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further adventures of lad-第44节

小说: further adventures of lad 字数: 每页4000字

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 man or woman; menaced by danger from law or from private foe; can either fight it out or run away from it。 But there is no hiding place for a child from a brute parent。 The punishment is as inevitable and as fearsome as from the hand of God。

No; there is no other terror so awful。 And; one likes to think; there is no other punishment in the next world so severe as that meted out to the torturers of little children。 For this hope's basis there is the solemn warning voiced by the All…pitying Friend of children;a threat which; apparently; was unfamiliar to Ruloff。

Down upon the weepingly prostrate Sonya bore the man。 As he came toward her; he ripped off the leathern belt he wore。 And he brandished it by the hole…punch end; the brass buckle singing ominously about his head。 Then; out from the house and across the wide veranda flashed a giant tawny shape。

With the fierce speed of his youngest days; Lad cleared the porch and reached the crying child。 In the same instant he beheld the advancing Ruloff; and the wise old brain read the situation at a glance。

Stopping only to lick the tear…streaked little face; Lad bounded in front of Sonya and faced the father。 The collie's feeble old body was tense; his eyes blazed with indignant fury。 His hackles bristled。 The yellowed and useless teeth glinted from beneath back…writhed lips。 For all his age; Lad was a terrible and terrifying figure as he stood guard over the helpless waif。

Ruloff hesitated an instant; taken aback by the apparition。 Sonya ceased shrieking。 Lad was here to protect her。 Over her frightened soul came that former queer sense of safety。 She got up; tremblingly; and pressed close to the furry giant who had come to her rescue。 She glared defiantly up at Ruloff。

Perhaps it was this glare; perhaps it was the knowledge that Lad was very old and the sight of his worn…down teeth; perhaps it was the need of maintaining his hold of fear over the rebellious child。 At all events; Ruloff swung aloft the belt once more and strode toward the two; balancing himself for a kick at the thundrously growling dog。

The kick did not land。 For; even as Sonya cried out in new terror; Lad launched himself at the Slav。

All unprepared for the clash; and being an utter coward at heartif he had a heartthe father reeled back; under the impact。 Losing his balance; he tumbled prone to earth。

By the time his back struck ground; Lad was upon him; ravening uselessly at the swarthy throat。

But; yelling with fright; Ruloff fended him off; and twisted and writhed out of reach; bunching his feet under him and; in a second; staggering up and racing for the shelter of the nearest tree。

Up the low…stretching branches the man swarmed; until he was well out of reach。 Then; pausing in his climb; he shook his fist down at the collie; who was circling the tree in a vain attempt to find some way of climbing it。

Chattering; mouthing; gibbering like a monkey; Ruloff shook an impotent fist at the dog that had treed him; and squalled insults at him and at the hysterically delighted child。

Sonya rushed up to Lad; flinging her arms around him and trying to kiss him。 At her embrace; the collie's tension relaxed。 He turned his back on the jabbering Ruloff; and looked pantingly up into the child's excited face。

Then; whimpering a little under his breath; he licked her cheek; and made shift to wag his plumed tail in reassurance。 After which; having routed the enemy and done what he could to comfort the rescued; Laddie moved heavily over to the veranda。

For some reason he was finding it hard to breathe。 And his heart was doing amazing things against his ribs。 He was very tired very drowsy。 He wanted to finish his interrupted nap。 But it was a long way into the house。 And a spot on the veranda; under the wide hammock; promised coolness。 Thither he went; walking more and more slowly。

At the hammock; he looked back: Ruloff was shinnying down from the tree; on the far side。 All the fight; all the angry zest for torturing; seemed to have gone out of the man。 Without so much as glancing toward Sonya or the dog; he made his way; in a wide detour; toward the barn and lunch。

Sonya ran up on the veranda after Lad。 As he laid himself heavily down; under the hammock; she sat on the floor beside him; taking his head in her lap; stroking its silken fur and beginning to sing to him in that high…pitched crooning little voice of hers。

Laddie loved this。 And he loved the soft caress of her hand。 It soothed him to sleep。

It was good to sleep。 He had just undergone more vehement exertion and excitement than had been his for many a long month。 And he had earned his rest。 It was sweet to doze like thispetted and sung to。

It was not well to exercise body and emotions as he had just done。 Lad realized that; now;now that it was all over and he could rest。 Rest! Yes; it was good to rest;to be smoothed and crooned at。 It was thus the Mistress had stroked and crooned to him; so many thousand times。 And always Lad had loved it。

It was well to be at home and to be sinking so pleasantly to sleep; here at the Place he had guarded since before he could rememberthe Place where he and the Mistress and the Master had had such splendid times; where he and his long…dead mate; Lady; had romped; where he had played with and trained his fiery little son; Wolf; and where every inch of the dear land was alive with wonderful memories to him。

He had had a full; happy; rich life。 And now; in its twilight; rest was as grateful as action once had been。

The morning air was warm and it was heavy with flower and field; scents; and with the breath of the forests where so often Lad had led the tearing run of the collie pack and in whose snowy depths he once had fought for his life against Wolf and the huge crossbreed; Rex。 That was ever so long ago。

The Mistress and the Master were coming home。 Lad knew that。 He could not have told how he knew it。 In earlier years; he had known their car was bringing them home to him; while it was still a mile or more distant from the Place;had known and had cantered forth to meet it。

He was too tired; just now; to do that。 At least; until he had slept for a moment or two。 Always; until now; the Mistress and the Master had been first; with Lad。 Now; for some odd reason; sleep was first。

And he slept;deeply; wearily。

Presently; as he slept; he sighed and then quivered a little。 After that; he lay still。 The great heart; very quietly; had stopped beating。

Into the driveway; from the main road; a furlong above; rolled the homecoming car。 At sight of it; Sonya started up。 She was not certain how the car's occupants would take her preempting of the veranda in their absence。 Letting Lad's head gently down to the floor; she slipped away。

To the barn she went; ignorant that her father had not returned to the orchard。 She wanted to get herself into a more courageous frame of mind before meeting Ruloff。 By experience she judged he would make her pay; and pay dear; for the  fright the collie had given him。

Into the barn she ran; shutting fast its side door behind her。 Then; midway across the dusky hay…strewn space; she came to a gasping stop。 Ruloff had risen from a box on the corner; had set down his lunch pail; moved between her and the door and yanked off his brass…buckled belt。

The child was trapped。 Here there was no earthly chance for escape。 Here; too; thanks to the closed door; Laddie could not cone to her aid。 In palsied dread; she stood shaking and sobbing; as the man walked silently toward her。

Ruloff's flat face widened in a grin of anticipation。 He had a big score to pay。 And he was there to pay it。 The fear of the dog was still upon him; and the shame that this child; the cause of all his humiliation; should have seen him run yelling up a tree。 It would take a mighty good flogging to square that。

Sonya cried out; in mortal terror; at his first step。 Then… … probably only in her hysterical imagination; though afterward she vowed it had actually happenedcame rescue。

Distinctly; against her quivering side; she felt the pressure of a warm furry bulk。 Into her paralyzed hand a reassuring cold muzzle was thrust。 And; over her; came a sense of wonderful safety from all harm。 Facing her father with a high…pitched loud laugh of genuine courage; she shrilled:

〃You don't dare touch me! You don't dare lay one finger on me!〃

And she meant it。 Her look and every inflection of the defiant high voice proved she meant it; proved it to the dumfounded Ruloff; in a way that sent funny little shivers down his spine。

The man came to a shambling halt; aghast at the transfigured little wisp of humanity who confronted him in such gay fearlessness。

〃Why don't I dare?〃 he blustered; lifting the brass…buckled weapon again。

〃You don't dare to!〃 she laughed; wildly。 〃You don't dare; because you know he'll kill you; This time he won't just knock you down。 He'll KILL you! He'll never let you hit me again。 I know it。 He's HERE! You don't dare touch me! You won't ever dare touch me! He〃

She choked; in her shout of weird exultation。 The man; ridden by his racial superstition; stared open…mouthed at the tiny demon who screeched defiance at him。

And; there; in the dim shado

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