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memories and portraits-第22节

小说: memories and portraits 字数: 每页4000字

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suppress it。  The most adroit employ a somewhat elaborate reserve 

as a means to be frank; much as they wear gloves when they shake 

hands。  But a man has the full responsibility of his freedom; 

cannot evade a question; can scarce be silent without rudeness; 

must answer for his words upon the moment; and is not seldom left 

face to face with a damning choice; between the more or less 

dishonourable wriggling of Deronda and the downright woodenness of 

Vernon Whitford。

But the superiority of women is perpetually menaced; they do not 

sit throned on infirmities like the old; they are suitors as well 

as sovereigns; their vanity is engaged; their affections are too 

apt to follow; and hence much of the talk between the sexes 

degenerates into something unworthy of the name。  The desire to 

please; to shine with a certain softness of lustre and to draw a 

fascinating picture of oneself; banishes from conversation all that 

is sterling and most of what is humorous。  As soon as a strong 

current of mutual admiration begins to flow; the human interest 

triumphs entirely over the intellectual; and the commerce of words; 

consciously or not; becomes secondary to the commencing of eyes。  

But even where this ridiculous danger is avoided; and a man and 

woman converse equally and honestly; something in their nature or 

their education falsifies the strain。  An instinct prompts them to 

agree; and where that is impossible; to agree to differ。  Should 

they neglect the warning; at the first suspicion of an argument; 

they find themselves in different hemispheres。  About any point of 

business or conduct; any actual affair demanding settlement; a 

woman will speak and listen; hear and answer arguments; not only 

with natural wisdom; but with candour and logical honesty。  But if 

the subject of debate be something in the air; an abstraction; an 

excuse for talk; a logical Aunt Sally; then may the male debater 

instantly abandon hope; he may employ reason; adduce facts; be 

supple; be smiling; be angry; all shall avail him nothing; what the 

woman said first; that (unless she has forgotten it) she will 

repeat at the end。  Hence; at the very junctures when a talk 

between men grows brighter and quicker and begins to promise to 

bear fruit; talk between the sexes is menaced with dissolution。  

The point of difference; the point of interest; is evaded by the 

brilliant woman; under a shower of irrelevant conversational 

rockets; it is bridged by the discreet woman with a rustle of silk; 

as she passes smoothly forward to the nearest point of safety。  And 

this sort of prestidigitation; juggling the dangerous topic out of 

sight until it can be reintroduced with safety in an altered shape; 

is a piece of tactics among the true drawing…room queens。

The drawing…room is; indeed; an artificial place; it is so by our 

choice and for our sins。  The subjection of women; the ideal 

imposed upon them from the cradle; and worn; like a hair…shirt; 

with so much constancy; their motherly; superior tenderness to 

man's vanity and self…importance; their managing arts … the arts of 

a civilised slave among good…natured barbarians … are all painful 

ingredients and all help to falsify relations。  It is not till we 

get clear of that amusing artificial scene that genuine relations 

are founded; or ideas honestly compared。  In the garden; on the 

road or the hillside; or TETE…A…TETE and apart from interruptions; 

occasions arise when we may learn much from any single woman; and 

nowhere more often than in married life。  Marriage is one long 

conversation; chequered by disputes。  The disputes are valueless; 

they but ingrain the difference; the heroic heart of woman 

prompting her at once to nail her colours to the mast。  But in the 

intervals; almost unconsciously and with no desire to shine; the 

whole material of life is turned over and over; ideas are struck 

out and shared; the two persons more and more adapt their notions 

one to suit the other; and in process of time; without sound of 

trumpet; they conduct each other into new worlds of thought。


THE civilisation; the manners; and the morals of dog…kind are to a 

great extent subordinated to those of his ancestral master; man。  

This animal; in many ways so superior; has accepted a position of 

inferiority; shares the domestic life; and humours the caprices of 

the tyrant。  But the potentate; like the British in India; pays 

small regard to the character of his willing client; judges him 

with listless glances; and condemns him in a byword。  Listless have 

been the looks of his admirers; who have exhausted idle terms of 

praise; and buried the poor soul below exaggerations。  And yet more 

idle and; if possible; more unintelligent has been the attitude of 

his express detractors; those who are very fond of dogs 〃but in 

their proper place〃; who say 〃poo' fellow; poo' fellow;〃 and are 

themselves far poorer; who whet the knife of the vivisectionist or 

heat his oven; who are not ashamed to admire 〃the creature's 

instinct〃; and flying far beyond folly; have dared to resuscitate 

the theory of animal machines。  The 〃dog's instinct〃 and the 

〃automaton…dog;〃 in this age of psychology and science; sound like 

strange anachronisms。  An automaton he certainly is; a machine 

working independently of his control; the heart; like the mill…

wheel; keeping all in motion; and the consciousness; like a person 

shut in the mill garret; enjoying the view out of the window and 

shaken by the thunder of the stones; an automaton in one corner of 

which a living spirit is confined: an automaton like man。  Instinct 

again he certainly possesses。  Inherited aptitudes are his; 

inherited frailties。  Some things he at once views and understands; 

as though he were awakened from a sleep; as though he came 

〃trailing clouds of glory。〃  But with him; as with man; the field 

of instinct is limited; its utterances are obscure and occasional; 

and about the far larger part of life both the dog and his master 

must conduct their steps by deduction and observation。

The leading distinction between dog and man; after and perhaps 

before the different duration of their lives; is that the one can 

speak and that the other cannot。  The absence of the power of 

speech confines the dog in the development of his intellect。  It 

hinders him from many speculations; for words are the beginning of 

meta…physic。  At the same blow it saves him from many 

superstitions; and his silence has won for him a higher name for 

virtue than his conduct justifies。  The faults of the dog are many。  

He is vainer than man; singularly greedy of notice; singularly 

intolerant of ridicule; suspicious like the deaf; jealous to the 

degree of frenzy; and radically devoid of truth。  The day of an 

intelligent small dog is passed in the manufacture and the 

laborious communication of falsehood; he lies with his tail; he 

lies with his eye; he lies with his protesting paw; and when he 

rattles his dish or scratches at the door his purpose is other than 

appears。  But he has some apology to offer for the vice。  Many of 

the signs which form his dialect have come to bear an arbitrary 

meaning; clearly understood both by his master and himself; yet 

when a new want arises he must either invent a new vehicle of 

meaning or wrest an old one to a different purpose; and this 

necessity frequently recurring must tend to lessen his idea of the 

sanctity of symbols。  Meanwhile the dog is clear in his own 

conscience; and draws; with a human nicety; the distinction between 

formal and essential truth。  Of his punning perversions; his 

legitimate dexterity with symbols; he is even vain; but when he has 

told and been detected in a lie; there is not a hair upon his body 

but confesses guilt。  To a dog of gentlemanly feeling theft and 

falsehood are disgraceful vices。  The canine; like the human; 

gentleman demands in his misdemeanours Montaigne's 〃JE NE SAIS QUOI 

DE GENEREUX。〃  He is never more than half ashamed of having barked 

or bitten; and for those faults into which he has been led by the 

desire to shine before a lady of his race; he retains; even under 

physical correction; a share of pride。  But to be caught lying; if 

he understands it; instantly uncurls his fleece。

Just as among dull observers he preserves a name for truth; the dog 

has been credited with modesty。  It is amazing how the use of 

language blunts the faculties of man … that because vain glory 

finds no vent in words; creatures supplied with eyes have been 

unable to detect a fault so gross and obvious。  If a small spoiled 

dog were suddenly to be endowed with speech; he would prate 

interminably; and still about himself; when we had friends; we 

should be forced to lock him in a garret; and what with his whining 

jealousies and his foible fo

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