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the caged lion-第23节

小说: the caged lion 字数: 每页4000字

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James therefore told Malcolm so much as that he had spoken to his lady…love for him; and that she had avowed that it was not himself; but her own vows; that was the obstacle。

Malcolm crimsoned with joy as well as confusion; and the King proceeded:  'For the vows'he shrugged his shoulders'we knew there is a remedy!  Meantime; Malcolm; be you a man; win your spurs; and show yourself worth overcoming something for!'

Malcolm smiled and brightened; holding his head high and joyously; and handling his sword。  Then came the misgiving'But Lilias; Sir; and Patrick Drummond。'

'We will provide for them; boy。  You know Drummond is bent on carving his own fortune rather than taking yours; and that your sister only longs to see you a gallant knight。'

It was true; but Malcolm sighed。

'You have not spoken to the lady yourself?' asked the King。

'No; Sir。  Oh; how can I?' faltered Malcolm; shamefaced and frightened。

James laughed。  'Let that be as the mood takes you; or occasion serves;' he said; wondering whether the lad's almost abject awkwardness and shame would be likely to create the pity akin to love or to contempt; and deciding that it must be left to chance。

Nor did Malcolm find boldness enough to do more than haunt Esclairmonde's steps; trembling if she glanced towards him; and almost shrinking from her gaze。  He had now no doubts about going on the campaign; and was in full course of being prepared with equipments; horses; armour; and attendants; as became a young prince attending on his sovereign as an adventurer in the camp。  It was not even worth while to name such scruples to the English friar who shrived him on the last day before the departure; and who knew nothing of his past history。  He knew all priests would say the same things; and as he had never made a binding vow; he saw no need of consulting any one on the subject; it would only vex him again; and fill him with doubts。  The suspicion that Dr。 Bennet was aware of his previous intention made him shrink from him。  So the last day had come; and all was farewell。  King Henry had persuaded the Queen to seclude herself for one evening from Madame of Hainault; for his sake。  King James was pacing the gardens on the Thames banks; with Joan Beaufort's hand for once allowed to repose in his; many a noble gentleman was exchanging last words with his wifemany a young squire whispering what he had never ventured to say beforemany a silver mark was clovenmany a bright tress was exchanged。  Even Ralf Percy was in the midst of something very like a romp with the handsome Bessie Nevil for a knot of ribbon to carry to the wars。

Malcolm felt a certain exaltation in being enough like other people to have a lady…love; but there was not much comfort otherwise; indeed; he could so little have addressed Esclairmonde that it was almost a satisfaction that she was the centre of a group of maidens whose lovers or brothers either had been sent off beforehand; or who saw their attentions paid elsewhere; and who all alike gravitated towards the Demoiselle de Luxemburg for sympathy。  He could but hover on the outskirts; conscious that he must cut a ridiculous figure; but unable to detach himself from the neighbourhood of the magnet。  As he looked back on the happy weeks of unconstrained intercourse; when he came to her as freely as did these young girls with all his troubles; he felt as if the King had destroyed all his joy and peace; and yet that these flutterings of heart and agonies of shame and fits of despair were worth all that childish calm。

He durst say nothing; only now and then to gaze on her with his great brown wistful eyes; which he dropped whenever she looked towards him; until at last; when the summer evening was closing in; and the last signal was given for the break…up of the party; Malcolm ventured on one faltering murmur; 'Lady; lady; you are not offended with me?'

'Nay;' said Esclairmonde; kindly; 'nothing has passed between us that should offend me。'

His eye lighted。  'May I still be remembered in your prayers; lady?'

'As I shall remember all who have been my friends here;' she said。

'And oh; lady; if I shouldshould win honour; may I lay it at your feet?'

'Whatever you achieve as a good man and true will gladden me;' said Esclairmonde; 'as it will all others that wish you well。  Both you and your sister in her loneliness shall have my best prayers。 Farewell; Lord Malcolm; may the Saints bless and guard you; whether in the world or the Church。'

Malcolm knew why she spoke of his sister; and felt as if there were no hope for him。  Esclairmonde's grave kindness was a far worse sign than would have been any attempt to evade him; but at any rate she had spoken with him; and his heart could not but be cheered。  What might he not do in the glorious future?  As the foremost champion of a crusading king; bearing St。 Andrew's cross through the very gates of Jerusalem; what maiden; however saintly; could refuse him his guerdon?

And he knew that; for the present; Esclairmonde was safe from retiring into any convent; since her high birth and great possessions would make any such establishment expect a large dower with her as a right; and few abbesses would have ventured to receive a runaway foreigner; especially as one of her guardians was the Bishop of Therouenne。


Wintry winds and rains were sweeping over the English tents on the banks of the Marne; where Henry V。 was besieging Meaux; then the stronghold of one of those terrible freebooters who were always the offspring of a lengthened war。  Jean de Gast; usually known as the Bastard de Vaurus; nominally was of the Armagnac or patriotic party; but; in fact; pillaged indiscriminately; especially capturing travellers on their way to Paris; and setting on their heads a heavy price; failing which he hung them upon the great elm…tree in the market…place。  The very suburbs of Paris were infested by the forays of this desperate routier; as such highway robbers were called; the supplies of previsions were cut off; and the citizens had petitioned King Henry that he would relieve them from so intolerable an enemy。

The King intended to spend the winter months with his queen in England; and at once attacked the place in October; hoping to carry it by a coup de main。  He took the lower city; containing the market… place and several large convents; with no great difficulty; but the upper city; on a rising ground above the river; was strongly fortified; well victualled; and bravely defended; and he found himself forced to invest it; and make a regular siege; though at the expense of severe toil and much sickness and suffering。  Both his own prestige in France and the welfare of the capital depended on his success; and he had therefore fixed himself before Meaux to take it at whatever cost。

The greater part of the army were here encamped; together with the chief nobles; March; Somerset; Salisbury; Warwick; and likewise the King of Scots。  James had for a time had the command of the army which besieged and took Dreux while Henry was elsewhere engaged; but in general he acted as a sort of volunteer aide…de…camp to his brother king; and Malcolm Stewart of Glenuskie was always with him as his squire。  A great change had come over Malcolm in these last few months。  His feeble; sickly boyhood seemed to have been entirely cast off; and the warm genial summer sun of France to have strengthened his frame and developed his powers。  He had shot up suddenly to a fair height; had almost lost his lameness; and gained much more appearance of health and power of enduring fatigue。  His nerves had become less painfully sensitive; and when after his first skirmish; during which he had kept close to King James; far too much terrified to stir an inch from him; he had not only found himself perfectly safe; but had been much praised for his valour; he had been so much pleased with himself that he quite wished for another occasion of displaying his bravery; and; what with use; and what with the increasing spirit of pugnacity; he was as sincere as Ralf Percy in abusing the French for never coming to a pitched battle。  Perhaps; indeed; Malcolm spoke even more eagerly than Ralf; in his own surprise and gratification at finding himself no coward; and his fear lest Percy should detect that he ever had been supposed to be such。

So far the King of Scots had succeeded in awakening martial fire in the boy; but he found him less the companion in other matters than he had intended。  When at Paris; James would have taken him to explore the learned hoards of the already venerable University of Paris; where young James Kennedyson to Sir James Kennedy of Dunure; and to Mary; an elder sister of the Kingwas studying with exceeding zeal。 Both James and Dr。 Bennet were greatly interested in this famous abode of hearingthe King; indeed; was already sketching out designs in his own mind for a similar institution in Scotland; designs that were destined to be carried out after his death by Kennedy; and Malcolm perforce heard many inquiries and replies; but he held aloof from friendship with his clerkly cousin Kennedy; and closed his ears as much as might be; hanging back as if afraid of returning to his books。

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