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the origins of contemporary france-3-第14节

小说: the origins of contemporary france-3 字数: 每页4000字

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Girondists and the semi…conservatives; the number is reduced by one…

half。 Towards the end of 1792; at Besan?on; scarcely more than 300

pure Jacobins are found in a population of from 25;000 to 30;000;

while at Paris; out of 700;000 inhabitants only 5;000 are Jacobins。

It is certain that in the capital; where the most excitement prevails;

and where more of them are found than elsewhere; never; even in a

crisis and when vagabonds are paid and bandits recruited; are there

more than 10;000。'44'   In a large town like Toulouse a representative

of the people on missionary service wins over only about 400

persons。'45' Counting fifty or so in each small town; twenty in each

large borough; and five or six in each village; we find; on an

average; but one Jacobin to fifteen electors and National Guards;

while; taking the whole of France; all the Jacobins put together do

not amount to 300;000。'46'   This is a small number for the

enslavement of six millions of able…bodied men; and for installing in

a country of twenty…six millions inhabitants a more absolute despotism

than that of an Asiatic sovereign。 Force; however; is not measured by

numbers; they form a band in the midst of a crowd and; in this

disorganized; inert crowd; a band that is determined to push its way

like an iron wedge splitting a log。

And against sedition from within as well as conquest from without a

nation may only defend itself through the activities of its

government; which provides the indispensable instruments of common

action。 Let it fail or falter and the great majority; undecided about

what to do; lukewarm and busy elsewhere; ceases to be a corps and

disintegrates into dust。  Of the two governments around which the

nation might have rallied; the first one; after July 14; 1789; lies

prostrate on the ground where it slowly crumbles away。 Now its ghost;

which returns; is still more odious because it brings with it the same

senseless abuses and intolerable burdens; and; in addition to these; a

yelping pack of claimants and recriminators。 After 1790 it appears on

the frontier more arbitrary than ever at the head of a coming invasion

of angry émigrés and grasping foreigners。 … … The other government;

that just constructed by the Constituent Assembly; is so badly put

together that the majority cannot use it。 It is not adapted to its

hand; no political instrument at once so ponderous and so helpless was

ever seen。 An enormous effort is needed to set it in motion; every

citizen is obliged to give it about two days labor per week。'47'  Thus

laboriously started but half in motion; it poorly meets the various

tasks imposed upon it   the collection of taxes; public order in the

streets; the circulation of supplies; and security for consciences;

lives and property。 Toppled over by its own action; another rises out

of it; illegal and serviceable; which takes its place and stands。 

In a great centralized state whoever possesses the head possesses the

body。 By virtue of being led; the French have contracted the habit of

letting themselves be led。'48' People in  the provinces involuntarily

turn their eyes to the capital; and; on a crisis occurring; run out to

stop the mailman to know what government happens to have fallen; the

majority accepts or submits to it。  Because; in the first place;

most of the isolated groups which would like to overthrow it dare not

engage in the struggle: it seems too strong; through inveterate

routine they imagine behind it that great; distant France which; under

its impulsion; will crush them with its mass。'49' In the second place;

should a few isolated groups undertake to overthrow it; they are not

in a condition to keep up the struggle: it is too strong。 They are;

indeed; not yet organized while it is fully so; owing to the docile

set of officials inherited from the government overthrown。 Under

monarchy or republic the government clerk comes to his office

regularly every morning to dispatch the orders transmitted to him。'50'

Under monarchy or republic the policeman daily makes his round to

arrest those against who he has a warrant。 So long as instructions

come from above in the hierarchical order of things; they are obeyed。

From one end of the territory to the other; therefore; the machine;

with its hundred thousand arms; works efficiently in the hands of

those who have seized the lever at the central point。 Resolution;

audacity; rude energy; are all that are needed to make the lever act;

and none of these are wanting in the Jacobin。 '51'

First; he has faith; and faith at all times 〃moves mountains。'52'

〃Take any ordinary party recruit; an attorney; a second…rate lawyer; a

shopkeeper; an artisan; and conceive; if you can; the extraordinary

effect of this doctrine on a mind so poorly prepared for it; so

narrow; so out of proportion with the gigantic conception which has

mastered it。 Formed for the routine and the limited views of one in

his position; he is suddenly carried away by a complete system of

philosophy; a theory of nature and of man; a theory of society and of

religion; a theory of universal history;'53' conclusions about the

past; the present; and the future of humanity; axioms of absolute

right; a system of perfect and final truth; the whole concentrated in

a few rigid formulae as; for example:

 〃Religion is superstition; monarchy is usurpation; priests are

impostors; aristocrats are vampires; and kings are so many tyrants and


These ideas flood a mind of his stamp like a vast torrent

precipitating itself into a narrow gorge; they upset it; and; no

longer under self…direction; they sweep it away。 The man is beside

himself。 A plain bourgeois; a common laborer is not transformed with

impunity into an apostle or liberator of the human species。 … … For;

it is not his country that he would save; but the entire race。 Roland;

just before the 10th of August; exclaims 〃with tears in his eyes;

should liberty die in France; she is lost the rest of the world

forever!  The hopes of philosophers will perish! The whole earth will

succumb to the cruelest tyranny!〃'54'   Grégoire; on the meeting of

the Convention; obtained a decree abolishing royalty; and seemed

overcome with the thought of the immense benefit he had conferred on

the human race。

 〃I must confess;〃 said he; 〃that for days I could neither eat nor

sleep for excess of joy!〃

One day a Jacobin in the tribune declared: 〃We shall be a nation of

gods!〃  Fancies like these bring on lunacy; or; at all events; they

create disease。 〃Some men are in a fever all day long;〃 said a

companion of St。 Just; 〃I had it for twelve years 。 。 。〃'55'   Later

on; 〃when advanced in life and trying to analyze their experiences;

they cannot comprehend it。〃'56'   Another tells that; in his case; on

a 〃crisis occurring; there was only a hair's breadth between reason

and madness。〃    〃When St。 Just and myself;〃 says Baudot;

〃discharged the batteries at Wissenbourg; we were most liberally

thanked for it。 Well; there was no merit in that; we knew perfectly

well that the shot could not do us any harm。〃 … … Man; in this exalted

state; is unconscious of obstacles; and; according to circumstances;

rise above or falls below himself; freely spilling his own blood as

well as the blood of others; heroic as a soldier and atrocious as a

civilian; he is not to be resisted in either direction for his

strength increases a hundredfold through his fury; and; on his tearing

wildly through the streets; people get out of his way as on the

approach of a mad bull。

If they do not jump aside of their own accord; he will run at them;

for he is unscrupulous as well as furious。     In every political

struggle certain kinds of actions are prohibited; at all events; if

the majority is sensible and wishes to act fairly; it repudiates them

for itself。 It will not violate any particular law; for; if one law is

broken; this tends to the breaking of others。 It is opposed to

overthrowing an established government because every interregnum is a

return to barbarism。 It is opposed to the element of popular

insurrection because; in such a resort; public power is surrendered to

the irrationality of brutal passion。 It is opposed to a conversion of

the government into a machine for confiscation and murder because it

deems the natural function of government to be the protection of life

and property。   The majority; accordingly; in confronting the

Jacobin; who allows himself all this;'57' is like a unarmed man facing

one who is fully armed。'58'  The Jacobin; on principle; holds the law

in contempt; for the only law; which he accepts is arbitrary mob rule。

He has no hesitation in proceeding against the government because; in

his eyes; the government is a clerk which the people always has the

right to remove。 He welcomes insurrection because; through it; the

people recover their sovereignty with no limitations。  Moreover; as

with casuist

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