god the known and god the unknown-及5准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
withering flower´it languishes and dies。 We cannot imagine a
thing to live at all and yet be soulless except in sleep for a
short time察and even so not quite soulless。 The idea of a soul察
or of that unknown something for which the word ;soul; is our
hieroglyphic察and the idea of living organism察unite so
spontaneously察and stick together so inseparably察that no matter
how often we sunder them they will elude our vigilance and come
together察like true lovers察in spite of us。 Let us not attempt to
divorce ideas that have so long been wedded together。
I submit察then察that Pantheism察even as explained by those who
had entered on the outskirts only of its great morass察
nevertheless holds out so little hope of leading to any
comfortable conclusion that it will be more reasonable to occupy
our minds with other matter than to follow Pantheism further。 The
Pantheists speak of a person without meaning a person察they speak
of a; him; and a ;he; without having in their minds the idea of a
living person with all its inevitable limitations。 Pantheism is察
therefore察as is said by Mr。 Blunt in another article察
;practically nothing else than Atheism察it has no belief in a
personal deity overruling the affairs of the world察as Divine
Providence察and is察therefore察Atheistic察─and again察 Theism
believes in a spirit superior to matter察and so does Pantheism察
but the spirit of Theism is self´conscious察and therefore
personal and of individual existence´a nature per se察and
upholding all things by an active control察while Pantheism
believes in spirit that is of a higher nature than brute matter察
but is a mere unconscious principle of life察impersonal察
irrational as the brute matter that it quickens。;
If this verdict concerning Pantheism is true´and from all I can
gather it is as nearly true as anything can be said to be which
is predicated of an incoherent idea´the Pantheistic God is an
attempt to lay hold of a truth which has nevertheless eluded its
In my next chapter I will consider the commonly received察
orthodox conception of God察and compare it with the Pantheistic。
I will show that it察too察is Atheistic察inasmuch as察in spite of
its professing to give us a conception of God察it raises no ideas
in our minds of a person or Living Being´and a God who is not
this is non´existent。
We have seen that Pantheism fails to satisfy察inasmuch as it
requires us to mean something different by the word ;God; from
what we have been in the habit of meaning。 I have already said´I
fear察too often´that no conception of God can have any value or
meaning for us which does not involve his existence as an
independent Living Person of ineffable wisdom and power察
vastness察and duration both in the past and for the future。 If
such a Being as this can be found existing and made evident察
directly or indirectly察to human senses察there is a God。 If
otherwise察there is no God察or none察at any rate察so far as we
can know察none with whom we need concern ourselves。 No conscious
personality察no God。 An impersonal God is as much a contradiction
in terms as an impersonal person。
Unfortunately察when we question orthodox theology closely察we
find that it supposes God to be a person who has no material body
such as could come within the range of any human sense察and make
an impression upon it。 He is supposed to be of a spiritual nature
only察except in so far as one part of his triune personality is察
according to the Athanasian Creed察 perfect man察of a reasonable
soul and human flesh subsisting。;
Here察then察we find ourselves in a dilemma。 On the one hand察we
are involved in the same difficulty as in the case of Pantheism察
inasmuch as a person without flesh and blood察or something
analogous察is not a person察we are required察therefore察to
believe in a personal God察who has no true person察to believe察
that is to say察in an impersonal person。
This察as we have seen already察is Atheism under another name察
being察as it is察destructive of all idea of God whatever察for
these words do not convey an idea of something which human
intelligence can understand up to a certain point察and which it
can watch going out of sight into regions beyond our view察but in
the same direction´as we may infer other stars in space beyond
the farthest that we know of察they convey utterly self´
destructive ideas察which can have no real meaning察and can only
be thought to have a meaning by ignorant and uncultivated people。
Otherwise such foundation as human reason rests upon´that is to
say察the current opinion of those whom the world appraises as
reasonable and agreeable察or capable of being agreed with for any
time´is sapped察the whole thing tumbles down察and we may have
square circles and round triangles察which may be declared to be
no longer absurdities and contradictions in terms察but mysteries
that go beyond our reason察without being contrary to it。 Few will
maintain this察and those few may be neglected察an impersonal
person must therefore be admitted to be nonsense察and an
immaterial God to be Atheism in another shape。
On the other hand察if God is ;of a reasonable soul and human
flesh subsisting察─and if he thus has the body without which he
is´as far as we are concerned´non´existent察this body must yet be
reasonably like other bodies察and must exist in some place and at
some time。 Furthermore察it must do sufficiently nearly what all
other ;human flesh; belonging to ;perfect man; must do察or cease
to be human flesh。 Our ideas are like our organisms察they have
some little elasticity and circumstance´suiting power察some
little margin on which察as I have elsewhere said察side´notes may
be written察and glosses on the original text察but this power is
very limited。 As offspring will only察as a general rule察vary
very little from its immediate parents察and as it will fail
either immediately or in the second generation if the parents
differ too widely from one another察so we cannot get our idea of´
we will say a horse´to conjure up to our minds the idea of any
animal more unlike a horse than a pony is察nor can we get a well´
defined idea of a combination between a horse and any animal more
remote from it than an ass察zebra察or giraffe。 We may察indeed察
make a statue of a flying horse察but the idea is one which cannot
be made plausible to any but ignorant people。 So ;human flesh;
may vary a little from ;human flesh; without undue violence being
done to our reason and to the right use of language察but it
cannot differ from it so much as not to eat察drink察nor waste and
repair itself。 ;Human flesh察─which is without these necessary
adjuncts察is human flesh only to those who can believe in flying
horses with feathered wings and bills like birds´that is to say察
to vulgar and superstitious persons。
Lastly察not only must the ;perfect man察─who is the second person
of the Godhead according to the orthodox faith察and who subsists
of ;human flesh; as well as of a ;reasonable soul察─not only must
this person exist察but he must exist in some place either on this
earth or outside it。 If he exists on earth察he must be in Europe察
Asia察Africa察America察or on some island察and if he were met with
he must be capable of being seen and handled in the same way as
all other things that can be called perfect man are seen察
otherwise he is a perfect man who is not only not a perfect man察
but who does not in any considerable degree resemble one。 It is
not察however察pretended by anyone that God察the ;perfect man察─is
to be looked for in any place upon the surface of the globe。
If察on the other hand察the person of God exists in some sphere
outside the earth察his human flesh again proves to be of an
entirely different kind from all other human flesh察for we know
that such flesh cannot exist except on earth察if in space
unsupported察it must fall to the ground察or into some other
planet察or into a sun察or go on revolving round the earth or some
other heavenly body´or not be personal。 None of those
whose opinions will carry weight will assign a position either in
some country on this earth察or yet again in space察to Jesus
Christ察but this involves the rendering meaningless of all
expressions which involve his personality。
The Christian conception察therefore察of the Deity proves when
examined with any desire to understand our own meaning and what
lawlessness so great as the attempt to impose words upon our
understandings which have no lawful settlement within them殖 to
be no less a contradiction in terms than the Pantheistic
conception。 It is Atheistic察as offering us a God which is not a
God察inasmuch as we can conceive of no suc