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on regimen in acute diseases-及2准

弌傍 on regimen in acute diseases 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

quenching thirst察of very easy digestion察and very weak察all which
qualities are wanted。 If察then察one do not pay proper attention to the
mode of administering the ptisan察much harm may be done察for when
the food is shut up in the bowels察unless one procure some
evacuation speedily察before administering the draught察the pain察if
present察will be exasperated察and察if not present察it will be
immediately created察and the respiration will become more frequent
which does mischief察for it dries the lungs察fatigues the
hypochondria察the hypogastrium察and diaphragm。 And moreover if
while the pain of the side persists察and does not yield to warm
fomentations察and the sputa are not brought up察but are viscid and
unconcocted察unless one get the pain resolved察either by loosening the
bowels察or opening a vein察whichever of these may be proper察 if to
persons so circumstanced ptisan be administered察their speedy death
will be the result。 For these reasons察and for others of a similar
kind still more察those who use unstrained ptisan die on the seventh
day察or still earlier察some being seized with delirium察and others
dying suffocated with orthopnoee and riles。 Such persons the
ancients thought struck察for this reason more especially察that when
dead the affected side was livid察like that of a person who had been
struck。 The cause of this is that they die before the pain is
resolved察being seized with difficulty of respiration察and by large
and rapid breathing察as has been already explained察the spittle
becoming thick察acid察and unconcocted察cannot be brought up察but
being retained in the bronchi of the lungs察produces riles察and
when it has come to this察death察for the most part察is inevitable察for
the sputa being retained prevent the breath from being drawn in察and
force it speedily out察and thus the two conspire together to aggravate
the sputa being retained renders the respiration frequent察while the
respiration being frequent thickens the sputa察and prevents them
from being evacuated。 These symptoms supervene察not only if ptisan
be administered unseasonably察but still more if any other food or
drink worse than ptisan be given。
  6。 For the most part察then察the results are the same察whether the
patient have used the unstrained ptisan or have used the juice
alone察or even only drink察and sometimes it is necessary to proceed
quite differently。 In general察one should do thus此if fever
commences shortly after taking food察and before the bowels have been
evacuated察whether with or without pain察the physician ought to
withhold the draught until he thinks that the food has descended to
the lower part of the belly察and if any pain be present察the patient
should use oxymel察hot if it is winter察and cold if it is summer察and
if there be much thirst察he should take hydromel and water。 Then察if
any pain be present察or any dangerous symptoms make their
appearance察it will be proper to give the draught neither in large
quantity nor thick察but after the seventh day察if the patient be
strong。 But if the earlier´taken food has not descended察in the case
of a person who has recently swallowed food察and if he be strong and
in the vigor of life察a clyster should be given察or if he be weaker察a
suppository is to be administered察unless the bowels open properly
of themselves。 The time for administering the draught is to be
particularly observed at the commencement and during the whole
illness察when察then察the feet are cold察one should refrain from giving
the ptisan察and more especially abstain from drink察but when the
heat has descended to the feet察one may then give it察and one should
look upon this season as of great consequence in all diseases察and not
least in acute diseases察especially those of a febrile character
and those of a very dangerous nature。 One may first use the juice察and
then the ptisan察attending accurately to the rules formerly laid down。
  7。 When pain seizes the side察either at the commencement or at a
later stage察it will not be improper to try to dissolve the pain by
hot applications。 Of hot applications the most powerful is hot water
in a bottle察or bladder察or in a brazen vessel察or in an earthen
one察but one must first apply something soft to the side察to prevent
pain。 A soft large sponge察squeezed out of hot water and applied
forms a good application察but it should be covered up above察for
thus the heat will remain the longer察and at the same time the vapor
will be prevented from being carried up to the patient's breath
unless when this is thought of use察for sometimes it is the case。
And further察barley or tares may be infused and boiled in diluted
vinegar察stronger than that it could be drunk察and may then be sewed
into bladders and applied察and one may bran in like manner。 Salts or
toasted millet in woolen bags are excellent for forming a dry
fomentation察for the millet is light and soothing。 A soft
fomentation like this soothes pains察even such as shoot to the
clavicle。 Venesection察however察does not alleviate the pain unless
when it extends to the clavicle。 But if the pain be not dissolved by
the fomentations察one ought not to foment for a length of time察for
this dries the lungs and promotes suppuration察but if the pain point
to the clavicle察or if there be a heaviness in the arm察or about the
breast察or above the diaphragm察one should open the inner vein at
the elbow察and not hesitate to abstract a large quantity察until it
become much redder察or instead of being pure red察it turns livid
for both these states occur。 But if the pain be below the diaphragm
and do not point to the clavicle察we must open the belly either with
black hellebore or peplium察mixing the black hellebore with carrot
or seseli察or cumin察or anise察or any other of the fragrant herbs察and
with the peplium the juice of sulphium asafoetida察for these
substances察when mixed up together察are of a similar nature。 The black
hellebore acts more pleasantly and effectually than the peplium
while察on the other hand察the peplium expels wind much more
effectually than the black hellebore察and both these stop the pain
and many other of the laxatives also stop it察but these two are the
most efficacious that I am acquainted with。 And the laxatives given in
draughts are beneficial察when not very unpalatable owing to
bitterness察or any other disagreeable taste察or from quantity
color察or any apprehension。 When the patient has drunk the medicine
one ought to give him to swallow but little less of the ptisan than
what he had been accustomed to察but it is according to rule not to
according to rule not to give any draughts while the medicine is under
operation察but when the purging is stopped then he should take a
smaller draught than what he had been accustomed to察and afterwards go
on increasing it progressively察until the pain cease察provided nothing
else contra´indicate。 This is my rule察also察if one would use the
juice of ptisan for I hold that it is better察on the whole察to
begin with taking the decoction at once察rather than by first emptying
the veins before doing so察or on the third察fourth察fifth察sixth察or
seventh day察provided the disease has not previously come to a
crisis in the course of this time察and similar preparations to
those formerly described are to be made in those cases。
  8。 Such are the opinions which I entertain respecting the
administering of the ptisan察and察as regards drinks察whichsoever of
those about to be described may be administered察the same directions
are generally applicable。 And here I know that physicians are in the
practice of doing the very reverse of what is proper察for they all
wish察at the commencement of diseases察to starve their patients for
two察three察or more days察and then to administer the ptisans and
drinks察and perhaps it appears to them reasonable that察as a great
change has taken place in the body察it should be counteracted by
another great change。 Now察indeed察to produce a change is no small
matter察but the change must be effected well and cautiously察and after
the change the administration of food must be conducted still more so。
Those persons察then察would be most injured if the change is not
properly managed察who used unstrained ptisans察they also would
suffer who made use of the juice alone察and so also they would
suffer who took merely drink察but these least of all。
  9。 One may derive information from the regimen of persons in good
health what things are proper察for if it appear that there is a
great difference whether the diet be so and so察in other respects察but
more especially in the changes察how can it be otherwise in diseases
and more especially in the most acute拭But it is well ascertained that
even a faulty diet of food and drink steadily persevered in察is
safer in the main as regards health than if one suddenly change it
to another。 Wherefore察in the case of persons who take two meals in
the day察or of those who take a single meal察sudden changes induce
suffering and weakness察and thus persons who have not been
accustomed to dine察if they shall take dinner察immediately become
weak察have heaviness over their whole body察and become feeble and
languid察and if察in additio

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