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memories and portraits-第21节

小说: memories and portraits 字数: 每页4000字

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Whether he was originally big or little is more than I can guess。  

When I knew him he was all fallen away and fallen in; crooked and 

shrunken; buckled into a stiff waistcoat for support; troubled by 

ailments; which kept him hobbling in and out of the room; one foot 

gouty; a wig for decency; not for deception; on his head; close 

shaved; except under his chin … and for that he never failed to 

apologise; for it went sore against the traditions of his life。  

You can imagine how he would fare in a novel by Miss Mather; yet 

this rag of a Chelsea veteran lived to his last year in the 

plenitude of all that is best in man; brimming with human kindness; 

and staunch as a Roman soldier under his manifold infirmities。  You 

could not say that he had lost his memory; for he would repeat 

Shakespeare and Webster and Jeremy Taylor and Burke by the page 

together; but the parchment was filled up; there was no room for 

fresh inscriptions; and he was capable of repeating the same 

anecdote on many successive visits。  His voice survived in its full 

power; and he took a pride in using it。  On his last voyage as 

Commissioner of lighthouses; he hailed a ship at sea and made 

himself clearly audible without a speaking trumpet; ruffling the 

while with a proper vanity in his achievement。  He had a habit of 

eking out his words with interrogative hems; which was puzzling and 

a little wearisome; suited ill with his appearance; and seemed a 

survival from some former stage of bodily portliness。  Of yore; 

when he was a great pedestrian and no enemy to good claret; he may 

have pointed with these minute guns his allocutions to the bench。  

His humour was perfectly equable; set beyond the reach of fate; 

gout; rheumatism; stone and gravel might have combined their forces 

against that frail tabernacle; but when I came round on Sunday 

evening; he would lay aside Jeremy Taylor's LIFE OF CHRIST and 

greet me with the same open brow; the same kind formality of 

manner。  His opinions and sympathies dated the man almost to a 

decade。  He had begun life; under his mother's influence; as an 

admirer of Junius; but on maturer knowledge had transferred his 

admiration to Burke。  He cautioned me; with entire gravity; to be 

punctilious in writing English; never to forget that I was a 

Scotchman; that English was a foreign tongue; and that if I 

attempted the colloquial; I should certainly; be shamed: the remark 

was apposite; I suppose; in the days of David Hume。  Scott was too 

new for him; he had known the author … known him; too; for a Tory; 

and to the genuine classic a contemporary is always something of a 

trouble。  He had the old; serious love of the play; had even; as he 

was proud to tell; played a certain part in the history of 

Shakespearian revivals; for he had successfully pressed on Murray; 

of the old Edinburgh Theatre; the idea of producing Shakespeare's 

fairy pieces with great scenic display。  A moderate in religion; he 

was much struck in the last years of his life by a conversation 

with two young lads; revivalists 〃H'm;〃 he would say … 〃new to me。  

I have had … h'm … no such experience。〃  It struck him; not with 

pain; rather with a solemn philosophic interest; that he; a 

Christian as he hoped; and a Christian of so old a standing; should 

hear these young fellows talking of his own subject; his own 

weapons that he had fought the battle of life with; … 〃and … h'm … 

not understand。〃  In this wise and graceful attitude he did justice 

to himself and others; reposed unshaken in his old beliefs; and 

recognised their limits without anger or alarm。  His last recorded 

remark; on the last night of his life; was after he had been 

arguing against Calvinism with his minister and was interrupted by 

an intolerable pang。  〃After all;〃 he said; 〃of all the 'isms; I 

know none so bad as rheumatism。〃  My own last sight of him was some 

time before; when we dined together at an inn; he had been on 

circuit; for he stuck to his duties like a chief part of his 

existence; and I remember it as the only occasion on which he ever 

soiled his lips with slang … a thing he loathed。  We were both 

Roberts; and as we took our places at table; he addressed me with a 

twinkle: 〃We are just what you would call two bob。〃  He offered me 

port; I remember; as the proper milk of youth; spoke of 〃twenty…

shilling notes〃; and throughout the meal was full of old…world 

pleasantry and quaintness; like an ancient boy on a holiday。  But 

what I recall chiefly was his confession that he had never read 

OTHELLO to an end。  Shakespeare was his continual study。  He loved 

nothing better than to display his knowledge and memory by adducing 

parallel passages from Shakespeare; passages where the same word 

was employed; or the same idea differently treated。  But OTHELLO 

had beaten him。  〃That noble gentleman and that noble lady … h'm … 

too painful for me。〃  The same night the hoardings were covered 

with posters; 〃Burlesque of OTHELLO;〃 and the contrast blazed up in 

my mind like a bonfire。  An unforgettable look it gave me into that 

kind man's soul。  His acquaintance was indeed a liberal and pious 

education。  All the humanities were taught in that bare dining…room 

beside his gouty footstool。  He was a piece of good advice; he was 

himself the instance that pointed and adorned his various talk。  

Nor could a young man have found elsewhere a place so set apart 

from envy; fear; discontent; or any of the passions that debase; a 

life so honest and composed; a soul like an ancient violin; so 

subdued to harmony; responding to a touch in music … as in that 

dining…room; with Mr。 Hunter chatting at the eleventh hour; under 

the shadow of eternity; fearless and gentle。

The second class of old people are not anecdotic; they are rather 

hearers than talkers; listening to the young with an amused and 

critical attention。  To have this sort of intercourse to 

perfection; I think we must go to old ladies。  Women are better 

hearers than men; to begin with; they learn; I fear in anguish; to 

bear with the tedious and infantile vanity of the other sex; and we 

will take more from a woman than even from the oldest man in the 

way of biting comment。  Biting comment is the chief part; whether 

for profit or amusement; in this business。  The old lady that I 

have in my eye is a very caustic speaker; her tongue; after years 

of practice; in absolute command; whether for silence or attack。  

If she chance to dislike you; you will be tempted to curse the 

malignity of age。  But if you chance to please even slightly; you 

will be listened to with a particular laughing grace of sympathy; 

and from time to time chastised; as if in play; with a parasol as 

heavy as a pole…axe。  It requires a singular art; as well as the 

vantage…ground of age; to deal these stunning corrections among the 

coxcombs of the young。  The pill is disguised in sugar of wit; it 

is administered as a compliment … if you had not pleased; you would 

not have been censured; it is a personal affair … a hyphen; A TRAIT 

D'UNION; between you and your censor; age's philandering; for her 

pleasure and your good。  Incontestably the young man feels very 

much of a fool; but he must be a perfect Malvolio; sick with self…

love; if he cannot take an open buffet and still smile。  The 

correction of silence is what kills; when you know you have 

transgressed; and your friend says nothing and avoids your eye。  If 

a man were made of gutta…percha; his heart would quail at such a 

moment。  But when the word is out; the worst is over; and a fellow 

with any good…humour at all may pass through a perfect hail of 

witty criticism; every bare place on his soul hit to the quick with 

a shrewd missile; and reappear; as if after a dive; tingling with a 

fine moral reaction; and ready; with a shrinking readiness; one…

third loath; for a repetition of the discipline。

There are few women; not well sunned and ripened; and perhaps 

toughened; who can thus stand apart from a man and say the true 

thing with a kind of genial cruelty。  Still there are some … and I 

doubt if there be any man who can return the compliment。  The class 

of man represented by Vernon Whitford in THE EGOIST says; indeed; 

the true thing; but he says it stockishly。  Vernon is a noble 

fellow; and makes; by the way; a noble and instructive contrast to 

Daniel Deronda; his conduct is the conduct of a man of honour; but 

we agree with him; against our consciences; when he remorsefully 

considers 〃its astonishing dryness。〃  He is the best of men; but 

the best of women manage to combine all that and something more。  

Their very faults assist them; they are helped even by the 

falseness of their position in life。  They can retire into the 

fortified camp of the proprieties。  They can touch a subject and 

suppress it。  The most adroit employ a somewhat elaborate reserve 

as a means 

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