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history of florence-第107节

小说: history of florence 字数: 每页4000字

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Florence; gave general offense; however; they set Giovanni and his

daughter at liberty; and by the universal desire of the people; took

the city and Astorre under their protection。 Besides these; after the

principal differences of the greater powers were composed; during

several years tumults prevailed in Romagna; the Marca; and Sienna;

which; as they are unimportant; it will be needless to recount。 When

the duke of Calabria; after the war of 1478; had left the country; the

distractions of Sienna became more frequent; and after many changes;

in which; first the plebeians; and then the nobility; were victorious;

the latter and length maintained the superiority; and among them

Pandolfo and Jacopo Petrucci obtained the greatest influence; so that

the former being distinguished for prudence and the latter for

resolution; they became almost princes in the city。

The Florentines after the war of Serezana; lived in great prosperity

until 1492; when Lorenzo de' Medici died; for he having put a stop to

the internal wars of Italy; and by his wisdom and authority

established peace; turned his thoughts to the advancement of his own

and the city's interests; and married Piero; his eldest son; to

Alfonsina; daughter of the Cavaliere Orsino。 He caused Giovanni; his

second son; to be raised to the dignity of cardinal。 This was the more

remarkable from its being unprecedented; for he was only fourteen

years of age when admitted to the college; and became the medium by

which his family attained to the highest earthly glory。 He was unable

to make any particular provision for Guiliano; his third son; on

account of his tender years; and the shortness of his own life。 Of his

daughters; one married Jacopo Salviati; another; Francesco Cibo; the

third; Piero Ridolfi; and the fourth; whom; in order to keep his house

united; he had married to Giovanni de' Medici; died。 In his commercial

affairs he was very unfortunate; from the improper conduct of his

agents; who in all their proceedings assumed the deportment of princes

rather than of private persons; so that in many places; much of his

property was wasted; and he had to be relieved by his country with

large sums of money。 To avoid similar inconvenience; he withdrew from

mercantile pursuits; and invested his property in land and houses; as

being less liable to vicissitude。 In the districts of Prato; Pisa; and

the Val di Pesa; he purchased extensively; and erected buildings;

which for magnificence and utility; were quite of regal character。 He

next undertook the improvement of the city; and as many parts were

unoccupied by buildings; he caused new streets to be erected in them;

of great beauty; and thus enlarged the accommodation of the

inhabitants。 To enjoy his power in security and repose; and conquer or

resist his enemies at a distance; in the direction of Bologna he

fortified the castle of Firenzuola; situated in the midst of the

Appennines; toward Sienna he commenced the restoration and

fortification of the Poggio Imperiale; and he shut out the enemy in

the direction of Genoa; by the acquisition of Pietra Santa and

Serezana。 For the greater safety of the city; he kept in pay the

Baglioni; at Perugia; and the Vitelli; at Citta di Castello; and held

the government of Faenza wholly in his own power; all which greatly

contributed to the repose and prosperity of Florence。 In peaceful

times; he frequently entertained the people with feasts; and

exhibitions of various events and triumphs of antiquity; his object

being to keep the city abundantly supplied; the people united; and the

nobility honored。 He was a great admirer of excellence in the arts;

and a patron of literary men; of which Agnolo da Montepulciano;

Cristofero Landini; and Demetrius Chalcondylas; a Greek; may afford

sufficient proofs。 On this account; Count Giovanni della Mirandola; a

man of almost supernatural genius; after visiting every court of

Europe; induced by the munificence of Lorenzo; established his abode

at Florence。 He took great delight in architecture; music; and poetry;

many of his comments and poetical compositions still remaining。 To

facilitate the study of literature to the youth of Florence; he opened

a university at Pisa; which was conducted by the most distinguished

men in Italy。 For Mariano da Chinazano; a friar of the order of St。

Augustine; and an excellent preacher; he built a monastery in the

neighborhood of Florence。 He enjoyed much favor both from fortune and

from the Almighty; all his enterprises were brought to a prosperous

termination; while his enemies were unfortunate; for; besides the

conspiracy of the Pazzi; an attempt was made to murder him in the

Carmine; by Batista Frescobaldi; and a similar one by Baldinetto da

Pistoja; at his villa; but these persons; with their confederates;

came to the end their crimes deserved。 His skill; prudence; and

fortune; were acknowledged with admiration; not only by the princes of

Italy; but by those of distant countries; for Matthias; king of

Hungary; gave him many proofs of his regard; the sultan sent

ambassadors to him with valuable presents; and the Turkish emperor

placed in his hands Bernardo Bandini; the murderer of his brother。

These circumstances raised his fame throughout Italy; and his

reputation for prudence constantly increased; for in council he was

eloquent and acute; wise in determination; and prompt and resolute in

execution。 Nor can vices be alleged against him to sully so many

virtues; though he was fond of women; pleased with the company of

facetious and satirical men; and amused with the games of the nursery;

more than seemed consistent with so great a character; for he was

frequently seen playing with his children; and partaking of their

infantine sports; so that whoever considers this gravity and

cheerfulness; will find united in him dispositions which seem almost

incompatible with each other。 In his later years; he was greatly

afflicted; besides the gout; he was troubled with excruciating pains

in the stomach; of which he died in April; 1492; in the forty…fourth

year of his age; nor was there ever in Florence; or even in Italy; one

so celebrated for wisdom; or for whose loss such universal regret was

felt。 As from his death the greatest devastation would shortly ensue;

the heavens gave many evident tokens of its approach; among other

signs; the highest pinnacle of the church of Santa Reparata was struck

with lightning; and great part of it thrown down; to the terror and

amazement of everyone。 The citizens and all the princes of Italy

mourned for him; and sent their ambassadors to Florence; to condole

with the city on the occasion; and the justness of their grief was

shortly after apparent; for being deprived of his counsel; his

survivors were unable either to satisfy or restrain the ambition of

Lodovico Sforza; tutor to the duke of Milan; and hence; soon after the

death of Lorenzo; those evil plants began to germinate; which in a

little time ruined Italy; and continue to keep her in desolation。


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