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further adventures of lad-第8节

小说: further adventures of lad 字数: 每页4000字

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〃In case of accidents;〃 he explained; pleasantly; as he handed the pistol back to its scowling owner。 〃And if you'll stop at the post…office; this afternoon; you'll find these shells in an envelope in your letter…box。 Now; chase; unless you want Lad to escort you to your boat。 Lad is fine at escorting undesirables off the Place。 Want to see him perform?〃

But Wefers did not answer。 Snatching the impotent pistol and shoving it back into his coattail pocket; he strode lakeward; muttering lurid threats as he went。

The Mistress watched his lank figure on its way down the lawn to the dock。

〃It's…it's AWFUL!〃 she faltered; clutching at her husband's arm。 〃Oh; you don't suppose he cancan really get leave to shoot Laddie; do you?〃

〃I don't know;〃 answered the Master; as uneasy as she。 〃A mad…dog scare has a way of throwing everybody into a fool panic。 There's no knowing what some magistrate may let him do。 But one thing is mighty certain;〃 he reassured her。 〃If the whole National Guard of New Jersey comes here; with a truckload of shooting…warrants; they aren't going to get Laddie。 I promise you that。 I don't quite know how we are going to prevent it。 But we're going to。 That's a pledge。 So you're not to worry。〃

As they talked they continued to watch the constable in his clumping exit from the Place。 Wefers reached the dock; and stamped out to its extreme end; where was moored the livery scow he had commandeered for his journey across the lake from the village。

A light wind was blowing。 It had caught the scow's wide stern and had swung it out from the dock。 Wefers unhooked the chain and dropped it clankingly into the bottom。 Then; with ponderous uncertainty; he stepped from the dock's string…piece to the prow of his boat。

A whiff of breeze slapped the loosened scow; broadside on; and sent it drifting an inch or two away。 As a result; Homer Wefers' large shoe…sole was planted on the edge of the prow; instead of its center。 His sole was slippery from the dew of the lawn。 The prow's edge was still more slippery; from having been the scene of a recent fish…cleaning。

The constable's gangling body strove in vain to hold any semblance of balance。 His foot slid out from its precarious perch; pushing the boat farther into the lake。 And the dignified officer flapped wildly in mid…air。

Not being built on a lighter…than…air principle; he failed to hold this undignified aerial pose for more than the tenth of a second。 At the end of that time he plunged splashingly into the lake; at a depth of something like eight feet of water。

〃Good!〃 applauded the Master; as the Mistress gasped aloud in not wholly sorrowful surprise and as Lad ambled gayly down the lawn for a closer view of this highly diverting sight。 〃Good! I hope he ruins every stitch he has on; and then gets rheumatism and tonsilitis。 He〃

The Master's babbling jaw fell slack; and the pleased grin faded from his face。

Wefers had come to the surface; after his ducking。 He was fully three yards beyond the dock and as far from his drifting scow。 And he was doing all manner of sensational things with his lanky arms and legs and body。 In brief; he was doing everything except swim。

It was this phenomenon which had wiped away the Master's grin of pure happiness。

Any man may fall into the water; and may present a most ludicrous spectacle in doing so。 But; on the instant he comes to the surface; his very first motions will show whether or not he is a swimmer。 It had not occurred to the Master that anyone reared in the North Jersey lake…country should not have at least enough knowledge of swimming to carry him a few yards。 But; even as many sailors cannot swim a stroke; so many an inlander; born and brought up within sight of fresh water; has never taken the trouble to grasp the simplest rudiments of natation。 And such a man; very evidently; was Homer Wefers; Township Head Constable。

His howl of crass panic was not needed to prove this to the Master。 His every wild antic showed it。 But that same terror…stricken screech was required to set forth the true situation to the one member of the trio who had learned from birth to judge by sound and by scent; rather than by mere sight。

With no good grace; the Master yanked off his own coat and waistcoat; and bent to unstrap his hiking boots。 He did not relish the prospect of a wetting; for the mere sake of saving from death this atrocious trespasser。 He knew the man could probably keep afloat for at least a minute longer。 And he was not minded to shorten the period of fear by ripping off his own outer garments with any melodramatic haste。

As he undid the first boot…latchet; he felt the Mistress's tense fingers on his shoulder。

〃Wait!〃 she exhorted

Astounded at this cold…blooded counsel from his tender…hearted wife; he looked up; and followed the direction of her eagerly pointing hand。

〃Look!〃 she was exulting。 〃It'll all solve itself! See if it doesn't。 Look! He can't shoot Laddie; afterafter〃

The Master was barely in time to see Lad swirl along the dock with express…train speed and spring far out into the lake。

The dog struck water; a bare ten inches from Wefers' madly tossing head。 The constable; in his crazy panic; flung both bony arms about the dog。 And; man and collie together disappeared under the surface; in a swirl of churned foam。

The Mistress cried aloud; at this hideous turn her pretty plan had taken。 The Master; one shoe off and one shoe on; hobbled at top pace toward the dock。

As he reached the foot of the lawn; Lad's head and shoulders came into view above the little whirlpool caused by the sinking bodies' suction。 And; at the same moment; the convulsed features of Homer Wefers showed through the eddy。 The man was thrashing and twisting in a way that turned the lake around him into a white maelstrom。

As the Master set foot on the dock he saw the Collie rush forward with an impetus that sent both shaggy mahogany shoulders far out of water。 Striking with brilliant accuracy; the dog avoided Wefers' flailing arms and feet; and clinched his strong teeth into the back of the drowning man's collar。

Thus; Lad was safe from the blindly clinging arms and from a kick。 He had chosen the one strategic hold; and he maintained it。 A splashing of the unwieldy body made both heads vanish under water; for a bare half…second; as the Master poised himself on the string…piece for a dive。 But the dive was not made。

For the heads reappeared。 And now; whether from palsy of fright or from belated intelligence;Wefers ceased his useless struggles; though not his strangled shrieks for help。 The collie; calling on all his wiry power; struck out for the dock; keeping the man's face above water; and tugging at his soggy weight with a scientific strength that sent the two; slowly but steadily; shoreward。

After the few feet of the haul; Wefers went silent。 Into his blankly affrighted face came a look of foolish bewilderment。 The Master; remembering his wife's hint; and certain now of Lad's ability to complete the rescue; stood waiting on the string…piece。 Once; for a second; Wefers' eyes met his; but they were averted in queer haste。

As Lad tugged his burden beneath the stringpiece; the Master bent down and gripped the sodden wet shoulders of the constable。 One none…too…gentle heave; and Wefers was lying in a panting and dripping heap on the clean dock。 Lad; relieved of his heavy load; swam leisurely around to shore。 It had been a delightfully thrilling day; thus far; for the collie。 But he was just a bit tired。

By the time the dazed constable was able to sit up and peer owlishly into the unloving faces of the Mistress and the Master; Lad had shaken himself thrice and was pattering across the dock toward the group。 From the two humans; Wefers' gaze shifted to the oncoming dog。 Then he glanced back at the sullen depths of lake water beyond the string…piece。 Then he let his head sink on his chest。 For perhaps a whole minute; he sat thus; his eyes shut; his breath still fast and hysterical。

Nobody spoke。 The Mistress looked down at the drenched man。 Then she winked at the equally silent Master; and laid a caressing little hand on Lad's wet head。 At length; Wefers lifted his face and glowered at the trio。 But; as his eye met Lad's quizzically interested gaze; he fidgeted。

〃Well?〃 prompted the Master; 〃do you want those cartridges back?〃

Wefers favored him with a scowl of utter dislike。 Then; his eyes again averted; the wet man mumbled

〃I come over here today; to do my dooty。Dogs that get bit by mad dogs had ought to be shot。I come over here to do my dooty。 Likewise; I done it。I shot that dog of yours that got bit; yest'day。〃

〃Huh?〃 ejaculated the Master。

〃This dog here looks some like him;〃 went on Wefers; sulkily。 〃But it ain't him。 And I'll so report to the author'ties。I done what I come to do。 The case is closed。 And…and…if you folks ever want to sell your dog; why;well; I'll just go mortgage something andand buy him off'n you!〃

CHAPTER III。 No Trespassing!

There were four of them; two gaudily…clad damsels and two men。 The men; in their own way; were attired as gloriously as the maidens they were escorting。  The quartet added generously to the glowing beauty of the summer day

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