said his
prayer before the image and went on:

〃My brother and his family have come to the parental home 。 。 。
from Moscow; I suppose。 The great capital Moscow; to be sure; the
mother of cities。 。 。 。 Excuse me。〃

He sank down on the bench near the samovar and began drinking
tea; sipping it loudly from the saucer in the midst of general
silence。 。 。 。 He drank off a dozen cups; then reclined on the
bench and began snoring。

They began going to bed。 Nikolay; as an invalid; was put on the
stove with his old father; Sasha lay down on the floor; while
Olga went with the other women into the barn。

〃Aye; aye; dearie;〃 she said; lying down on the hay beside Marya;
〃you won't mend your trouble with tears。 Bear it in patience;
that is all。 It is written in the Scriptures: 'If anyone smite
thee on the right cheek; offer him the left one also。' 。 。 。 Aye;
aye; dearie。〃

Then in a low singsong murmur she told them about Moscow; about
her own life; how she had been a servant in furnished lodgings。

〃And in Moscow the houses are big; built of brick;〃 she said;
〃and there are ever so many churches; forty times forty; dearie;
and they are all gentry in the houses; so h

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