on regimen in acute diseases-及3准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
weak察have heaviness over their whole body察and become feeble and
languid察and if察in addition察they take supper察they will have acid
eructations察and some will have diarrhoea whose bowels were previously
dry察and not having been accustomed to be twice swelled out with
food and to digest it twice a day察have been loaded beyond their wont。
It is beneficial察in such cases察to counterbalance this change察for
one should sleep after dinner察as if passing the night察and guard
against cold in winter and heat in summer察or察if the person cannot
sleep察he may stroll about slowly察but without making stops察for a
good while察take no supper察or察at all events察eat little察and only
things that are not unwholesome察and still more avoid drink察and
especially water。 Such a person will suffer still more if he take
three full meals in the day察and more still if he take more meals察and
yet there are many persons who readily bear to take three full meals
in the day察provided they are so accustomed。 And察moreover察those
who have been in the habit of eating twice a day察if they omit dinner
become feeble and powerless察averse to all work察and have heartburn
their bowels seem察as it were察to hang loose察their urine is hot and
green察and the excrement is parched察in some the mouth is bitter
the eyes are hollow察the temples throb察and the extremities are
cold察and the most of those who have thus missed their dinner cannot
eat supper察or察if they do sup察they load their stomach察and pass a
much worse night than if they had previously taken dinner。 Since
then察an unwonted change of diet for half a day produces such
effects upon persons in health察it appears not to be a good thing
either to add or take from。 If察then察he who was restricted to a
single meal察contrary to usage察having his veins thus left empty
during a whole day察when he supped according to custom felt heavy
it is probable that if察because he was uneasy and weak from the want
of dinner察he took a larger supper than wont察he would be still more
oppressed察or if察wanting food for a still greater interval察he
suddenly took a meal after supper察he will feel still greater
oppression。 He察then察who察contrary to usage察has had his veins kept
empty by want of food察will find it beneficial to counteract the bad
effects during that day as follows此let him avoid cold察heat察and
exertion察for he could bear all these ill察let him make his supper
considerably less than usual察and not of dry food察but rather
liquid察and let him take some drink察not of a watery character察nor in
smaller quantity than is proportionate to the food察and on the next
day he should take a small dinner察so that察by degrees察he may
return to his former practice。 Persons who are bilious in the
stomach bear these changes worst察while those who are pituitous
upon the whole察bear the want of food best察so that they suffer the
least from being restricted to one meal in the day察contrary to usage。
This察then察is a sufficient proof that the greatest changes as to
those things which regard our constitutions and habits are most
especially concerned in the production of diseases察for it is
impossible to produce unseasonably a great emptying of the vessels
by abstinence察or to administer food while diseases are at their acme
or when inflammation prevails察nor察on the on the whole察to make a
great change either one way or another with impunity。
10。 One might mention many things akin to these respecting the
stomach and bowels察to show how people readily bear such food as
they are accustomed to察even if it is not naturally good察and drink in
like manner察and how they bear unpleasantly such food as they are
not accustomed to察even although not bad察and so in like manner with
drink察and as to the effects of eating much flesh察contrary to
usage察or garlic察or asafoetida察or the stem of the plant which
produces it察or things of a similar kind possessed of strong
properties察one would be less surprised if such things produce pains
in the bowels察but rather when one learned what trouble察swelling
flatulence察and tormina the cake maza will raise in the belly when
eaten by a person not accustomed to it察and how much weight and
distention of the bowels bread will create to a person accustomed to
live upon the maza察and what thirst and sudden fullness will be
occasioned by eating hot bread察owing to its desiccant and
indigestible properties察and what different effects are produced by
fine and coarse bread when eaten contrary to usage察or by the cake
when usually dry察moist察or viscid察and what different effects polenta
produces upon those who are accustomed and those who are
unaccustomed to the use of it察or drinking of wine or drinking of
water察when either custom is suddenly exchanged for the other察or
when察contrary to usage察diluted wine or undiluted has been suddenly
drunk察for the one will create water´brash in the upper part of the
intestinal canal and flatulence in the lower察while the other will
give rise to throbbing of the arteries察heaviness of the head察and
thirst察and white and dark´colored wine察although both strong wines
if exchanged contrary to usage察will produce very different effects
upon the body察so that one need the less wonder that a sweet and
strong wine察if suddenly exchanged察should have by no means the same
11。 Let us here briefly advert to what may be said on the opposite
side察namely察that a change of diet has occurred in these cases
without any change in their body察either as to strength察so as to
require an increase of food察or as to weakness察so as to require a
diminution。 But the strength of the patient is to be taken into
consideration察and the manner of the disease察and of the
constitution of the man察and the habitual regimen of the patient
not only as regards food but also drink。 Yet one must much less resort
to augmentation察since it is often beneficial to have recourse to
abstraction察when the patient can bear it察until the disease having
reached its acme and has become concocted。 But in what cases this must
be done will be afterwards described。 One might write many other
things akin to those which have been now said察but there is a better
proof察for it is not akin to the matter on which my discourse has
principally turned察but the subject´matter itself is a most seasonable
proof。 For some at the commencement of acute diseases have taken
food on the same day察some on the next day察some have swallowed
whatever has come in their way察and some have taken cyceon。 Now all
these things are worse than if one had observed a different regimen
and yet these mistakes察committed at that time察do much less injury
than if one were to abstain entirely from food for the first two or
three days察and on the fourth or fifth day were to take such food察and
it would be still worse察if one were to observe total abstinence for
all these days察and on the following days were to take such a diet
before the disease is concocted察for in this way death would be the
consequence to most people察unless the disease were of a very mild
nature。 But the mistakes committed at first were not so irremediable
as these察but could be much more easily repaired。 This察therefore察I
think a strong proof that such or such a draught need not be
prescribed on the first days to those who will use the same draughts
afterwards。 At the bottom察therefore察they do not know察neither
those using unstrained ptisans察that they are hurt by them察when
they begin to swallow them察if they abstain entirely from food for
two察three察or more days察nor do those using the juice know that
they are injured in swallowing them察when they do not commence with
the draught seasonably。 But this they guard against察and know that
it does much mischief察if察before the disease be concocted察the
patient swallow unstrained ptisan察when accustomed to use strained。
All these things are strong proofs that physicians do not conduct
the regimen of patients properly察but that in those diseases in
which total abstinence from food should not be enforced on patients
that will be put on the use of ptisans察they do enforce total
abstinence察that in those cases in which there should be no change
made from total abstinence to ptisans察they do make the change察and
that察for the most part察they change from abstinence to ptisans
exactly at the time when it is often beneficial to proceed from
ptisans almost to total abstinence察if the disease happen to be in the
state of exacerbation。 And sometimes crude matters are attracted
from the head察and bilious from the region near the chest察and the
patients are attacked with insomnolency察so that the disease is not
concocted察they become sorrowful察peevish察and delirious察there are
flashes of light in their eyes察and noises in their ears察their
extremities are cold察their urine unconcocted察the sputa thin
saltish察tinged with an intense color and smell察sweats about the
neck察and anxiety察respiration察interrupted in the expulsion of the
air察frequent and very large察expression of the eyelids dreadful
dangerous deliquia察tossing of the bed´clothes from the breast察the
hands trembling察and sometimes the lower lip agita