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the origins of contemporary france-3-第4节

小说: the origins of contemporary france-3 字数: 每页4000字

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where so few people are content with their lot; where the corner

grocer is prouder of his epaulette than the Grand Condé of his

Marshal's baton; where agitation without object or resources is

perpetual; where; from the floor…scrubber to the dramatist; from the

academician to the simpleton who gets muddled over the evening

newspaper; from the witty courtier down to his philosophic lackey;

each one revises Montesquieu with the self…sufficiency of a child

which; because it is learning to read; deems itself wise; where self…

esteem; in disputation; caviling and sophistication; destroys all

sensible conversation; where no one utters a word; but to teach; never

imagining that to learn one must keep quiet; where the triumphs of a

few lunatics entice every crackbrain from his den; where; with two

nonsensical ideas put together out of a book that is not understood; a

man assumes to have principles; where swindlers talk about morality;

women of easy virtue about civism; and the most infamous of beings

about the dignity of the species; where the discharged valet of a

grand seignior calls himself Brutus!〃

… In reality; he is Brutus in his own eyes。 Let the time come and he

will be so in earnest; especially against his late master; all he has

to do is to give him a thrust with his pike。 Until he acts out the

part he spouts it; and grows excited over his own tirades; his common

sense gives way to the bombastic jargon of the revolution and to

declamation; which completes the Utopian performance and eases his

brain of its last  modicum of ballast。

It is not merely ideas which the new regime has disturbed; but it has

also disordered sentiments。  〃Authority is transferred from the

Chateau of Versailles and the courtier's antechamber; with no

intermediary or counterpoise; to the proletariat and its

flatterers。〃'14'  The whole of the staff of the old government is

brusquely set aside; while a general election has brusquely installed

another in is place; offices not being given to capacity; seniority;

and experience; but to self…sufficiency; intrigue; and exaggeration。

Not only are legal rights reduced to a common level; but natural

grades are transposed; the social ladder; overthrown; is set up again

bottom upwards; the first effect of the promised regeneration is  〃to

substitute in the administration of public affairs pettifoggers for

magistrates; ordinary citizens for cabinet ministers; ex…commoners for

ex…nobles; rustics for soldiers; soldiers for captains; captains for

generals; curés for bishops; vicars for curés; monks for vicars;

brokers for financiers; empiricists for administrators; journalists

for political economists; stump…orators for legislators; and the poor

for the rich。〃  …  Every species of covetousness is stimulated by this

spectacle。 The profusion of offices and the anticipation of vacancies

〃has excited the thirst for command; stimulated self…esteem; and

inflamed the hopes of the most inept。 A rude and grim presumption

renders the fool and the ignoramus unconscious of their

insignificance。 They have deemed themselves capable of anything;

because the law granted public functions merely to capacity。 There has

appeared in front of one and all an ambitious perspective; the soldier

thinks only of displacing his captain; the captain of becoming

general; the clerk of supplanting the chief of his department; the

new…fledged attorney of being admitted to the high court; the curé of

being ordained a bishop; the shallow scribbler of seating himself on

the legislative bench。 Offices and professions vacated by the

appointment of so many upstarts afford in their turn a vast field for

the ambition of the lower classes。〃  Thus; step by step; owing to

the reversal of social positions; is brought about a general

intellectual fever。

 〃France is transformed into a gaming…table; where; alongside of the

discontented citizen offering his stakes; sits; bold; blustering; and

with fermenting brain; the pretentious subaltern rattling his dice…

box。 。 。  At the sight of a public official rising from nowhere;  even

the soul of a bootblack will  bound with emulation。〃    He has

merely to push himself ahead and elbow his way to secure a ticket  〃in

this immense lottery of popular luck; of preferment without merit; of

success without talent; of apotheoses without virtues; of an infinity

of places distributed by the people wholesale; and enjoyed by the

people in detail。〃    Political charlatans flock thither from every

quarters; those taking the lead who; being most in earnest; believe in

the virtue of their nostrum; and need power to impose its recipe on

the community; all being saviors; all places belong to them; and

especially the highest。 They lay siege to these conscientiously and

philanthropically ; if necessary; they will take them by assault; hold

them through force; and; forcibly or otherwise; administer their cure…

all to the human species。


Psychology of the Jacobin。  His intellectual method。  Tyranny of

formulae and suppression of facts。  Mental balance disturbed。 

Signs of this in the revolutionary language。  Scope and expression

of the Jacobin intellect。  In what respect his method is

mischievous。  How it is successful。  Illusions produced by it。

Such are our Jacobins; born out of social decomposition like mushrooms

out of compost。 Let us consider their inner organization; for they

have one as formerly the Puritans; we have only to follow their dogma

down to its depths; as with a sounding…line; to reach the

psychological stratum in which the normal balance of faculty and

sentiment is overthrown。

When a statesman; who is not wholly unworthy of that great name; finds

an abstract principle in his way; as; for instance; that of popular

sovereignty; he accepts it; if he accepts it at all; according to his

conception of its practical bearings。 He begins; accordingly; by

imagining it applied and in operation。 From personal recollections and

such information as he can obtain; he forms an idea of some village or

town; some community of moderate size in the north; in the south; or

in the center of the country; for which he has to make laws。 He then

imagines its inhabitants acting according to his principle; that is to

say; voting; mounting guard; levying taxes; and administering their

own affairs。 Familiar with ten or a dozen groups of this sort; which

he regards as examples; he concludes by analogy as to others and the

rest on the territory。 Evidently it is a difficult and uncertain

process; to be exact; or nearly so; requires rare powers of

observation and; at each step; a great deal of tact; for a nice

calculation has to be made on given quantities imperfectly ascertained

and imperfectly noted!'15'  Any political leader who does this

successfully; does it through the ripest experience associated with

genius。 And even then he keeps his hand on the check…rein in pushing

his innovation or reform; he is almost always tentative; he applies

his law only in part; gradually and provisionally; he wishes to

ascertain its effect; he is always ready to stay its operation; amend

it; or modify it; according to the good or ill results of experiment;

the state of the human material he has to deal with is never clear to

his mind; even when superior; until after many and repeated gropings。

 Now the Jacobin pursues just the opposite course。 His principle is

an axiom of political geometry; which always carries its own proof

along with it; for; like the axioms of common geometry; it is formed

out of the combination of a few simple ideas; and its evidence imposes

itself at once on all minds capable of embracing in one conception the

two terms of which it is the aggregate expression。 Man in general; the

rights of Man; the social contract; liberty; equality; reason; nature;

the people; tyrants; are examples of these basic concepts: whether

precise or not; they fill the brain of the new sectarian。 Often these

terms are merely vague and grandiose words; but that makes no

difference; as soon as they meet in his brain an axiom springs out of

them that can be instantly and absolutely applied on every occasion

and to excess。  Mankind as it is does not concern him。 He does not

observe them; he does not require to observe them; with closed eyes he

imposes a pattern of his own on the human substance manipulated by

him; the idea never enters his head of forming any previous conception

of this complex; multiform; swaying material … contemporary peasants;

artisans; townspeople; curés and nobles; behind their plows; in their

homes; in their shops; in their parsonages; in their mansions; with

their inveterate beliefs; persistent inclinations; and powerful wills。

Nothing of this enters into or lodges in his mind; all its avenues are

stopped by the abstract principle which flourishes there and fills it

completely。 Should actual experience through the eye or ear p

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