the golden fleece-及14准
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;I must tell you what is the object of this expedition。;
;It is not necessary察general察─replied the young man察straightening himself and looking the other in the face察 for from this point our paths lie apart。;
;Why so拭─demanded the general察in surprise。
;What's that拭─exclaimed Meschines察coming up察and adjusting his spectacles。
;I'm not at liberty察at present察to explain察─Freeman answered。 ;All I can say is that I don't feel justified in assisting you in your affair察and I am not able to confide my own to you。 I wish you to put the least uncharitable construction you can on my conduct。 To´morrow察if we all live察I may say more察now察the most I can tell you is that I am not entirely a free agent。 MeantimeHasta luego。;
Against this unexpected resolve the general cordially protested and the professor scoffed and contended察but Freeman stayed firm。 He had with him provisions enough to last him three days察and a supply of water察and in a small case he carried a compact assortment of instruments for scientific observation。 ;Take your departure in whatever direction you like察─said he察 and I will take mine at an angle of not less than fifteen degrees from it。 If I am not back in three days察you may conclude something has happened。;
It was certainly very hot。 Freeman had been accustomed to torrid suns in the Isthmus察but this was a sun indefinitely multiplied by reflections from the dusty surface underfoot。 Nor was it the fine察ethereal fire of the Sahara此the atmosphere was dead and heavy察for the rider was already far below the level of the Pacific察whose cool blue waves rolled and rippled many leagues to the westward察as察aeons ago察they had rolled and rippled here。 There was not a breath of air。 Freeman could hear his heart beat察and the veins in his temples and wrists throbbed。 The sweat rose on the surface of his body察but without cooling it。 The pony which he bestrode察a bony and sinewy beast of the toughest description察trod onwards doggedly察but with little animation。 Freeman had no desire to push him。 Were the little animal to overdo itself察nothing in the future could be more certain than that his master would never see the Trednoke ranch again。 It seemed unusually hot察even for that region。
There was little in the way of outward incident to relieve the monotony of the journey。 Now and then a short察thick rattlesnake察with horns on its ugly head察wriggled out of his path。 Now and then his horse's hoof almost trod upon a hideous察flat lizard察also horned。 Here and there the uncouth projections of a cactus pushed upwards out of the dust察some of these the mustang nibbled at察for the sake of their juice。 Freeman wondered where the juice came from。 The floor of the desert seemed for the most part level察though there was a gradual dip towards the east and northeast察and occasionally mounds and ridges of wind´swept dust察sometimes upwards of fifty feet in height察broke the uniformity。 The soil was largely composed of powdered feldspar察but there were also tracts of gravel shingle察of yellow loam察and of alkaline dust。 In some places there appeared a salt efflorescence察sprouting up in a sort of ghastly vegetation察as if death itself had acquired a sinister life。 Elsewhere察the ground quaked and yielded underfoot察and it became necessary to make detours to avoid these arid bogs。 Once or twice察too察Freeman turned aside lest he should trample upon some dry bones that protruded in his pathbones that were their own monument察and told their own story of struggle察agony察exhaustion察and despair。
None of these things had any depressing effect on Freeman's spirit。 His heart was singing with joy。 To a mind logically disposed察there was nothing but trouble in sight察whether he succeeded or failed in his present mission。 In the former case察he would find himself in a hostile position as regarded the man he most desired to conciliate察in the latter察he would remain the mere rolling stone that he was before察and love itself would forbid him to ask the woman he loved to share his uncertain existence。 But Freeman was not logical此he was happy察and he could not help it。 He had kissed Miriam察and she loved him。
His course lay a few degrees north of east。 Far across the plain察dancing and turning somersaults in the fantastic atmosphere察were the summits of a range of abrupt hills察the borders of a valley or ravine which he wished to explore。 Gradually察as he rode察his shadow lengthened before him。 It was his only companion察and yet he felt no sense of loneliness。 Miriam was in his heart察and kept it fresh and bold。 Even hunger and thirst he scarcely felt。 Who can estimate the therapeutic and hygienic effects of love
The mustang could not share his rider's source of content察but he may have been conscious察through animal instincts whereof we know nothing察of an uplifting and encouraging spirit。 At all events察he kept up his steady lope without faltering or apparent effort察and seemed to require nothing more than the occasional wetting which Freeman administered to his nose。 There would probably be some vegetation察and perhaps water察on the hills察and that prospect may likewise have helped him along。
Nevertheless察man and beast may well have welcomed the hour when the craggy acclivities of that lonely range became so near that they seemed to loom above their heads。 Freeman directed his steps towards the southern extremity察where a huge察pallid mass察of almost regular pyramidal form察reared itself aloft like a monument。 He skirted the base of the pyramid察and there opened on his view a narrow察winding valley察scarcely half a mile in apparent breadth察and of a very wild and savage aspect。 Its general direction was nearly north and south察and it declined downwards察as if seeking the interior of the earth。 In fact察it looked not unlike those imaginative pictures of the road to the infernal regions described by the ancient poets。 One could picture Pluto in his chariot察with Proserpine beside him察thundering downwards behind his black horses察on the way to those sombre and magnificent regions which are hollowed out beneath the surface of the planet。
Freeman察however察presently saw a sight which察if less spectacularly impressive察was far more agreeable to his eyes。 On a shelf or cup of the declivity was a little clump of vegetation察and in the midst of it welled up a thin stream of water。 The mustang scrambled eagerly towards it察and察before Freeman had had time to throw himself out of the saddle察he had plunged his muzzle into the rivulet。 He sucked it down with such satisfaction that it was evident the water was not salt。 Freeman laid himself prone upon the brink察and followed his steed's example。 The draught was cool and pure。
;I didn't know how much I wanted it ─said he to himself。 ;It must come from a good way down。 If I could only bring the parent stream to the surface察my mission would be on a fair road to success。;
An examination of the spring revealed the fact that it could not have been long in existence。 Indeed察there were no traces whatever of long continuance。 The aperture in the rock through which it trickled bore the appearance of having been recently opened察fragments were lying near it that seemed to have been just broken off。 The bed of the little stream was entirely free from moss or weeds察and after proceeding a short distance it dwindled and disappeared察either sucked up in vapor by the torrid air察or absorbed into the dusty soil。 Manifestly察it was a recent creation。
;And察to be sure察why not拭─ejaculated Freeman。 ;There was an earthquake last night察which swallowed up the spring in the Trednokes' garden此probably that same earthquake brought this stream to light。 It vanished there察to reappear here。 Well察the loss is not important to them察but the gain is very important to me。 It is as if Miriam had come with a cup of water to refresh her lover in the desert。 God bless her She has refreshed me indeed察soul and body
He removed the saddle from the mustang察and turned him loose to make the best of such scanty herbage as he could find。 Then he unpacked his own provisions察and made a comfortable meal察after which he rolled a cigarette and reclined on the spot most available察to rest and recuperate。 The valley察or gorge察lay before him in the afternoon light。 It was a strange and savage spectacle。 Had it been torn asunder by some stupendous explosion察it could not have presented a rougher or more chaotic aspect。 To look at it was like beholding the secret places of the earth。 The rocky walls were of different colors察yellow察blue察and red察in many shades and gradations。 They towered ruggedly upwards察sharply shadowed and brightly lighted察mounting in regular pinnacles察parting in black crevices察here and there vast masses hung poised on bases seemingly insufficient察ready to topple over on the unwary passer beneath。 A short distance to the northward the ravine had a turn察and a projecting promontory hid its further extreme from sight。 Freeman made up his mind to follow it up on foot察after the descending sun should have thrown a shadow over it。 The indications察in his judgment察were not without promise that a system of judi