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the witch and other stories-第15节

小说: the witch and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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to be thankful。 There are not any gudgeon even worth talking
about。 Every year it is worse and worse; and in a little while
there will be no fish at all。 And take the rivers now 。 。 。 the
rivers are drying up; for sure。〃

〃It is true; they are drying up。〃

〃To be sure; that's what I say。 Every year they are shallower and
shallower; and there are not the deep holes there used to be。 And
do you see the bushes yonder?〃 the old man asked; pointing to one
side。 〃Beyond them is an old river…bed; it's called a backwater。
In my father's time the Pestchanka flowed there; but now look;
where have the evil spirits taken it to? It changes its course;
and; mind you; it will go on changing till such time as it has
dried up altogether。 There used to be marshes and ponds beyond
Kurgasovo; and where are they now? And what has become of the
streams? Here in this very wood we used to have a stream flowing;
and such a stream that the peasants used to set creels in it and
caught pike; wild ducks used to spend the winter by it; and
nowadays there is no water in it worth speaking of; even at the
spring floods。 Yes; brother; look where you will; things are bad
everywhere。 Everywhere!〃

A silence followed。 Meliton sank into thought; with his eyes
fixed on one spot。 He wanted to think of some one part of nature
as yet untouched by the all…embracing ruin。 Spots of light
glistened on the mist and the slanting streaks of rain as though
on opaque glass; and immediately died away again  it was the
rising sun trying to break through the clouds and peep at the

〃Yes; the forests; too 。 。 。〃 Meliton muttered。

〃The forests; too;〃 the shepherd repeated。 〃They cut them down;
and they catch fire; and they wither away; and no new ones are
growing。 Whatever does grow up is cut down at once; one day it
shoots up and the next it has been cut down  and so on without
end till nothing's left。 I have kept the herds of the commune
ever since the time of Freedom; good man; before the time of
Freedom I was shepherd of the master's herds。 I have watched them
in this very spot; and I can't remember a summer day in all my
life that I have not been here。 And all the time I have been
observing the works of God。 I have looked at them in my time till
I know them; and it is my opinion that all things growing are on
the decline。 Whether you take the rye; or the vegetables; or
flowers of any sort; they are all going the same way。〃

〃But people have grown better;〃 observed the bailiff。

〃In what way better?〃


〃Cleverer; maybe; that's true; young man; but what's the use of
that? What earthly good is cleverness to people on the brink of
ruin? One can perish without cleverness。 What's the good of
cleverness to a huntsman if there is no game? What I think is
that God has given men brains and taken away their strength。
People have grown weak; exceedingly weak。 Take me; for instance 。
。 。 I am not worth a halfpenny; I am the humblest peasant in the
whole village; and yet; young man; I have strength。 Mind you; I
am in my seventies; and I tend my herd day in and day out; and
keep the night watch; too; for twenty kopecks; and I don't sleep;
and I don't feel the cold; my son is cleverer than I am; but put
him in my place and he would ask for a raise next day; or would
be going to the doctors。 There it is。 I eat nothing but bread;
for 'Give us this day our daily bread;' and my father ate nothing
but bread; and my grandfather; but the peasant nowadays must have
tea and vodka and white loaves; and must sleep from sunset to
dawn; and he goes to the doctor and pampers himself in all sorts
of ways。 And why is it? He has grown weak; he has not the
strength to endure。 If he wants to stay awake; his eyes close 
there is no doing anything。〃

〃That's true;〃 Meliton agreed; 〃the peasant is good for nothing

〃It's no good hiding what is wrong; we get worse from year to
year。 And if you take the gentry into consideration; they've
grown feebler even more than the peasants have。 The gentleman
nowadays has mastered everything; he knows what he ought not to
know; and what is the sense of it? It makes you feel pitiful to
look at him。 。 。 。 He is a thin; puny little fellow; like some
Hungarian or Frenchman; there is no dignity nor air about him;
it's only in name he is a gentleman。 There is no place for him;
poor dear; and nothing for him to do; and there is no making out
what he wants。 Either he sits with a hook catching fish; or he
lolls on his back reading; or trots about among the peasants
saying all sorts of th ings to them; and those that are hungry go
in for being clerks。 So he spends his life in vain。 And he has no
notion of doing something real and useful。 The gentry in old days
were half of them generals; but nowadays they are  a poor lot。〃

〃They are badly off nowadays;〃 said Meliton。

〃They are poorer because God has taken away their strength。 You
can't go against God。〃

Meliton stared at a fixed point again。 After thinking a little he
heaved a sigh as staid; reasonable people do sigh; shook his
head; and said:

〃And all because of what? We have sinned greatly; we have
forgotten God 。 。 and it seems that the time has come for all to
end。 And; after all; the world can't last for ever  it's time
to know when to take leave。〃

The shepherd sighed and; as though wishing to cut short an
unpleasant conversation; he walked away from the birch…tree and
began silently reckoning over the cows。

〃Hey…hey…hey!〃 he shouted。 〃Hey…hey…hey! Bother you; the plague
take you! The devil has taken you into the thicket。 Tu…lu…lu!〃

With an angry face he went into the bushes to collect his herd。
Meliton got up and sauntered slowly along the edge of the wood。
He looked at the ground at his feet and pondered; he still wanted
to think of something which had not yet been touched by death。
Patches of light crept upon the slanting streaks of rain again;
they danced on the tops of the trees and died away among the wet
leaves。 Damka found a hedgehog under a bush; and wanting to
attract her master's attention to it; barked and howled。

〃Did you have an eclipse or not?〃 the shepherd called from the

〃Yes; we had;〃 answered Meliton。

〃Ah! Folks are complaining all about that there was one。 It shows
there is disorder even in the heavens! It's not for nothing。 。 。
。 Hey…hey…hey! Hey!〃

Driving his herd together to the edge of the wood; the shepherd
leaned against the birch…tree; looked up at the sky; without
haste took his pipe from his bosom and began playing。 As before;
he played mechanically and took no more than five or six notes;
as though the pipe had come into his hands for the first time;
the sounds floated from it uncertainly; with no regularity; not
blending into a tune; but to Meliton; brooding on the destruction
of the world; there was a sound in it of something very
depressing and revolting which he would much rather not have
heard。 The highest; shrillest notes; which quivered and broke;
seemed to be weeping disconsolately; as though the pipe were sick
and frightened; while the lowest notes for some reason reminded
him of the mist; the dejected trees; the grey sky。 Such music
seemed in keeping with the weather; the old man and his sayings。

Meliton wanted to complain。 He went up to the old man and;
looking at his mournful; mocking face and at the pipe; muttered:

〃And life has grown worse; grandfather。 It is utterly impossible
to live。 Bad crops; want。 。 。 。 Cattle plague continually;
diseases of all sorts。 。 。 。 We are crushed by poverty。〃

The bailiff's puffy face turned crimson and took a dejected;
womanish expression。 He twirled his fingers as though seeking
words to convey his vague feeling and went on:

〃Eight children; a wife 。 。 。 and my mother still living; and my
whole salary ten roubles a month and to board myself。 My wife has
become a Satan from poverty。 。 。 。 I go off drinking myself。 I am
a sensible; steady man; I have education。 I ought to sit at home
in peace; but I stray about all day with my gun like a dog
because it is more than I can stand; my home is hateful to me!〃

Feeling that his tongue was uttering something quite different
from what he wanted to say; the bailiff waved his hand and said

〃If the world's going to end I wish it would make haste about it。
There's no need to drag it out and make folks miserable for
nothing。 。 。 。〃

The old man took the pipe from his lips and; screwing up one eye;
looked into its little opening。 His face was sad and covered with
thick drops like tears。 He smiled and said:

〃It's a pity; my friend! My goodness; what a pity! The earth; the
forest; the sky; the beasts of all sorts  all this has been
created; you know; adapted; they all have their intelligence。 It
is all going to ruin。 And most of all I am sorry for people。〃

There was the sound in the wood of heavy rain coming nearer。
Meliton looked in the direction of the sound; did up all his
buttons; and said:

〃I am going to the village。 Good…bye; grandfather。 What is your

〃Luka the Poor。〃

〃Well; good…bye; Luka! Thank you for your good words。 Damka;

After parting from the shephe

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