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the origins of contemporary france-3-第109节

小说: the origins of contemporary france-3 字数: 每页4000字

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all the brigands in Paris;'118' then the insurrection will undoubtedly

take place。〃 Already the plan of the massacre is under consideration

by the lowest class of fanatics at the mayoralty; the Evêché; and the

Jacobin club。'119'

Some isolated house is to be selected; with a suite of three rooms on

the ground floor; and a small court in the rear; the twenty…two

Girondists are to be caught in the night and brought to this

slaughter…house arranged beforehand; each in turn is to be passed

along to the last room; where he is to be killed and his body tumbled

into a hole dug in the middle of the court; and then the whole covered

over with quick…lime; it will be supposed that they have emigrated;

and; to establish the fact; false correspondence will be printed。'120'

A member of the Committee on the Municipal Police declares that the

plan is feasible:

〃We will Septemberize(kill) them  not we ourselves; but men who are

ready; and who will be well paid for it。〃

The Montagnards present Léonard Bourdon and Legendre; make no

objection。  The latter simply remarks that the Girondists should not

be seized in the Convention; outside the Convention 〃they are

scoundrels whose death would save the Republic;〃 and the act is

lawful; he would like to see 〃with them every rascal on the 'black'

side perish without interfering。〃  Several; instead of 22 deputies;

demand 30 or 32; and some 300; the suspected of each district may be

added; while ten or a dozen proscription lists are already made out。

Through a clean sweep; executed the same night; at the same hour; they

may be conducted to the Carmelites; near the Luxembourg; and; 〃if

there is not room enough there;〃 to Bicêtre; here; 〃they will

disappear from the surface of the globe。〃'121' Certain leaders desired

to entrust the purification of Paris to the sagacity of popular

instinct。 〃In loose and disconnected phrases〃 they address the people:

〃Rouse yourselves; and act according to your inclinations; as my

indications might only startle those you should strike down and

thereby allow them to escape!〃 Varlet proposes; on the contrary;  a

plan of public safety; very full and explicit; in fifteen articles:

 〃Sweep away the deputies of the 'Plain;' and other deputies of the

Constituent and Legislative Assemblies; all nobles; priests;

pettifoggers; etc。; exterminate the whole of that race; and the

Bourbons; too; with entire suppression of the Ministers。〃

Hébert; for his part; alluding to the Girondists; writes in his

gazette that 〃the last hour of their death is going to strike;〃 and

that; 〃when their foul blood shall have been spilled; aristocratic

brawlers will return to their holes; the same as on the 10th of

August。 〃Naturally; the professional slaughterers are notified。 A

certain Laforet; an old…clothes dealer on the Quai…du…Louvre; who;

with his wife; had already distinguished themselves on the 2nd of

September; reckons that 〃there are in Paris 6;000 sans…culottes ready

to massacre at the first sign all dangerous deputies; and eight

thousand petitioners;〃 undoubtedly those who; in the several sections;

signed the addresses to the Convention against the Commune。  Another

〃Septemberizer;〃'122' commanding the battalion of the Jardin des

Plantes; Henriot; on meeting a gang of men working on the wharves;

exclaims in his rough voice:

〃Good morning; my good fellows; we shall need you soon; and at better

work。 You won't have wood to carry in your carts  you'll have to

carry dead bodies。〃

 〃All right;〃 replies one of the hands; half tipsy; 〃we'll do it as we

did the 2nd  of September。  We'll turn a penny by it。〃 …

Cheynard; a locksmith and machinist at the mint; is manufacturing

daggers; and the women of the tribunes are already supplied with two

hundred of them。〃 …

Finally; on the 29th of May; Hébert proposes; in the Jacobin

club;'123' 〃to pounce down on the Commission of Twelve;〃 and another

Jacobin declares that 〃those who have usurped dictatorial power;〃

meaning by that the Girondists; 〃are outlawed。〃

All this is extreme; clumsily done; useless and dangerous; or; at

least; premature; and the chiefs of the 〃Mountain;〃 Danton;

Robespierre; and Marat himself; better informed and less shortsighted;

are well aware that brutal murder would be revolting to the already

half…aroused departments。'124'  The legislative machinery is not to be

shattered; but made use of; it must be employed against itself to

effect the required injury; in this way the operation at a distance

will appear legal; and; garnished with the usual high…flown speeches;

impose on the provincial mind。'125' From the 3rd of April;

Robespierre; in the Jacobin club; always circumspect and considerate;

had limited and defined in advance the coming insurrection。 〃Let all

good citizens;〃 he says; 〃meet in their sections; and come and force

us to place the disloyal deputies under arrest。〃  Nothing can be more

moderate; and; if they refer to principles; nothing can be more

correct。  The people always reserves the right to cooperate with its

mandatories; which right it practices daily in the galleries。 Through

extreme precaution; which well describes the man;'126' Robespierre

refuses to go any further in his interference。 〃I am incapable of

advising the people what steps to take for its salvation。  That is not

given to one man alone。 I; who am exhausted by four years of

revolution; and by the heart…rending spectacle of the triumph of

tyranny; am not thus favored。 。 。 。 I; who am wasted by a slow fever;

and; above all by the fever of patriotism。 As I have said; there

remains for me no other duty to fulfill at the present moment。〃

What's more; he enjoins the municipality 〃to unite with the people;

and form a close alliance with it。〃  In other words; the blow must

be struck by the Commune; the 〃Mountain〃 must appear to have nothing

to do with it。 But; 〃it is privy to the secret〃;'127' its chiefs pull

the wires which set the brutal dancing…jacks in motion on the public

trestles of the H?tel…de…ville。  Danton and Lacroix wrote in the

bureau of the Committee of 〃Public Safety;〃 the insolent summons which

the procureur of the Commune is to read to the Convention on the 31st

of May; and; during seven days of crisis; Danton; Robespierre and

Marat are the counselors; directors and moderators of all proceedings;

and lead; push on or restrain their stooges of the insurrection within

the limits of this program。

VII。  The central Jacobin committee in power。

The 27th day of May。 … The central revolutionary committee。 … The

municipal body displaced and then restored。 … Henriot; commanding

general。 …

It is a tragicomic drama in three acts; each winding up with a coup de

théatre; always the same and always foreseen。 Legendre; one of the

principal stage hands; has taken care to announce beforehand that;

〃If this lasts any longer;〃 said he; at the Cordeliers club;'128' 〃if

the 'Mountain' remains quiet any longer; I shall call in the people;

and tell the galleries to come down and take part with us in the


At first; on the 27th of May; in relation to the arrest of Hébert and

his companions; the 〃Mountain;〃 supported by the galleries; becomes

furious。'129'  In vain does the majority again and again demonstrate

its numerical superiority。 〃We shall resist;〃 says Danton; 〃so long as

there are a hundred true citizens to help us。〃   〃President;〃

exclaims Marat to Isnard;  you are a tyrant!  a despicable tyrant!〃 

〃I demand;〃 says Couthon; 〃that the President be impeached!〃   〃Off

with the President to the Abbaye!〃  The 〃Mountain〃 has decided that

he shall not preside; it springs from the benches and rushes at him;

shouts 〃death to him;〃 becomes hoarse with its vociferations; and

compels him to leave the chair through weariness and exhaustion。 It

drives out his successor; Fonfrède; in the same manner; and ends by

putting Hérault…Séchelles; one of its own accomplices; in the chair。

 Meanwhile; at the entrance of the Convention; 〃the regulations have

been violated〃; a crowd of armed men 〃have spread through the passages

and obstructed the approaches〃; the deputies; Meillan; Chiappe and

Lydon; on attempting to leave; are arrested; Lydon being stopped 〃by

the point of a saber at his breast;〃'130' while the leaders on the

inside encourage; protect and justify their trusty aids outdoors。 

Marat; with his usual audacity; on learning that Raffet; the

commandant; was clearing the passages; comes to him 〃with a pistol in

his hand and puts him under arrest;〃'131' on the ground that the

people and its sacred rights of petition and the petitioners must be

respected。 There are 〃five or six hundred; almost all of them

armed;〃'132' stationed for three hours at the doors of the hall; at

the last moment; two other troops; dispatched by the Gravilliers and

Croix…Rouge sections; arrive and bring them their final affl

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