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the two captains-第5节

小说: the two captains 字数: 每页4000字

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through the gates of Tunis。  Fadrique's and Heimbert's companies were
always together。

Thick clouds of smoke began to curl through the streets; the soldiers
were obliged to shake off the glowing and dusty flakes from their
mantles and richly plumed helmets; where they often rested
smouldering。  〃I trust the enemy in his despair has not set fire to
some magazine full of powder!〃 exclaimed the thoughtful Heimbert; and
Fadrique; allowing by a sign that he agreed with his surmise;
hastened on to the spot from whence the smoke proceeded; the troops
courageously pressing after him。

The sudden turn of a street brought them in view of a magnificent
palace; from the beautifully ornamented windows of which the flames
were emerging; looking like torches of death in their fitful glow;
and lighting up the splendid building in the hour of its ruin in the
grandest manner; now illuminating this and now that part of the
gigantic structure; and then again relapsing into a fearful darkness
of smoke and vapor。

And like some faultless statue; the ornament of the whole edifice;
there stood Zelinda upon a high and giddy projection; while the
tongues of flame wreathed around her from below; calling to her
companions in the faith to help her in saving the wisdom of centuries
which was preserved in this building。  The projection on which she
stood began to totter from the fervent heat raging beneath it; and a
few stones gave way; Fadrique called with a voice full of anguish to
the endangered lady; and scarcely had she withdrawn her foot from the
spot; when the stone on which she had been standing broke away and
came rattling down on the pavement。  Zelinda disappeared within the
burning palace; and Fadrique rushed up its marble staircase;
Heimbert; his faithful companion; following him。

Their hasty steps carried them through lofty resounding halls; the
architecture over their heads was a maze of high arches; and one
chamber led into another almost like a labyrinth。  The walls
displayed on all sides magnificent shelves; in which were to be seen
stored rolls of parchment; papyrus; and palm…leaf; partly inscribed
with the characters of long…vanished centuries; and which were now to
perish themselves。  For the flames were already crackling among them
and stretching their serpent…like and fiery heads from one case of
treasures to another; while some Spanish soldiers; barbarous in their
fury; and hoping for plunder; and finding nothing but inscribed rolls
within the gorgeous building; passed from disappointment to rage; and
aided the flames; the more so as they regarded the inscriptions as
the work of evil magicians。  Fadrique flew as in a dream through the
strange half…consumed halls; ever calling Zelinda! thinking and
regarding nothing but her enchanting beauty。  Long did Heimbert
remain at his side; until at length they both reached a cedar
staircase leading to an upper story; here Fadrique paused to listen;
and exclaiming; 〃She is speaking up there! she is speaking loud! she
needs my help!〃 he dashed up the already burning steps。  Heimbert
hesitated a moment; he saw the staircase already tottering; and he
thought to give a warning cry to his companion; but at the same
moment the light ornamental ascent gave way and burst into flames。
He could just see Fadrique clinging above to a brass grating and
swinging himself up to it; but all means of following him were
destroyed。  Quickly recollecting himself; Heimbert lost no time in
idly gazing; but hastened through the adjacent halls in search of
another flight of steps which would lead him to his vanished friend。

Meanwhile Fadrique; following the enchanting voice; had reached a
gallery in the midst of which; the floor having fallen in; there was
a fearful abyss of flames; though the pillars on each side were still
standing。  Opposite to him the youth perceived the longed…for maiden;
clinging with one hand to a pillar; while with the other she was
threatening back some Spanish soldiers; who seemed ready at any
moment to seize her; and her delicate foot was already hovering over
the edge of the glowing ruins。  For Fadrique to go to her was
impossible; the breadth of the opening rendered even a desperate leap
unavailing。  Trembling lest his call might make the maiden
precipitate herself into the abyss; either in terror or despairing
anger; he only softly raised his voice and whispered as with a breath
over the flaming gulf; 〃Oh; Zelinda; Zelinda! do not give way to such
frightful thoughts!  Your preserver is here!〃  The maiden turned her
queenly head; and when Fadrique saw her calm and composed demeanor;
he cried to the soldiers on the other side; with all the thunder of
his warrior's voice; 〃Back; ye insolent plunderers!  Whoever advances
but one step to the lady shall feel the vengeance of my arm!〃  They
started and seemed on the point of withdrawing; when one of their
number said; 〃The knight cannot touch us; the gulf between us is too
broad for that。  And as for the lady's throwing herself downit
almost looks as if the young knight were her lover; and whoever has a
lover is not likely to be so hasty about throwing herself down。〃  All
laughed at this and again advanced。  Zelinda tottered at the edge of
the abyss。  But with the courage of a lion Fadrique had torn his
target from his arm; and hurling it with his right hand he flung it
at the soldiers with such a sure aim that the rash leader; struck on
the head; fell senseless to the ground。  The rest again stood still。
〃Away with you!〃 cried Fadrique authoritatively; 〃or my dagger shall
strike the next as surely; and then I swear I will never rest till I
have found out your whole gang and appeased my rage。〃  The dagger
gleamed in the youth's hand; but yet more fearfully gleamed the fury
in his eyes; and the soldiers fled。  Then Zelinda bowed gratefully to
her preserver; took up a roll of palm…leaves which lay at her feet;
and which must have previously slipped from her hand; and then
vanished hastily through a side…door of the gallery。  Henceforth
Fadrique sought her in vain in the burning palace。


The great Alba held a council with his chief officers in an open
place in the middle of the conquered city; and; by means of
interpreters; sent question after question to the Turkish prisoners
as to the fate of the beautiful woman who had been seen animating
them on the ramparts; and who was certainly the most exquisite
enchantress that had ever visited the earth。  Nothing very distinct
was to be gained from the answers; for although the interrogated all
knew of the the beautiful Zelinda as a noble lady versed in magic
lore; and acknowledged by the whole people; they were utterly unable
to state from whence she had come to Tunis and whither she had now
fled。  When at last they began to threaten the prisoners as
obstinate; an old Dervish; hitherto unnoticed; pressed forward and
said; with a gloomy smile; 〃Whoever has a desire to seek the lady may
set out when he chooses; I will conceal nothing from him of what I
know of her direction; and I know something。  But I must first of all
receive the promise that I shall not be compelled to accompany as
guide。  My lips otherwise will remain sealed forever; and you may do
with me as you will。〃

He looked like one who intended to keep his word; and Alba; pleased
with the firmness of the man; which harmonized well with his own
mind; gave him the desired assurance; and the Dervish began his
relation。  He was once; he said; wandering in the almost infinite
desert of Sahara; impelled perhaps by rash curiosity; perhaps by
higher motives; he had lost his way there; and had at last; wearied
to death; reached one of those fertile islands of that sea of sand
which are called oases。  Then followed; sparkling with oriental
vivacity; a description of the wonderful things seen there; now
filling the hearts of his hearers with sweet longing; and then again
making their hair stand on end with horror; though from the strange
pronunciation of the speaker and the flowing rapidity of his words
the half was scarcely understood。  The end of all this at length was
that Zelinda dwelt on that oasis; in the midst of the pathless sand…
plains of the desert; surrounded by magic horrors; and also; as the
Dervish knew for certain; that she had left about half an hour ago on
her way thither。 The almost contemptuous words with which he
concluded his narration plainly showed that he desired nothing more
earnestly than to seduce some Christians to undertake a journey which
must terminate inevitably in their destruction。  At the same time he
added a solemn oath that everything was truly as he had stated it;
and he did this in a firm and grave manner; as a man who knows that
he is speaking the most indubitable truth。  Surprised and thoughtful;
the circle of officers held their council round him。

Then Heimbert stepped forward with an air as if of request; he had
just received a summons to leave the burning palace; where he had
been seeking his friend; and had been appointed to the place of
council because it was necessary to arrange the troops here in
readiness for any possible rising in the conquer

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