the origins of contemporary france-3-第116节
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de surté général de la convention qui invite le comité à se
transporter de suites chez le citoyen Louis Féline rue Baubourg; à
leffets de faire perquisition chez lui et dans tout ces papiers; et
que ceux qui para?trons suspect lon y metes les selés。〃
'81' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3294。 Section of the Réunion; official
report。 March 28。
'82' Buchez et Roux; XXV。 168。 An ordinance of the commune; March 27。
'83' Schmidt; I。223。 Report by Dutard; May 14。
'84' Buchez et Roux; XXV。 167。 Ordinance of May 27。 XXXVII。 151。
Ordinance of May 20。
'85' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3294。 See in particular; the official
reports of the month of April。 Buchez et Roux; XXV。 149; and XXVI。
342。 (ordinances of the Commune; March 27 and May 2)。
'86' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。 402 (article from the Patriote Fran?ais;
May 8)。 〃Arrests are nultiplied lately to a frightful extent。 The
mayoralty overflows with prisoners。 Nobody has any idea of the
insolence and harshness with which citizens are treated。 Slaughter and
a Saint…Bartholomew are all that are talked of。 〃 Meillan; 55。 〃Let
anybody in any assemblage or club express any opinion not in unison
with municipal views; and he is sure to be arrested the following
night。 〃 Gouverneur Morris; March 29; 1793。 〃Yesterday I was
arrested in the street and conducted to the section of Butte…des…
Moulins。 。 。 Armed men came to my house yesterday。 〃 Reply of the
minister Lebrun; April 3。 〃Domiciliary visits were a general measure
from which no house in Paris was exempt。〃
'87' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。 384。 Speech by Buzot; session of May 8。
'88' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。 332。 Ordinance of the commune; May 1。
'89' Schmidt; I。 216。 Report by Dutard; May 13。
'90' Schmidt; I。301。 〃In our sections the best class of citizens are
still afraid of imprisonment or of being disarmed。 Nobody talks
freely。〃 The Lyons revolutionaries make the same calculation
(〃Archives Nationales;〃 AF; II。 43)。 Letter addressed to the
representatives of the people by the administrators of the department
of the Rh?ne; June 4; 1793。 The revolutionary committee 〃designated
for La Vendée those citizens who were most comfortably off or those it
hated; whilst conditional enlistment with the privilege of remaining
in the department were granted only to those in favor of
disorganization。〃 Cf。 Guillon de Montléon; I。 235。
'91' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。 399。 Ordinance of the commune; May 3; on a
forced loan of twelve millions; article 6。 〃The revolutionary
committees will regard the apportionment 'lists simply as guides;
without regarding them as a basis of action。〃 Article 14。 〃The
personal and real property of those who have not conformed to the
patriotic draft will be seized and sold at the suit of the
revolutionary committees; and their persons declared suspected。〃
'92' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 17 (Patriote Fran?ais; number for May 14)。
Franc?ur is taxed at 3;600 francs。 The same process at Lyons
(Balleydier; 174; and Guillon de Montléon; I。 238)。 The authorized tax
by the commissaries of the convention amounted to six millions。 The
revolutionary committee levied thirty and forty millions; payable in
twenty…four hours on warrants without delay (May 13 and 14)。 Many
persons are taxed from 80;000 to 100;000 francs; the text of the
requisitions conveying ironically a hostile spirit。
'93' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。 463; session of the Jacobin Club; May 11。
'94' Meillan; 17。
'95' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。 463; session of the Jacobin club; May11。
Speech by Hassenfratz。 … Ibid。; 455; session of the Jacobin club; May
10; speech by Robespierre。 〃The rich are all anti…revolutionaries;
only beggars and the people can save the country。〃 … Ibid。 N:
〃Revolutionary battalions should be maintained in the department at
the expense of the rich; who are cowards。〃 …Ibid。; XXVII。 317。
Petition of the Faubourg Saint…Antoine; May 11。 Schmidt; I。 315
(Report by Dutard; May 13)。 〃There is no recruiting in the faubourgs;
because people there know that they are more wanted here than in La
Vendée。 They let the rich go and fight。 They watch things here; and
trust nobody but themselves to guard Paris。〃
'96' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 2494。 Section of the Réunion;
official reports of May 15 and 16。 Buchez et Roux; XXV。 167;
ordance of the commune; March 27。
'97' Schmidt; I。327。 Report of Perriére; May 28。 〃Our group itself
seemed to governed by nothing but hatred of the rich by the poor。 One
must be a dull observer not to see by a thousand symptoms that these
two natural enemies stand in battle array; only awaiting the signal or
the opportunity。〃
'98' Buchez et Roux; XXV。 460。 The papers examined by the accusers
are the numbers of Marat's journal of the 5th of January and of the
25th of February。 The article which provoked the decree is his
〃Address to the National Convention;〃 pp。 446 and 450。
'99' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。 149; Narrative by Marat;114。 Bulletin of
the revolutionary tribunal; session of the Convention。
'100' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。 358; article in the Chronique de Paris;
358; article by Marat。 … Schmidt; I。 184。 Report by Dutard; May 5。
Paris; Histoire de Joseph Lebon;〃 I。 81。 Letter by Robespierre; Jr。;
May 7。
'101' Buchez et Roux; XXV。 240 and 246。 Protest of the Mail section;
of the electoral body of the Arsenal; Marais; Gravelliers; and Arcis
sections。 (The Convention; session of April 2; the commune; session of
April 2。) XXVI。 358 Protests of the sections of Bon…Conseil and the
Unité; (May 5)。 XXVII。 71。 Defeat of the anarchists in the section
of Butté…des…Moulins。 〃A great many sections openly show a
determination to put anarchy down。〃 (Patriote Fran?ais; May 15)。 …
Ibid。; 137。 Protests of the Panthéon Fran?ais; Piques; Mail; and
several other sections (Patriote Fran?ais; May 19)。 … Ibid。; 175。
Protest of the Fraternité section (session of the Convention; May 23)。
'102' Schmidt; I。 189。 Dutard; May 6。
'103' Mortimer…Ternaux; VII。 218。 Official report of the reunion of
the two sections of the Lombards and Bon…Conseil (April 12); 〃by which
the two said sections promise and swear union; aid; fraternity; and
mutual help; in case the aristocracy are disposed to destroy liberty。〃
〃Consequently;〃 says the Bon…Conseil section; 〃many of the citizens
of the Lombards section; justly alarmed at the disturbances occasioned
by the evil…disposed; came and proffered their assistance。〃
Adhesion of the section of Les Amis de la Patrie。 Buchez et Roux;
XXVII。 138。 (Article of the Patriote Fran?ais; May 19): 〃This
brigandage is called assembly of combined sections。〃 Ibid。; 236;
May 26; session of the commune。 〃Deputations of the Montreuil; Quinze…
Vingts and Droits de l'Homme sections came to the assistance of the
Arsenal patriots; the aristocrats took to flight; leaving their hats
behind them。〃 Schmidt; I。 213; 313 (Dutard; May 13 and 27)。 Violent
treatment of the moderates in the Bon…Conseil and Arsenal sections;
〃struck with chairs; several persons wounded; one captain carried off
on a bench; the gutter…jumpers and dumpy shopkeepers cleared out;
leaving the sans…culottes masters of the field。〃 Meillan; 111。
Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 237; session of the Jacobin club; May 26。 〃In
the section of Butte…des…Moulins the patriots; finding they were not
in force; seized the chairs and drove the aristocrats out。〃
'104' Buchez et Roux; 78; XXVII。 On the juge…de…paix Roux; carried off
at night and imprisoned。 April 16。 … Mortimer…Ternaux; III。 220; on
the vice…president Sagnier; May 10。 … Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 231; May
26; on the five citizens of the Unité section arrested by the
revolutionary committee of the section 〃for having spoken against
Robespierre and Marat。〃
'105' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 154。 Speech of Léonard Bourdon to the
Jacobins; May 20。
'106' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。 3。 Address drawn up by the commissaries of
the 48 sections approved of by 35 sections; also by the commune; and
presented to the Convention April 15。 … Others have preceded it; like
pilot ballons。 … Ibid。; XXV。 319。 Petition of the Bon…Conseil; Alpril
8。 … XXV。 320。 Petition of the section of the Halleau…Blé; April 10。
'107' Buchez et Roux; XXVL 83。 Speech by Vergniaud to the convention;
session of April 20。 〃These facts are accepted。 Nobody can contradict
them。 More than 10;000 witnesses would confirm them。〃 There are the
same proceedings at Lyons Jan。13; 1792; against the petition far an
appeal to the people (Guillon de Montléon; I。145; 155)。 The official
report of the Jacobins claims that the petition obtained 40;215
signatures。 〃The petition was first signed by about 200 clubbists; who
pretended to be the people。 。 。 They spread the report among the
people that all who would not sign the address would be blacklisted or
proscribed。 That's why they had desks set up in all the public