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further adventures of lad-第22节

小说: further adventures of lad 字数: 每页4000字

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er heard of before!〃

〃If I could devote five busy minutes a day to him;〃 grunted the Master; 〃with an axe…handle or perhaps a bale…stick〃

〃You wouldn't do it!〃 denied his wife。 〃You wouldn't harm him; any more than Lad does。 That's the trouble。 If Cyril belonged to us; we could punish him。 Not with aa balestick; of course。 But he needs a good wholesome spanking; more than anyone else I can think of。 That or some other kind of punishment that would make an impression on him。 But what can we do? He isn't ours〃

〃Thank God!〃 interpolated the Master; piously。

〃And we can't punish other people's child;〃 she finished。 〃I don't know what we CAN do。 I wouldn't mind half so much about the other sneaky things he does; if it wasn't for the way he treats Laddie。 I〃

〃Suppose we send Lad to the boarding kennels; at Ridgewood; till the brat is gone? 〃 suggested the Master。 〃I hate to do it。 And the good old chap will be blue with homesickness there。 But at least he'll get kind treatment。 When he comes over to me and looks up into my eyes in that terribly appealing way; after Cyril has done some rotten thing to him;well; I feel like a cur; not to be able to justify his faith that I can make things all right for him。 Yes; I think I'll send him to the boarding kennels。 And; if it weren't for leaving you alone to face things here; I'd be tempted to hire a stall at the kennels for myself; till the pest is gone。〃

The next day; came a ray of light in the bothered gloom。 And the question of the boarding kennels was dropped。 The Mistress received a letter from Cyril's mother。 The European trip had been cut short; for business reasons; and the two travelers expected to land in New York on the following Friday。

〃Who dares say Friday is an unlucky day?〃 chortled the Master in glee; as his wife reached this stage of the letter。

〃And;〃 the Mistress read on; 〃we will come out to the Place; on the noon train; and take darling Cyril away with us。 I wish we could stay longer with you; but Henry must be in Chicago on Saturday night。 So we must catch a late afternoon train back to town; and take the night train West。 Now; I〃

〃Most letters are a bore;〃 interpolated the Master。 〃Or else they're a bother。 But this one is a pure rapture。 Read it more slowly; won't; you; dear? I want to wallow in every blessed word of hope it contains。 Go ahead。 I'm sorry I interrupted。 Read on。 You'll never have such another enthusiastic audience。〃

〃And now;〃 the Mistress continued her reading; 〃I am going to ask both of you not to say a single word to precious Cyril about our coming home so soon。 We want to surprise him。 Oh; to think what his lovely face will be like; when he sees us walking in!〃

〃And to think what MY lovely face will be like; when I see him walking out!〃 exulted the Master。 〃Laddie; come over here。 We've got the gorgeousest news ever! Come over and be glad!〃

Lad; at the summons; came trotting out of his cave; and across the room。 Like every good dog who has been much talked to; he was as adept as any dead…beat in reading the varying shades of the human voice。 The voices and faces alike of his two adored deities told him something wonderful had happened。 And; as ever; he rejoiced in their gladness。 Lifting his magnificent head; he broke into a salvo of trumpeting barks; the oddly triumphant form of racket he reserved for great moments。

〃What's Laddie doing?〃 asked Cyril; from the threshold。 〃He sounds as if he was going mad or something。〃

〃He's happy;〃 answered the Mistress。

〃Why's he happy?〃 queried the child。

〃Because his Master and I are happy;〃 patiently returned the Mistress。

〃Why are YOU happy?〃 insisted Cyril。

〃Because today is Thursday;〃 put in the Master。 〃And that means tomorrow will be Friday。〃

〃And on Friday;〃 added the Mistress; 〃there's going to be a beautiful surprise for you; Cyril。 We can't tell you what it is; but〃

〃Why can't you tell me?〃 urged the child。 〃Aw; go ahead and tell me! I think you might。〃

The Master had gone over to the nearest window; and was staring out into the gray…black dusk。 Mid…winter gripped the dead world; and the twilight air was deathly chill。 The tall naked treetops stood gaunt and wraithlike against a leaden sky。

To the north; the darkness was deepest。 Evil little puffs of gale stirred the powdery snow into myriads of tiny dancing white devils。 It had been a fearful winter; thus far; colder than for a score of years; so cold that many a wild woodland creature; which usually kept far back in the mountains; had ventured down nearer to civilization for forage and warmth。

Deer tracks a…plenty had been seen; close up to the gates of the Place。 And; two days ago; in the forest; half a mile away; the Master had come upon the half…human footprints of a young bear。 Starvation stalked abroad; yonder in the white hills。 And need for provender had begun to wax stronger among the folk of the wilderness than their inborn dread of humans。

〃There's a big snowstorm coming up;〃 ruminated the Master; as he scanned the grim weather…signs。 〃A blizzard; perhaps。 II hope it won't delay any incoming steamers。 I hope at least one of them will dock on schedule。 It〃

He turned back from his musings; aware for the first time that a right sprightly dialogue was going on。 Cyril was demanding for the eighth time:

〃WHY won't you tell me? Aw; I think you might! What's going to happen that's so nice; Friday?〃

〃Wait till Friday and see;〃 laughed the Mistress。

〃Shucks!〃 he snorted。 〃You might tell me; now。 I don't want to wait and get s'prised。 I want to know; NOW。 Tell me!〃

Under her tolerant smile; the youngster's voice scaled to an impatient whine。 He was beginning to grow red。

〃Let it go at that!〃 ordained the Master。 〃Don't spoil your own fun; by trying to find out; beforehand。 Be a good sportsman。〃

〃Fun!〃 snarled Cyril。 〃What's the fun of secrets? I want to know〃

〃It's snowing;〃 observed the Mistress; as a handful of flakes began to drift past the windows; tossed along on a puff of wind。

〃I want to KNOW!〃 half…wept the child; angry at the change of subject; and noting that the Mistress was moving toward the next room; with Lad at her heels。 〃Come back and tell me!〃

He stamped after her to bar her way。 Lad was between the irate Cyril and the Mistress。 In babyish rage at the dog's placid presence in his path; he drew back one ungainly foot and kicked the astonished collie in the ribs。

At the outrage; Lad spun about; a growl in his throat。 But he forbore to bite or even to show his teeth。 The growl had been of indignant protest at such unheard…of treatment; not a menace。 Then the dog stalked haughtily to his cave; and lay down there。

But the human witnesses to the scene were less forbearing;being only humans。 The Mistress cried out; in sharp protest at the little brute's action。 And the Master leaned forward; swinging Cyril clear of the ground。 Holding the child firmly; but with no roughness; the Master steadied his own voice as best he could; and said:

〃This time you've not even bothered to wait till our backs were turned。 So don't waste breath by crying and saying you didn't do it。 You're not my child; so I have no right to punish you。 And I'm not going to。 But I want you to know you've just kicked something that's worth fifty of you。〃

〃You let me down!〃 Cyril snarled。

〃Lad is too white and clean and square to hurt anything that can't hit back;〃 continued the Master。 〃And you are not。 That's the difference between you。 One of the several million differences;all of them in Lad's favor。 When a child begins life by being cruel to dumb animals; it's a pretty bad sign for the way he's due to treat his fellow…humans in later years;if ever any of them are at his mercy。 For your own sake; learn to behave at least as decently as a dog。 If〃

〃You let me down; you big bully!〃 squalled Cyril; bellowing with impotent fury。 〃You let me down! I〃

〃Certainly;〃 assented the Master; lowering him to the floor。 〃I didn't hurt you。 I only held you so you couldn't run out of the room; before I'd finished speaking; as you did; the time I caught you putting red pepper on Lad's food。 He〃

〃You wouldn't dare touch me; if my folks were here; you big bully!〃 screeched the child; in a veritable mania of rage; jumping up and down and actually foaming at the mouth。 〃But I'll tell 'em on you! See if I don't! I'll tell 'em how you slung me around and said I was worsen a dirty dog like Lad。 And Daddy'll lick you for it。 See if he don't! He〃

The Master could not choke back a laugh; though the poor Mistress looked horribly distressed at the maniac outburst; and strove soothingly to check it。 She; like the Master; remembered now that Cyril's doting mother had spoken of the child's occasional fits of red wrath。 But this was the first glimpse either of them had had of these。 Hitherto; craft had served Cyril's turn better than fury。

At sound of the Master's unintentional laugh the unfortunate child went quite beside himself in his transport of rage。

〃I won't stay in your nasty old house!〃 he shrieked。 〃I'm going to the very first house I can find。 And I'm going to tell 'em how you hammered a little feller that hasn't any folks here to stick up for him。 And I'll get 'em to t

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