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secure footing and resting…place。 If we pause sooner; we slide
down by our own weight; an object of universal derision。 I stand
high; but I stand not secure enough to follow my own inclination。
To declare my marriage were to be the artificer of my own ruin。
But; believe me; I will reach a point; and that speedily; when I
can do justice to thee and to myself。 Meantime; poison not the
bliss of the present moment; by desiring that which cannot at
present be; Let me rather know whether all here is managed to thy
liking。 How does Foster bear himself to you?in all things
respectful; I trust; else the fellow shall dearly rue it。〃
〃He reminds me sometimes of the necessity of this privacy;〃
answered the lady; with a sigh; 〃but that is reminding me of your
wishes; and therefore I am rather bound to him than disposed to
blame him for it。〃
〃I have told you the stern necessity which is upon us;〃 replied
the Earl。 〃Foster is; I note; somewhat sullen of mood; but
Varney warrants to me his fidelity and devotion to my service。
If thou hast aught; however; to complain of the mode in which he
discharges his duty; he shall abye it。〃
〃Oh; I have nought to complain of;〃 answered the lady; 〃so he
discharges his task with fidelity to you; and his daughter Janet
is the kindest and best companion of my solitudeher little air
of precision sits so well upon her!〃
〃Is she indeed?〃 said the Earl。 〃She who gives you pleasure
must not pass unrewarded。Come hither; damsel。〃
〃Janet;〃 said the lady; 〃come hither to my lord。〃
Janet; who; as we already noticed; had discreetly retired to some
distance; that her presence might be no check upon the private
conversation of her lord and lady; now came forward; and as she
made her reverential curtsy; the Earl could not help smiling at
the contrast which the extreme simplicity of her dress; and the
prim demureness of her looks; made with a very pretty countenance
and a pair of black eyes; that laughed in spite of their
mistress's desire to look grave。
〃I am bound to you; pretty damsel;〃 said the Earl; 〃for the
contentment which your service hath given to this lady。〃 As he
said this; he took from his finger a ring of some price; and
offered it to Janet Foster; adding; 〃Wear this; for her sake and
for mine。〃
〃I am well pleased; my lord;〃 answered Janet demurely; 〃that my
poor service hath gratified my lady; whom no one can draw nigh to
without desiring to please; but we of the precious Master
Holdforth's congregation seek not; like the gay daughters of this
world; to twine gold around our fingers; or wear stones upon our
necks; like the vain women of Tyre and of Sidon。〃
〃Oh; what! you are a grave professor of the precise sisterhood;
pretty Mistress Janet;〃 said the Earl; 〃and I think your father
is of the same congregation in sincerity? I like you both the
better for it; for I have been prayed for; and wished well to; in
your congregations。 And you may the better afford the lack of
ornament; Mistress Janet; because your fingers are slender; and
your neck white。 But here is what neither Papist nor Puritan;
latitudinarian nor precisian; ever boggles or makes mouths at。
E'en take it; my girl; and employ it as you list。〃
So saying; he put into her hand five broad gold pieces of Philip
and Mary;
〃I would not accept this gold either;〃 said Janet; 〃but that I
hope to find a use for it which will bring a blessing on us all。〃
〃Even please thyself; pretty Janet;〃 said the Earl; 〃and I shall
be well satisfied。 And I prithee let them hasten the evening
〃I have bidden Master Varney and Master Foster to sup with us; my
lord;〃 said the Countess; as Janet retired to obey the Earl's
commands; 〃has it your approbation?〃
〃What you do ever must have so; my sweet Amy;〃 replied her
husband; 〃and I am the better pleased thou hast done them this
grace; because Richard Varney is my sworn man; and a close
brother of my secret council; and for the present; I must needs
repose much trust in this Anthony Foster。〃
〃I had a boon to beg of thee; and a secret to tell thee; my dear
lord;〃 said the Countess; with a faltering accent。
〃Let both be for to…morrow; my love;〃 replied the Earl。 〃I see
they open the folding…doors into the banqueting…parlour; and as I
have ridden far and fast; a cup of wine will not be
So saying he led his lovely wife into the next apartment; where
Varney and Foster received them with the deepest reverences;
which the first paid after the fashion of the court; and the
second after that of the congregation。 The Earl returned their
salutation with the negligent courtesy of one long used to such
homage; while the Countess repaid it with a punctilious
solicitude; which showed it was not quite so familiar to her。
The banquet at which the company seated themselves corresponded
in magnificence with the splendour of the apartment in which it
was served up; but no domestic gave his attendance。 Janet alone
stood ready to wait upon the company; and; indeed; the board was
so well supplied with all that could be desired; that little or
no assistance was necessary。 The Earl and his lady occupied the
upper end of the table; and Varney and Foster sat beneath the
salt; as was the custom with inferiors。 The latter; overawed
perhaps by society to which he was altogether unused; did not
utter a single syllable during the repast; while Varney; with
great tact and discernment; sustained just so much of the
conversation as; without the appearance of intrusion on his part;
prevented it from languishing; and maintained the good…humour of
the Earl at the highest pitch。 This man was indeed highly
qualified by nature to discharge the part in which he found
himself placed; being discreet and cautious on the one hand; and;
on the other; quick; keen…witted; and imaginative; so that even
the Countess; prejudiced as she was against him on many accounts;
felt and enjoyed his powers of conversation; and was more
disposed than she had ever hitherto found herself to join in the
praises which the Earl lavished on his favourite。 The hour of
rest at length arrived; the Earl and Countess retired to their
apartment; and all was silent in the castle for the rest of the
Early on the ensuing morning; Varney acted as the Earl's
chamberlain as well as his master of horse; though the latter was
his proper office in that magnificent household; where knights
and gentlemen of good descent were well contented to hold such
menial situations; as nobles themselves held in that of the
sovereign。 The duties of each of these charges were familiar to
Varney; who; sprung from an ancient but somewhat decayed family;
was the Earl's page during his earlier and more obscure fortunes;
and; faithful to him in adversity; had afterwards contrived to
render himself no less useful to him in his rapid and splendid
advance to fortune; thus establishing in him an interest resting
both on present and past services; which rendered him an almost
indispensable sharer of his confidence。
〃Help me to do on a plainer riding…suit; Varney;〃 said the Earl;
as he laid aside his morning…gown; flowered with silk and lined
with sables; 〃and put these chains and fetters there〃 (pointing
to the collars of the various Orders which lay on the table)
〃into their place of securitymy neck last night was well…nigh
broke with the weight of them。 I am half of the mind that they
shall gall me no more。 They are bonds which knaves have invented
to fetter fools。 How thinkest thou; Varney?〃
〃Faith; my good lord;〃 said his attendant; 〃I think fetters of
gold are like no other fettersthey are ever the weightier the
〃For all that; Varney;〃 replied his master; 〃I am well…nigh
resolved they shall bind me to the court no longer。 What can
further service and higher favour give me; beyond the high rank
and large estate which I have already secured? What brought my
father to the block; but that he could not bound his wishes
within right and reason? I have; you know; had mine own ventures
and mine own escapes。 I am well…nigh resolved to tempt the sea
no further; but sit me down in quiet on the shore。〃
〃And gather cockle…shells; with Dan Cupid to aid you;〃 said
〃How mean you by that; Varney?〃 said the Earl somewhat hastily。
〃Nay; my lord;〃 said Varney; 〃be not angry with me。 If your
lordship is happy in a lady so rarely lovely that; in order to
enjoy her company with somewhat more freedom; you are willing to
part with all you have hitherto lived for; some of your poor
servants may be sufferers; but your bounty hath placed me so
high; that I shall ever have enough to maintain a poor gentleman
in the rank befitting the high office he has held in your
lordship's family。〃
〃Yet you seem discontented when I propose throwing up a dangerous
game; which may end in the ruin of both of us。〃
〃I; my lord?〃 said Varney; 〃surely I have no cause to regret
your lordship's retreat! It will not be Richard Varney who will
incur the displeasure of majesty; and the ridicule of the court;
when the stateliest fabric that ever was founded upon a prince's
favour melts away like a morning frost