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from the memoirs of a minister of france-第29节

小说: from the memoirs of a minister of france 字数: 每页4000字

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〃No; sire; in the Rue Cloitre Notre Dame。〃

〃You have got him; then?〃

〃I know who he is; and why he is doing this。〃

〃Why?〃  the King cried eagerly。

〃Well; I was going to ask for your Majesty's company to the place;〃 I answered smiling。  〃I will undertake that you shall be amused at least as well as here; and at a cheaper rate。〃

He shrugged his shoulders。  〃That may very well be;〃 he said with a grimace。  〃That rogue Pimentel has stripped me of two thousand crowns since supper。  He is plucking Bassompierre now。

Remembering that only that morning I had had to stop some necessary works through lack of means; I could scarcely restrain my indignation。  But it was not the time to speak; and I contented myself with repeating my request。  Ashamed of himself; he consented with a good grace; and bidding me go to his: closet; followed a few minutes later。  He found me cloaked to the eyes; and with a soutane and priest's hat; on my arm。  〃Are those for me?〃  he said。

〃Yes; sire。〃

〃Who am I; then?〃

〃The cure of St。 Germain。〃

He made a wry face。  〃Come; Grand Master;〃 he said; 〃he died yesterday。  Is not the jest rather grim?〃

〃In a good cause;〃 I said equably。

He flashed a roguish look at me。  〃Ah!〃  he said; 〃I thought that that was a wicked rule which only we Romanists avowed。  But; there; don't be angry。  I am ready。〃

Coquet; the Master of the Household; let us out by one of the river gates; and we went by the new bridge and the Pont St。 Michel。  By the way I taught the King the role I wished him to play; but without explaining the mystery; the opportune appearance of one of my agents who was watching the end of the street bringing Henry's remonstrances to a close。

〃It is still open?〃  I said。

〃Yes; your excellency。〃

〃Then come; sire;〃 I said; 〃I see the boy yonder。  Let us ascend; and I will undertake that before you reach the street again you shall be not only a wiser but a richer sovereign。〃

〃St。 Gris!〃  he answered with alacrity。  Why did you not say that before; and I should have asked no questions。  On; on; in God's name; and the devil take Pimentel!〃

I restrained the caustic jest that rose to my lips; and we proceeded in silence down the street。  The boy; whom I had espied loitering in a doorway a little way ahead; as if the great bell above us which had just tolled eleven had drawn him out; peered at us a moment askance; and then; coming forward; accosted us。 But I need not detail the particulars of a conversation which was almost word for word the same as that which had passed in the Rue de la Pourpointerie; suffice it that he made the same request with the same frank audacity; and that; granting it; we were in a moment following hint up a similar staircase。

〃This way; messieurs; this way!〃  he said; as he had on that other night; while we groped our way upwards in the dark。  He opened a door; and a light shone out; and we entered a room that seemed; with its bare walls and rafters; its scanty stool and table and lamp; the very counterpart of that other room。  In one wall appeared the dingy curtains of an alcove; closely drawn; and the shutter stood open; until; at the child's request; expressed in the same words; I went to it and closed it。

We were both so well muffled up and disguised; and the light of the lamp shining upwards so completely distorted the features; that I had no fear of recognition; unless the King's voice betrayed him。  But when he spoke; breaking the oppressive silence of the room; his tone was as strange and hollow as I could wish。

〃The shutter is closed;〃 be said; 〃but the shutter of God's mercy is never closed!〃

Still; knowing that this was the crucial moment; and that we should be detected now if at all; I found it; an age before the voice behind the curtains answered 〃Amen!〃  and yet another age before the hidden speaker continued 〃Who are you?〃

〃The cure of St。 Germain;〃 Henry responded。

The man behind the curtains gasped; and they were for a moment violently agitated; as if a hand seized them and let them go again。  But I had reckoned that the unknown; after a pause of horror; would suppose that he had heard amiss and continue his usual catechism。  And so it proved。  In a voice that shook a little; he asked; 〃Whom do you bring to me?〃

〃A sinner;〃 the King answered。

〃What has he done?〃

〃He will tell you。〃

〃I am listening;〃 the unknown said。

The light in the basin flared up a little; casting dark shadows on the ceiling; and at the same moment the shutter; which I had failed to fasten securely; fell open with a grinding sound。  One of the curtains swayed a little in the breeze; 〃I have robbed my master;〃 I said; slowly。

〃Of how much?〃

〃A hundred and twenty thousand crowns。〃

The bed shook until the boards creaked under it; but this time no hand grasped the curtains。  Instead; a strained voicethick and coarse; yet differing from that muffled tone which we had heard beforeasked; 〃Who are you?〃

〃Jules Fauchet。〃

I waited。  The King; who understood nothing but had listened to my answers with eager attention; and marked no less closely the agitation which they caused in the unknown; leant forward to listen。  But the bed creaked no more; the curtain hung still; even the voice; which at last issued from the curtains; was no more like the ordinary accents of a man than are those which he utters in the paroxysms of epilepsy。  〃Are yousorry?〃  the unknown mutteredinvoluntarily; I think; hoping against hope; not daring to depart from a formula which had become second nature。  But I could fancy him clawing; as he spoke; at his choking throat。

France; however; had suffered too long at the hands of that race of men; and I had been too lately vilified by them to feel much pity; and for answer I lifted a voice that to the quailing wretch must have been the voice of doom。  〃Sorry?〃  I said grimly。  〃I must beor hang!  For to…morrow the King examines his books; and the next day Ihang!〃

The King's hand was on mine; to stop me before the last word was out; but his touch came too late。  As it rang through the room one of the curtains before us was twitched aside; and a face glared out; so ghastly and drawn and horror…stricken; that few would have known it for that of the wealthy fermier; who had grown sleek and fat on the King's revenues。  I do not know whether he knew us; or whether; on the contrary; he found this accusation; so precise; so accurate; coming from an unknown source; still more terrible than if he had known us; but on the instant he fell forward in a swoon。

〃St。 Gris!〃  Henry cried; looking on the body with a shudder; 〃you have killed him; Grand Master!  It was true; was it?〃

〃Yes; sire;〃 I answered。  〃But he is not dead; I think。〃  And going to the window I whistled for Maignan; who in a minute came to us。  He was not very willing to touch the man; but I bade him lay him on the bed and loosen his clothes and throw water on his face; and presently M。 Fauchet began to recover。

I stepped a little aside that he might not see me; and accordingly the first person on whom his eyes lighted was the King; who had laid aside his hat and cloak; and taken the terrified and weeping child on his lap。  M。 Fauchet stared at him awhile before he recognised him; but at last the trembling man knew him; and tottering to his feet; threw himself on his knees; looking years older than when I had last seen him in the street。

〃Sire;〃 he said faintly; 〃I will make restitution。〃

Henry looked at him gravely; and nodded。  〃It is well;〃 he said。 〃You are fortunate; M。 Fauchet; for had this come to my ears in any other way I could not have spared you。  You will render your accounts and papers to M。 de Sully to…morrow; and according as you are frank with him you will be treated。〃

Fauchet thanked him with abject tears; and the King rose and prepared to leave。  But at the door a thought struck him; and he turned。  〃How long have you done this?〃  he said; indicating the room by a gesture; and speaking in a gentler tone。

〃Three years; sire;〃 the wretched man answered。

〃And how much have you distributed?〃

〃Fifteen hundred crowns; sire。〃

The King cast an indescribable look at me; wherein amusement; scorn; and astonishment were all blended。  〃St。 Gris!  man!〃  he said; shrugging his shoulders and drawing in his breath sharply; 〃you think God is as easily duped as the King!  I wish I could think so。〃

He did not speak again until we were half…way back to the Louvre; when he opened his mouth to announce his intention of rewarding me with a tithe of the money recovered。  It was duly paid to me; and I bought with it part of the outlying lands of Villebon those; I mean; which extend towards Chartres。  The rest of the money; notwithstanding all my efforts; was wasted here and there; Pimentel winning thirty crowns of the King that year。  But the discovery led to others of a similar character; and eventually set me on the track of a greater offender; M。 l'Argentier; whom I brought to justice a few months later。


In accordance with my custom I gave an entertainment on the last day of this year to the King and Queen; who came to the Arsenal with a numerous train; and found the diversions I had provide

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