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the caged lion-第5节

小说: the caged lion 字数: 每页4000字

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e; Robert III。 was the eldest; the Duke of Albany the second。 These were both dead; and were represented; the one by the captive young King James; the other by the Regent; Duke Murdoch of Albany; and his brother John; Earl of Buchan; now about to head a Scottish force; among whom Patrick Drummond intended to sail; to assist the French。

Others of the eleven; Earls of Athol; Menteith; &c。; survived; but the youngest of the brotherhood; by name Malcolm; who had married the heiress of Glenuskie; had been killed at Homildon Hill; when he had solemnly charged his Stewart nephews and brothers to leave his two orphan children to the sole charge of their mother's cousin; Sir David Drummond; a good old man; who had been the best supporter and confidant of poor Robert III。 in his unhappy reign; and in embassies to France had lost much of the rugged barbarism to which Scotland had retrograded during the wars with England。


It was a lonely tract of road; marked only by the bare space trodden by feet of man and horse; and yet; in truth; the highway between Berwick and Edinburgh; which descended from a heathery moorland into a somewhat spacious valley; with copsewood clothing one side; in the midst of which rose a high mound or knoll; probably once the site of a camp; for it still bore lines of circumvallation; although it was entirely deserted; except by the wandering shepherds of the neighbourhood; or occasionally by outlaws; who found an admirable ambush in the rear。

The spring had hung the hazels with tassels; bedecked the willows with golden downy tufts; and opened the primroses and celandines beneath them; when the solitary dale was disturbed by the hasty clatter of horses' feet; and hard; heavy breathing as of those who had galloped headlong beyond their strength。  Here; however; the foremost of the party; an old esquire; who grasped the bridle…rein of youth by his side; drew up his own horse; and that which he was dragging on with him; saying …

'We may breathe here a moment; there is shelter in the wood。  And you; Rab; get ye up to the top of Jill's Knowe; and keep a good look… out。'

'Let me go back; you false villain!' sobbed the boy; with the first use of his recovered breath。

'Do not be so daft; Lord Malcolm;' replied the Squire; retaining his hold on the boy's bridle; 'what; rin your head into the wolf's mouth again; when we've barely brought you off haill and sain?'

'Haill and sain?  Dastard and forlorn;' cried Malcolm; with passionate weeping。  'II to flee and leave my sistermy uncle! Oh; where are they?  Halbert; let me go; I'll never pardon thee。'

'Hoot; my lord! would I let you gang; when the Tutor spak to me as plain as I hear you now?  〃Take off Lord Malcolm;〃 says he; 〃save him; and you save the rest。  See him safe to the Earl of Mar。〃  Those were his words; my lord; and if you wilna heed them; I will。'

'What; and leave my sister to the reivers?  Oh; what may not they be doing to her?  Let us go back and fall on them; Halbert; better die saving her than know her in Walter Stewart's hands。  Then were I the wretched craven he calls me。'

'Look you; Lord Malcolm;' said Halbert; laying his finger on his nose; with a knowing expression; 'my young lady is safe from harm so long as you are out of the Master of Albany's reach。  Had you come by a canny thrust in the fray; as no doubt was his purpose; or were you in his hands to be mewed in a convent; then were your sister worth the wedding; but the Master will never wed her while you live and have friends to back you; and his father; the Regent; will see she has no ill…usage。  You'll do best for yourself and her too; as well as Sir David; if you make for Dunbar; and call ben your uncles of Athole and Strathern。How now; Rab? are the loons making this way?'

'Na; na!' said Rab; descending; ''tis from the other gate; 'tis a knight in blue damasked steel:  he; methinks; that harboured in our castle some weeks syne。'

'Hm!' said Halbert; considering; 'he looked like a trusty cheild: maybe he'd guide my lord here to a wiser wit; and a good lance on the way to Dunbar is not to be scorned。'

In fact; there would have been no time for one party to conceal themselves from the other; for; hidden by the copsewood; and unheeded by the watchers who were gazing in the opposite direction; Sir James Stewart and his two attendants suddenly came round the foot of Jill's Knowe upon the fugitives; who were profiting by the interval to loosen the girths of their horses; and water them at the pool under the thicket; whilst Halbert in vain tried to pacify and reason with the young master; who had thrown himself on the grass in an agony of grief and despair。  Sir James; after the first momentary start; recognized the party in an instant; and at once leapt from his horse; exclaiming …

'How now; my bonnie manmy kind hostwhat is it? what makes this grief?'

'Do not speak to me; Sir;' muttered the unhappy boy。  'They have been reftreft from me; and I have done nothing for them。  Walter of Albany has them; and I am here。'

And he gave way to another paroxysm of grief; while Halbert explained to Sir James Stewart that when Sir Patrick Drummond had gone to embark for France; with the army led to the aid of Charles VI。 by the Earl of Buchan; his father and cousins; with a large escort; had accompanied him to Eyemouth; whence; after taking leave of him; they had set out to spend Passion…tide and Easter at Coldingham Abbey; after the frequent fashion of the devoutly inclined among the Scottish nobility; in whose castles there was often little commodity for religious observances。  Short; however; as was the distance; they had in the midst of it been suddenly assailed by a band of armed men; among whom might easily be recognized the giant form of young Walter Stewart; the Master of Albany; the Regent Duke Murdoch's eldest son; who was well known for his lawless excesses and violence。  His father's silky sayings; and his own ruder speeches; had long made it known to the House of Glenuskie that the family policy was to cajole or to drive the sickly heir into a convent; and; rendering Lilias the possessor of the broad lands inherited from both parents; unite her and them to the Albany family

The almost barbarous fierceness and wild licentiousness of Walter would have made the arrangement abhorrent to Lilias; even had not love passages already passed between her and her cousin; Patrick Drummond; and Sir David had hitherto protected her by keeping Malcolm in the secular life; but Walter; it seemed; had grown impatient; and had made this treacherous attack; evidently hoping to rid himself of the brother; and secure the sister。  No sooner had the Tutor of Glenuskie perceived that his own party were overmatched; than he had bidden his faithful squire to secure the bairnsif not both; at least the boy; and Halbert; perceiving that Lilias had already been pounced upon by Sir Walter himself and several more; seized the bridle of the bewildered Malcolm; who was still trying to draw his sword; and had absolutely swept him away from the scene of action before he had well realized what was passing; and now that the poor lad understood the whole; his horror; grief; and shame were unspeakable。

Before Sir James had done more than hear the outline of Halbert's tale; however; the watchers on the mound gave the signal that the reivers were coming that waya matter hitherto doubtful; since no one could guess whether Walter Stewart would make for Edinburgh or for Doune。  With the utmost agility Sir James sprang up the side of the mound; reconnoitred; and returned again just as Halbert was trying to stir his master from the ground; and Malcolm answering sullenly that he would not movehe would be taken and die with the rest。

'You may save them instead; if you will attend to me;' said Sir James; and at his words the boy suddenly started up with a look of hope。

'How many fell upon you?' demanded Sir James。

'Full a hundred lances;' replied Halbert (and a lance meant at least three men)。  'It wad be a fule's wark to withstand them。  Best bide fast in the covert; for our horses are sair forfaughten。'

'If there are now more than twenty lances; I am greatly mistaken;' returned Sir James。  'They must have broken up after striking their blow; or have sent to secure Glenuskie; and we; falling on them from this thicket'

'I see; I see;' cried Halbert。  'Back; ye loons; back among the hazels。  Hold every one his horse ready to mount。'

'With your favour; Sir Squire; I say; bind each man his horse to a tree。  The skene and broadsword; which I see you all wear; will be ten times as effective on foot。'

'Do as the knight bids;' said Malcolm; starting forth with colour on his cheek; light in his eye; that made him another being。  'In him there is help。'

'Ay; ay; Lord Malcolm;' muttered Halbert; 'you need not tell me that: I know my duty better than not to do the bidding of a belted knight; and pretty man too of his inches。'

The two attendants of Sir James were meantime apparently uttering some remonstrance; to which he lightly replied; 'Tut; Nigel; it will do thine heart good to hew down a minion of Albany。  What were I worth could I not strike a blow a

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