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the caged lion-第45节

小说: the caged lion 字数: 每页4000字

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 had erred; not thoughtlessly; but with a conscience of them all; in wilful abandonment of his higher principles。  On these the chaplain mostly dwelt; on these he tried to direct Malcolm's repentance; and; finding that the youth was in perpetual extremes of remorse; and that his abject submission was a sort of fresh form of wilfulness; almost passion at being forbidden to bind himself by the vow; he told him that the true token of repentance was steadiness and constancy; and that therefore his absolution must be deferred until he had thus shown that his penitence was true and sincereby perseverance; firstly; in the devotions that the chaplain appointed for him; and; secondly; in meeting whatever temptations might be in store for him。 Nay; the cruel chaplain absolutely forbade the white; excited; eager boy to spend half the night in chapel over the first division of these penitential psalms and prayers; but on his obedience sent him at once to his bed。

Malcolm could have torn his hair。  Unabsolved!  Still under the weight of sin; still unpledged; still on dangerous ground; still left to a secular lifeand that without Esclairmonde!  Why had he not gone to a French Benedictine; who would have caught at his vow; and crowned his penitence with some magnificent satisfying asceticism?

Yet something in his heart; something in the father's own authority; made him submit; and in a tumult of feeling; more wretched even than before his confession; he threw himself on his bed; expecting to charge the tossings of a miserable night on Dr。 Bennet; and to creep down barefoot to the chapel in the early morning to begin his Misereres。

Instead of which; his first wakening was in broad daylight; by King James standing over him。  'Malcolm;' he said; 'I have answered for you that you are discreet and trusty。  A message of weight is to be placed in your hands。  Come with me to the Duke of Bedford。'

Malcolm could only dress himself; and obediently follow to the chamber; where sat the Duke; his whole countenance looking as if the light of his life had gone out; but still steadfastly set to bear the heavy burden that had been placed on his shoulders。

He called Malcolm to him; and showed him a ring; asking whether he knew it。

'The King's signetKing Harry's;' said Malcolm。

He was then reminded how; in the winter; Henry had lost the ring; and after having caused another to be made at Paris; had found it in the finger of his gauntlet。  Very few knew of the existence of this duplicate。  Bedford himself was not aware of it till it had been mentioned by James and Lord Fitzhugh the chamberlain; and then search was made for it; without effect; so that it evidently had been left with the Queen。  These private signets were of the utmost importance; far more so than even the autograph; for; though signatures were just acquiring individuality enough to become the best authentication; yet up to this very reign the seal was the only valid affirmation。  Such signets were always destroyed on a prince's death; and it was of the utmost importance that the duplicate should not be left in Queen Catherine's handsabove all; while she was with her mother and her party; who were quite capable of affixing it to forgeries。

Bedford; James; and Fitzhugh were all required at Vincennes; the two latter at the lying…in…state in the chapel。  Most of the other trusty nobles had repaired to the army; and; indeed; Bedford; aware of the terrible jealousies that were sure to break out in the headless realm; did not choose to place a charge that might hereafter prove invidious in the hands of any Englishman; or to extend the secret any further than could be helped; since who could tell what suspicion might not be thus cast on any paper sealed by Henry?

In his perplexity; James had suggested young Malcolm; who had assisted in the search for the lost ring; and been witness to its discovery; and whom he could easily send as bearer of his condolences to the widowed Queen; who had indeed the entree of the palace; but had no political standing; was neither French nor English; and had shown himself discreet enough with other secrets to deserve confidence。

Bedford caught at the proposal。  And Malcolm now received orders to take horse; with a sufficient escort; and hasten at once to Paris; where he should try if possible to obtain the ring from the Queen herself; but if he could not speak to her in private; he might apply to Sir Lewis Robsart。  No other person was to be informed of the real object of the mission; and he was to get back to Vincennes as soon as possible。

Neither prince could understand the scared; distressed looks with which Malcolm listened to commands showing so much confidence in a youth of his years。  They encouraged him by assurances that Sir Lewis Robsart; who had a curious kind of authority; half fatherly; half nurselike; over the Queen; would manage all for him。  And King James; provoked by his reluctance; began; as they left Bedford's chamber; to chide him for ungraciousness in the time of distress; and insensibility to the honour conferred on him。

'Nay; nay;' disclaimed Malcolm; almost ready to weep; 'but I have a whole world of penance!'

'Penance!  Plague on the boy's perverseness!  What penance is so good as obedience?' said James; much displeased。

'Sir; Sir;' panted Malcolm; ''tis not only that。  Could any one but be sent in my stead?  My returning alone is what Madame of Hainault badeforfor some scheme on'

His voice was choked; and his face was burning。

'Is the lad gone daft?' cried James; in great anger。  'If Madame of Hainault were so lost to decorum as to hatch such schemes at such a moment; I trow you are neither puppet nor fool in her hands for her to do what she will with。  I'll have no more fooling!'

Malcolm could only obey。

In the brief space while the horses were preparing; and he had to equip and take food; he sped in search of Dr。 Bennet; hoping; he knew not what; from his interference; or trusting; at any rate; to explain his own sudden absence。

But; looking into the chapel; he recognized the chaplain as one of the leading priests in one of the lengthiest of masses; which was just commencing。  It was impossible to wait for the conclusion。  He could but kneel down; find himself too much hurried and confused to recollect any prayer; then dash back again to don his riding…gear; before King James should miss him; and be angered again。

'Unabsolvedunvowed!' he thought。  'Sent off thither against my will。  Whatever may fall out; it is no fault of mine!'


Trembling and awed; the ladies waited at Paris。  It was well known how the King's illness must end。  No one; save the Queen; professed to entertain any hope of his amendment; but Catherine appeared to be too lethargic to allow herself to be roused to any understanding of his danger; and as to the personal womanly tendance of wife to suffering husband; she seemed to have no notion of it。  Her mother had never been supposed to take the slightest care of King Charles; and Catherine; after her example; regarded the care either of husband or child as no more required of a royal lady than of a queen bee。

The little Lady Montagu; as Alice was now to be called; who had been scheming that her Richard should be wounded just enough to learn to call her his good little nurse…tender; was dreadfully scandalized; as indeed were wives of more experience; when they found all their endeavours to make their mistress understand how ill the King really was; and how much he wished for her; fall upon uncomprehending ears; and at last were desired by her mother Isabeau not to torment the poor Queen; or they would make her ill。

'Make her ill!  I wish I could!' muttered Lady Warwick; as she left the presence…chamber; 'but it is like my little Nan telling her apple…stock baby that all her kin were burnt alive in one castle。 She heeds as much!'

But when at late evening Sir Lewis Robsart rode up to the hotel; and a hush went along with him; for all knew that he would never have left his King alive; Catherine's composure gave way。  She had not imagination enough for apprehension of what was out of sight; but when she knew that she had lost her king; to whom she had owed the brief splendour of an otherwise dreary and neglected life; she fell into a passion of cries and tears; even at the mere sight of Sir Lewis; and continued to bewail her king; her lord; her husband; her light; her love; with the violence of an utterly unexpected bereavement。

But while her shrieks and sobs were rending the air; a hoarse voice gasped out; 'What say you?  My son Henri dead!' and white and ghastly; the gray hair hanging wildly from the temples; the eyes roaming with the wistful gaze of the half insane; poor King Charles stood among them; demanding; 'Tell me I am sick again!  Tell me it is but one of my delusions!  So brave; so strong; so lively; so good to the poor old man!  My son Henri cannot die!  That is for the old; the sick!'

And when Sir Lewis with gentle words had made him understand the truth; he covered his face with his hands; and staggered away; led by his attendant knight; still murmuring in a dazed way; 'Mon fils Henri; mon bon fils Henrimost lovin

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