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the witch and other stories-第13节

小说: the witch and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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great sin; there's no doubt about it; but to make up for it there
is; maybe; noble blood in me。 Maybe I am only a peasant by class;
but in nature a noble gentleman。〃

The 〃noble gentleman〃 uttered all this in a soft; sugary tenor;
wrinkling up his narrow forehead and emitting creaking sounds
from his red; frozen little nose。 Ptaha listened and looked
askance at him in wonder; continually shrugging his shoulders。

After going nearly five miles the constables and the tramp sat
down on a mound to rest。

〃Even a dog knows his name;〃 Ptaha muttered。 〃My name is
Andryushka; his is Nikandr; every man has his holy name; and it
can't be forgotten。 Nohow。〃

〃Who has any need to know my name?〃 sighed the tramp; leaning his
cheek on his fist。 〃And what advantage would it be to me if they
did know it? If I were allowed to go where I would  but it
would only make things worse。 I know the law; Christian brothers。
Now I am a tramp who doesn't remember his name; and it's the very
most if they send me to Eastern Siberia and give me thirty or
forty lashes; but if I were to tell them my real name and
description they would send me back to hard labour; I know!〃

〃Why; have you been a convict?〃

〃I have; dear friend。 For four years I went about with my head
shaved and fetters on my legs。〃

〃What for?〃

〃For murder; my good man! When I was still a boy of eighteen or
so; my mamma accidentally poured arsenic instead of soda and acid
into my master's glass。 There were boxes of all sorts in the
storeroom; numbers of them; it was easy to make a mistake over

The tramp sighed; shook his head; and said:

〃She was a pious woman; but; who knows? another man's soul is a
slumbering forest! It may have been an accident; or maybe she
could not endure the affront of seeing the master prefer another
servant。 。 。 。 Perhaps she put it in on purpose; God knows! I was
young then; and did not understand it all 。 。 。 now I remember
that our master had taken another mistress and mamma was greatly
disturbed。 Our trial lasted nearly two years。 。 。 。 Mamma was
condemned to penal servitude for twenty years; and I; on account
of my youth; only to seven。〃

〃And why were you sentenced?〃

〃As an accomplice。 I handed the glass to the master。 That was
always the custom。 Mamma prepared the soda and I handed it to
him。 Only I tell you all this as a Christian; brothers; as I
would say it before God。 Don't you tell anybody。 。 。 。〃

〃Oh; nobody's going to ask us;〃 said Ptaha。 〃So you've run away
from prison; have you?〃

〃I have; dear friend。 Fourteen of us ran away。 Some folks; God
bless them! ran away and took me with them。 Now you tell me; on
your conscience; good man; what reason have I to disclose my
name? They will send me back to penal servitude; you know! And I
am not fit for penal servitude! I am a refined man in delicate
health。 I like to sleep and eat in cleanliness。 When I pray to
God I like to light a little lamp or a candle; and not to have a
noise around me。 When I bow down to the ground I like the floor
not to be dirty or spat upon。 And I bow down forty times every
morning and evening; praying for mamma。〃

The tramp took off his cap and crossed himself。

〃And let them send me to Eastern Siberia;〃 he said; 〃I am not
afraid of that。〃

〃Surely that's no better?〃

〃It is quite a different thing。 In penal servitude you are like a
crab in a basket: crowding; crushing; jostling; there's no room
to breathe; it's downright hell  such hell; may the Queen of
Heaven keep us from it! You are a robber and treated like a
robber  worse than any dog。 You can't sleep; you can't eat or
even say your prayers。 But it's not like that in a settlement。 In
a settlement I shall be a member of a commune like other people。
The authorities are bound by law to give me my share 。 。 。 ye…es!
They say the land costs nothing; no more than snow; you can take
what you like! They will give me corn land and building land and
garden。 。 。 。 I shall plough my fields like other people; sow
seed。 I shall have cattle and stock of all sorts; bees; sheep;
and dogs。 。 。 。 A Siberian cat; that rats and mice may not devour
my goods。 。 。 。 I will put up a house; I shall buy ikons。 。 。 。
Please God; I'll get married; I shall have children。 。 。 。〃

The tramp muttered and looked; not at his listeners; but away
into the distance。 Naive as his dreams were; they were uttered in
such a genuine and heartfelt tone that it was difficult not to
believe in them。 The tramp's little mouth was screwed up in a
smile。 His eyes and little nose and his whole face were fixed and
blank with blissful anticipation of happiness in the distant
future。 The constables listened and looked at him gravely; not
without sympathy。 They; too; believed in his dreams。

〃I am not afraid of Siberia;〃 the tramp went on muttering。
〃Siberia is just as much Russia and has the same God and Tsar as
here。 They are just as orthodox Christians as you and I。 Only
there is more freedom there and people are better off。 Everything
is better there。 Take the rivers there; for instance; they are
far better than those here。 There's no end of fish; and all sorts
of wild fowl。 And my greatest pleasure; brothers; is fishing。
Give me no bread to eat; but let me sit with a fishhook。 Yes;
indeed! I fish with a hook and with a wire line; and set creels;
and when the ice comes I catch with a net。 I am not strong to
draw up the net; so I shall hire a man for five kopecks。 And;
Lord; what a pleasure it is! You catch an eel…pout or a roach of
some sort and are as pleased as though you had met your own
brother。 And would you believe it; there's a special art for
every fish: you catch one with a live bait; you catch another
with a grub; the third with a frog or a grasshopper。 One has to
understand all that; of course! For example; take the eel…pout。
It is not a delicate fish  it will take a perch; and a pike
loves a gudgeon; the _shilishper_ likes a butterfly。 If you fish
for a roach in a rapid stream there is no greater pleasure。 You
throw the line of seventy feet without lead; with a butterfly or
a beetle; so that the bait floats on the surface; you stand in
the water without your trousers and let it go with the current;
and tug! the roach pulls at it! Only you have got to be artful
that he doesn't carry off the b ait; the damned rascal。 As soon
as he tugs at your line you must whip it up; it's no good
waiting。 It's wonderful what a lot of fish I've caught in my
time。 When we were running away the other convicts would sleep in
the forest; I could not sleep; but I was off to the river。 The
rivers there are wide and rapid; the banks are steep  awfully!
It's all slumbering forests on the bank。 The trees are so tall
that if you look to the top it makes you dizzy。 Every pine would
be worth ten roubles by the prices here。〃

In the overwhelming rush of his fancies; of artistic images of
the past and sweet presentiments of happiness in the future; the
poor wretch sank into silence; merely moving his lips as though
whispering to himself。 The vacant; blissful smile never left his
lips。 The constables were silent。 They were pondering with bent
heads。 In the autumn stillness; when the cold; sullen mist that
rises from the earth lies like a weight on the heart; when it
stands like a prison wall before the eyes; and reminds man of the
limitation of his freedom; it is sweet to think of the broad;
rapid rivers; with steep banks wild and luxuriant; of the
impenetrable forests; of the boundless steppes。 Slowly and
quietly the fancy pictures how early in the morning; before the
flush of dawn has left the sky; a man makes his way along the
steep deserted bank like a tiny speck: the ancient; mast…like
pines rise up in terraces on both sides of the torrent; gaze
sternly at the free man and murmur menacingly; rocks; huge
stones; and thorny bushes bar his way; but he is strong in body
and bold in spirit; and has no fear of the pine…trees; nor
stones; nor of his solitude; nor of the reverberating echo which
repeats the sound of every footstep that he takes。

The peasants called up a picture of a free life such as they had
never lived; whether they vaguely recalled the images of stories
heard long ago or whether notions of a free life had been handed
down to them with their flesh and blood from far…off free
ancestors; God knows!

The first to break the silence was Nikandr Sapozhnikov; who had
not till then let fall a single word。 Whether he envied the
tramp's transparent happiness; or whether he felt in his heart
that dreams of happiness were out of keeping with the grey fog
and the dirty brown mud  anyway; he looked sternly at the tramp
and said:

〃It's all very well; to be sure; only you won't reach those
plenteous regions; brother。 How could you? Before you'd gone two
hundred miles you'd give up your soul to God。 Just look what a
weakling you are! Here you've hardly gone five miles and you
can't get your breath。〃

The tramp turned slowly toward Nikandr; and the blissful smile
vanished from his face。 He looked with a scared and guilty air at
the peasant's staid face; apparently remembered something; and
bent his head。 A silence followed

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