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god the known and god the unknown-及6准

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conception。  It is Atheistic察as offering us a God which is not a 

God察inasmuch as we can conceive of no such being察nor of 

anything in the least like it。  It is察like Pantheism察an 

illusion察which can be believed only by those who repeat a 

formula which they have learnt by heart in a foreign language of 

which they understand nothing察and yet aver that they believe it。  

There are doubtless many who will say that this is possible察but 

the majority of my readers will hold that no proposition can be 

believed or disbelieved until its nature is understood。

It may perhaps be said that there is another conception of God 

possible察and that we may see him as personal察without at the 

same time believing that he has any actual tangible existence。  

Thus we personify hope察truth察and justice察without intending to 

convey to anyone the impression that these qualities are women察

with flesh and blood。  Again察we do not think of Nature as an 

actual woman察though we call her one察why may we not conceive of 

God察then察as an expression whereby we personify察by a figure of 

speech only察the thing that is intended being no person察but our 

own highest ideal of power察wisdom察and duration。

There would be no reason to complain of this if this manner of 

using the word ;God; were well understood。  Many words have two 

meanings察or even three察without any mischievous confusion of 

thought following。  There can not only be no objection to the use 

of the word God as a manner of expressing the highest ideal of 

which our minds can conceive察but on the contrary no better 

expression can be found察and it is a pity the word is not thus 

more generally used。

Few察however察would be content with any such limitation of God as 

that he should be an idea only察an expression for certain 

qualities of human thought and action。  Whence察it may be fairly 

asked察did our deeply rooted belief in God as a Living Person 

originate拭The idea of him as of an inconceivably vast察ancient察

powerful察loving察and yet formidable Person is one which survives 

all changes of detail in men's opinion。  I believe there are a 

few very savage tribes who are as absolutely without religious 

sense as the beasts of the field察but the vast majority for a 

long time past have been possessed with an idea that there is 

somewhere a Living God who is the Spirit and the Life of all that 

is察and who is a true Person with an individuality and self´

consciousness of his own。  It is only natural that we should be 

asked how such an idea has remained in the minds of so many ´ who 

differ upon almost every other part of their philosophy´for so 

long a time if it was without foundation察and a piece of dreamy 

mysticism only。

True察it has generally been declared that this God is an infinite 

God察and an infinite God is a God without any bounds or 

limitations察and a God without bounds or limitations is an 

impersonal God察and an impersonal God is Atheism。  But may not 

this be the incoherency of prophecy which precedes the successful 

mastering of an idea拭May we not think of this illusory 

expression as having arisen from inability to see the whereabouts 

of a certain vast but tangible Person as to whose existence men 

were nevertheless clear拭If they felt that it existed察and yet 

could not say where察nor wherein it was to be laid hands on察they 

would be very likely to get out of the difficulty by saying that 

it existed as an infinite Spirit察partly from a desire to magnify 

what they felt must be so vast and powerful察and partly because 

they had as yet only a vague conception of what they were aiming 

at察and must察therefore察best express it vaguely。

We must not be surprised that when an idea is still inchoate its 

expression should be inconsistent and imperfect´ideas will almost 

always during the earlier history of a thought be put together 

experimentally so as to see whether or no they will cohere。  

Partly out of indolence察partly out of the desire of those who 

brought the ideas together to be declared right察and partly out 

of joy that the truth should be supposed found察incoherent ideas 

will be kept together longer than they should be察nevertheless 

they will in the end detach themselves and go察if others present 

themselves which fit into their place better。  There is no 

consistency which has not once been inconsistent察nor coherency 

that has not been incoherent。  The incoherency of our ideas 

concerning God is due to the fact that we have not yet truly 

found him察but it does not argue that he does not exist and 

cannot be found anywhere after more diligent search察on the 

contrary察the persistence of the main idea察in spite of the 

incoherency of its details察points strongly in the direction of 

believing that it rests upon a foundation in fact。

But it must be remembered there can be no God who is not personal 

and material此and if personal察then察though inconceivably vast in 

comparison with man察still limited in space and time察and capable 

of making mistakes concerning his own interests察though as a 

general rule right in his estimates concerning them。  Where察then察

is this Being拭He must be on earth察or what folly can be greater 

than speaking of him as a person拭What are persons on any other 

earth to us察or we to them拭He must have existed and be going to 

exist through all time察and he must have a tangible body。  Where察

then察is the body of this God拭And what is the mystery of his 


It will be my business to show this in the following chapter。

                          CHAPTER VI

                       THE TREE OF LIFE

Atheism denies knowledge of a God of any kind。  Pantheism and 

Theism alike profess to give us a God察but they alike fail to 

perform what they have promised。  We can know nothing of the God 

they offer us察for not even do they themselves profess that any 

of our senses can be cognisant sicАof him。  They tell us that he 

is a personal God察but that he has no material person。  This is 

disguised Atheism。  What we want is a Personal God察the glory of 

whose Presence can be made in part evident to our senses察though 

what we can realise sicАis less than nothing in comparison with 

what we must leave for ever unimagined。

And truly such a God is not far from every one of us察for if we 

survey the broader and deeper currents of men's thoughts during 

the last three thousand years察we may observe two great and 

steady sets as having carried away with them the more eligible 

races of mankind。  The one is a tendency from Polytheism to 

Monotheism察the other from Polytypism to Monotypism of the 

earliest forms of life´all animal and vegetable forms having at 

length come to be regarded as differentiations of a single 

substance´to wit察protoplasm。

No man does well so to kick against the pricks as to set himself 

against tendencies of such depth察strength察and permanence as 

this。  If he is to be in harmony with the dominant opinion of his 

own and of many past ages察he will see a single God´impregnate 

substance as having been the parent from which all living forms 

have sprung。  One spirit察and one form capable of such 

modification as its directing spirit shall think fit察one soul 

and one body察one God and one Life。

For the time has come when the two unities so painfully arrived 

at must be joined together as body and soul察and be seen not as 

two察but one。  There is no living organism untenanted by the 

Spirit of God察nor any Spirit of God perceivable by man apart 

from organism embodying and expressing it。  God and the Life of 

the World are like a mountain察which will present different 

aspects as we look at it from different sides察but which察when we 

have gone all round it察proves to be one only。  God is the animal 

and vegetable world察and the animal and vegetable world is God。

I have repeatedly said that we ought to see all animal and 

vegetable life as uniting to form a single personality。  I should 

perhaps explain this more fully察for the idea of a compound 

person is one which at first is not very easy to grasp察inasmuch 

as we are not conscious of any but our more superficial aspects察

and have therefore until lately failed to understand that we are 

ourselves compound persons。  I may perhaps be allowed to quote 

from an earlier work。

;Each cell in the human body is now admitted by physiologists to 

be a person with an intelligent soul察differing from our own more 

complex soul in degree and not in kind察and察like ourselves察

being born察living察and dying。  It would appear察then察as though 

'we' 'our souls' or 'selves' or 'personalities' or by 

whatever name we may prefer to be called察are but the 

consensus and full´ flowing stream of countless sensations 

and impulses on the part of our tributary souls or 'selves' who 

probably no more know 

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