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the caged lion-第42节

小说: the caged lion 字数: 每页4000字

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k's charge。'

'Warwick is waiting admission;' said Bedford。  'He and Salisbury and Exeter rode with me。'

The King's face lighted up with joy as he heard this。  'It is good for a man to have his friends about him;' he said; and as they entered he held out his hand to them and thanked them。

Then took place the well…known scene; when; looking back on his career; he pronounced it to have been his endeavour to serve God and his people; and declared himself ready to face death fearlessly; since such was the will of his Maker:  grieving only for the infancy of his son; but placing his hope and comfort in his brother John; and commending the babe to the fatherly charge of Warwick。  'You cannot love him for his own sake as yet; but if you think you owe me aught; repay it to him。'  And as he thought over the fate of other infant kings; he spoke of some having hated the father and loved the child; others who had loved the father and hated the child。

To Humfrey of Gloucester he sent stringent warnings against giving way to his hot and fiery nature; offending Burgundy; or rushing into a doubtful wedlock with Jaqueline of Hainault; speaking of him with an elder brother's fatherly affection; but turning ever to John of Bedford with full trust and reliance; as one like…minded; and able to carry out all his intentions。  For the French prisoners; they might not be released; 'lest more fire be kindled in one day than can be quenched in three。'

'And for you; Jamie;' he said; affectionately holding out his hand; 'my friend; my brother…in…arms; I must say the same as ever。  Pardon me; Jamie; but I have not kept you out of malice; such as man must needs renounce on his death…bed。  I trust to John; and to the rest; for giving you freedom at such time as you can safely return to be such a king indeed as we have ever hoped to be。  Do you pardon me; James; for this; as for any harshness or rudeness you may have suffered from me?'

James; with full heart; murmured out his ardent love; his sense that no captive had ever been so generously treated as he。

'And you; my young lord;' said Henry; looking towards Malcolm; whose light touch and tender hands had made him a welcome attendant in the illness; 'I have many a kind service to thank you for。  And I believe I mightily angered you once; but; boy; rememberay; and you too; Ralf Percythat he is your friend who turns you back from things sore to remember in a case like mine!'

After these; and other calm collected farewells; Henry required to know from his physicians how long his time might yet be。  There was hesitation in answering; plainly as they saw that mortification had set in。

'What;' he said; 'do ye think I have faced death so many times to fear it now?'

Then came the reply given by the weeping; kneeling physician:  'Sir; think of your soul; for; without a miracle; you cannot live two hours。'

The King beckoned his confessor; and his friends retired; to return again to take their part in the last rites; the Viaticum and Unction。

Henry was collected; and alive to all that was passing; responding duly; and evidently entering deeply into the devotions that were to aid his spirit in that awful passage; his face gravely set; but firm and fearless as ever。  The ceremonial ended; he was still sensible; though with little power of voice or motion left; but the tone; though low; was steady as ever; when he asked for the Penitential Psalms。  Still they doubted whether he were following them; for his eyes closed; and his lips ceased to move; until; as they chanted the revival note of David's mournful penance'O be favourable and gracious unto Sion; build Thou the walls of Jerusalem;'at that much…loved word; the light of the blue eyes once more beamed out; and he spoke again。  'Jerusalem!  On the faith of a dying king; it was my earnest purpose to have composed matters here into peace and union; and so to have delivered Jerusalem。  But the will of God be done; since He saw me unworthy。'

Then his eyes closed again; he slept; or seemed to sleep; and then a strange quivering came over the face; the lips moved again; and the words broke from them; 'Thou liest; foul spirit! thou liest!' but; as though the parting soul had gained the victory in that conflict; peace came down on the wasted features; and with the very words of his Redeemer Himself; 'Into Thy hands I commend my spirit;' he did indeed fall asleep; the mighty soul passed from the worn…out frame。


No one knows how great a tree has been till it has fallen; nor how large a space a mighty man has occupied till he is removed。

King Henry V。 left his friends and foes alike almost dizzy; as in place of his grand figure they found a blank; instead of the hand whose force they had constantly felt; mere emptiness。

Malcolm of Glenuskie; who had been asserting constantly that King Henry was no master of his; and had no rights over him; had nevertheless; for the last year or more; been among those to whom the King's will was the moving spring; fixing the disposal of almost every hour; and making everything dependent thereon。

When the death…hush was broken by the 'Depart; O Christian soul;' and Bedford; with a face white and set like a statue; stood up from his knees; and crossed and kissed the still white brow; it was to Malcolm as if the whole universe had become as nothing。  To him there remained only the great God; the heavenly Jerusalem into which the King had entered; and himself far off from the straight way; wandering from his promise and his purpose into what seemed to him a mere hollow painted scene; such as came and went in the midst of a banquet。  Or; again; it was the grisly Dance of Death that was the only reality; Death had clutched the mightiest in the ring。  Whom would he clutch next?

He stood motionless; as one in a dream; or rather as if not knowing which was reality; and which phantom; gazing; gazing on at the bed where the King lay; round which the ecclesiastics were busying themselves; unperceiving that James; Bedford; and the nobles had quitted the apartment; till Percy first spoke to him in a whisper; then almost shook him; and led him out of the room。  'I am sent for you;' he said; in a much shaken voice; 'your king says you can be of use。'  Then tightening his grasp with the force of intense grief; 'Oh; what a day! what a day!  My father! my father!  I never knew mine own father!  But he has been all to Harry and to me!  Oh; woe worth the day!'  And dropping into a window…seat; he covered his face with his hands; and gave way to his grief:  pointing; however; to the council…room; where Malcolm found Bedford writing at the table; King James; and a few others; engaged in the same manner。

A few words from James informed him (or would have done so if he could have understood) that the Duke of Bedford; on whom at that terrible moment the weight of two kingdoms and of the war had descended; could not pause to rest; or to grieve; till letters and orders had been sent to the council in England; and to every garrison; every ally in France; to guard against any sudden panic; or faltering in friendship to England and her infant heir。  Warwick and Salisbury were already riding post haste to take charge of the army; Robsart was gone to the Queen; Exeter to the Duke of Burgundy; and as the clergy were all engaged with the tendance of the royal corpse; there was scarcely any one to lessen the Duke's toil。  James; knowing Malcolm's pen to be ready; had sent for him to assist in copying the brief scrolls; addressed to each captain of a fortress or town; announcing the father's death; and commanding him to do his duty to the sonKing Harry VI。  Each was then to be signed by the Duke; and despatched by men…at…arms; who waited for the purpose。

Like men stunned; the half…dozen who sat at the council…table worked on; never daring to glance at the empty chair at the upper end。  The only words that passed were occasional inquiries of; and orders from; Bedford; and these he spoke with a strange alertness and metallic ring in his voice; as though the words were uttered by mechanism; yet in themselves they were as clear and judicious as possible; as if coming from a mind wound up exclusively to the one necessary object; and the facethough flushed at first; and gradually growing paler; with knitted brows and compressed lipsbetrayed no sign of emotion。

Hours passed:  he wrote; he ordered; he signed; he sealed; he mentioned name after name; of place and officer; never moving or looking up。  And James; who knew from Salisbury that he had neither slept nor eaten since sixty miles off he had met a worse report of his brother; watched him anxiously till; when evening began to fall; he murmured; 'There is the captain ofofatbut'the pen slipped from his fingers; and he said; 'I can no more!'

The overtaxed powers; strained so longmind; memory; and allwere giving way under the mere force of excessive fatigue。  He rose from his seat; but stumbled; like one blind; as James upheld him; and led him away to the nearest bed…chamber; where; almost while the attendants divested him of the heavy boots and cuirass he had never paused all these hours to remove; he dropped into a sleep of sheer e

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