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from the memoirs of a minister of france-第15节

小说: from the memoirs of a minister of france 字数: 每页4000字

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smin to his presence and effect a reconciliation; or; failing that; to refer the matter to the Parliament。

He agreed with me and chose to receive them next day at the Arsenal。  I communicated his commands; and at the hour named we met; the King attended by Roquelaure and myself。  But if I had flattered myself that the King's presence would secure a degree of moderation and reasonableness I was soon undeceived; for though M。 de St。 Mesmin had only his trembling head and his tears to urge; Clan and his son fell upon Saintonge with so much violenceto which he responded by a fierce and resentful sullenness equally dangerousthat I feared that blows would be struck even before the King's face。  Lest this should happen and the worst traditions of old days of disorder be renewed; I interposed and managed at length to procure silence。

〃For shame; gentlemen; for shame!〃  the King said; gnawing his moustachios after a fashion he had when in doubt。  〃I take Heaven to witness that I cannot say who is right!  But this brawling does no good。  The one fact we have is that St。 Mesmin has disappeared。〃

〃Yes; sire; and that M。 de Saintonge predicted his disappearance;〃 St。 Germain cried; impulsively。  〃To the day and almost to the hour。〃

〃I gather; de Saintonge;〃 the King said; turning to him; mildly; 〃that you did use some expressions of that kind。〃

〃Yes; sire; and did nothing upon them;〃 he answered resentfully。 But he trembled as he spoke。  He was an older man than his antagonist; and the latter's violence shook him。

〃But does M。 de Saintonge deny;〃 St。 Germain broke out afresh before the King could speak; 〃that my friend had made him a proposal for his daughter?  and that he rejected it?〃

〃I deny nothing!〃  Saintonge cried; fierce and trembling as a baited animal。  〃For that matter; I would to Heaven he had had her!〃  he continued bitterly。

〃Ay; so you say now;〃 the irrepressible St。 Germain retorted; 〃when you know that be is dead!〃

〃I do not know that he is dead;〃 Saintonge answered。  〃And; for that matter; if he were alive and here now he should have her。  I am tired; I have suffered enough。〃

〃What!  Do you tell the King;〃 the young fellow replied incredulously; 〃that if St。 Mesmin were here you would give him your daughter?〃

〃I doI do!〃  the other exclaimed passionately。  〃To be rid of him; and you; and all your crew!〃

〃Tut; tut!〃  the King said。  〃Whatever betides; I will answer for it; you shall have protection and justice; M。 de Saintonge。  And do you; young sir; be silent。  Be silent; do you hear!  We have had too much noise introduced into this already。〃

He proceeded then to ask certain details; and particularly the hour at which St。 Mesmin had been last seen。  Notwithstanding that these facts were in the main matters of common agreement; some wrangling took place over them; which was only brought to an end at last in a manner sufficiently startling。  The King with his usual thoughtfulness had bidden St。 Mesmin be seated。  On a sudden the old man rose; I heard him utter a cry of amazement; and following the direction of his eyes I looked towards the door。  There stood his son!

At an appearance so unexpected a dozen exclamations filled the air; but to describe the scene which ensued or the various emotions that were evinced by this or that person; as surprise or interest or affection moved them; were a task on which I am not inclined to enter。  Suffice it that the foremost and the loudest in these expressions of admiration was young St。 Germain; and that the King; after glancing from face to face in puzzled perplexity; began to make a shrewd guess at the truth。

〃This is a very timely return; M。 de St。 Mesmin;〃 he said drily。

〃Yes; sire;〃 the young impertinent answered; not a whit abashed。

〃Very timely; indeed。〃

〃Yes; sire。  And the more as St。 Germain tells me that M。 de Saintonge in his clemency has reconsidered my claims; and has undertaken to use that influence with Mademoiselle which〃

But on that word M。 de Saintonge; comprehending the RUSE by which he had been overcome; cut him short; crying out in a rage that he would see him in perdition first。  However; we all immediately took the Marquis in hand; and made it our business to reconcile him to the notion; the King even making a special appeal to him; and promising that St。 Mesmin should never want his good offices。 Under this pressure; and confronted by his solemn undertaking; Saintonge at last and with reluctance gave way。  At the King's instance; he formally gave his consent to a match which effectually secured St。 Mesmin's fortunes; and was as much above anything the young fellow could reasonably expect as his audacity and coolness exceeded the common conceit of courtiers。

Many must still remember St。 Mesmin; though an attack of the small…pox; which disfigured him beyond the ordinary; led him to leave Paris soon after his marriage。  He was concerned; I believe; in the late ill…advised rising in the Vivarais; and at that time his wife still lived。  But for some years past I have not heard his name; and only now recall it as that of one whose adventures; thrust on my attention; formed an amusing interlude in the more serious cares which now demand our notice。


I might spend many hours in describing the impression which this great Sovereign made upon my mind; but if the part which she took in the conversation I have detailed does not sufficiently exhibit those qualities of will and intellect which made her the worthy compeer of the King my master; I should labour in vain。 Moreover; my stay in her neighbourhood; though Raleigh and Griffin showed me every civility; was short。  An hour after taking leave of her; on the 15th of August; 1601; I sailed from Dover; and crossing to Calais without mishap anticipated with pleasure the King's satisfaction when he should hear the result of my mission; and learn from my mouth the just and friendly sentiments which Queen Elizabeth entertained towards him。

Unfortunately I was not able to impart these on the instant。 During my absence a trifling matter had carried the King to Dieppe; whence his anxiety on the queen's account; who was shortly to be brought to bed; led him to take the road to Paris。 He sent word to me to follow him; but necessarily some days elapsed before we met; an opportunity of which his enemies and mine were quick to take advantage; and that so insidiously and with so much success as to imperil not my reputation only but his happiness。

The time at their disposal was increased by the fact; that when I reached the Arsenal I found the Louvre vacant; the queen; who lay at Fontainebleau; having summoned the King thither。  Ferret; his secretary; however; awaited me with a letter; in which Henry; after expressing his desire to see we; bade me nevertheless stay in Paris a day to transact some business。  〃Then;〃 he continued; 〃come to me; my friend; and we will discuss the matter of which you know。  In the meantime send me your papers by Ferret; who will give you a receipt for them。〃

Suspecting no danger in a course which was usual enough; I hastened to comply。  Summoning Maignan; who; whenever I travelled; carried my portfolio; I unlocked it; and emptying the papers in a mass on the table; handed them in detail to Ferret。 Presently; to my astonishment; I found that one; and this the most important; was missing。  I went over the papers again; and again; and yet again。  Still it was not to be found。

It will be remembered that whenever I travelled on a mission of importance I wrote my despatches in one of three modes; according as they were of little; great; or the first importance; in ordinary characters that is; in a cipher to which the council possessed the key; or in a cipher to which only the King and I held keys。  This last; as it was seldom used; was rarely changed; but it was my duty; on my return from each mission; immediately to remit my key to the King; who deposited it in a safe place until another occasion for its use arose。

It was this key which was missing。  I had been accustomed to carry it in the portfolio with the other papers; but in a sealed envelope which I broke and again sealed with my own signet whenever I had occasion to use the cipher。  I had last seen the envelope at Calais; when I handed the portfolio to Maignan before beginning my journey to Paris; the portfolio had not since been opened; yet the sealed packet was missing。

More than a little uneasy; I recalled Maignan; who had withdrawn after delivering up his charge; 〃You rascal!〃  I said with some heat。  〃Has this been out of your custody?〃

〃The bag?〃  he answered; looking at it。  Then his face changed。 〃You have cut your finger; my lord;〃 he said。

I had cut it slightly in unbuckling the portfolio; and a drop or two of blood had fallen on the papers。  But his reference to it at this moment; when my mind was full of my loss; angered me; and even awoke my suspicions。  〃Silence!〃  I said; 〃and answer me。 Have you let this bag out of your possession?〃  This time he replied straightforwardly that he had not。

〃Nor unlocked it?〃

〃I have no key; your excellency。〃

That was true; and as I had at bottom the utmost confidence in his fidelity; I pursued the i

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