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the caged lion-第14节

小说: the caged lion 字数: 每页4000字

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g at the Minster he threw himself on his knees; almost on his face; before the choir steps; there remaining while the De profundis and the like solemn and mournful strains floated through the dark vaultings above him; perhaps soothing while giving expression to the agony of his affliction; and self…accusation; not for the devastation of the turbulent country of an insane sovereign; but for his having relaxed in the mighty work of renovation that he had imposed on himself。

Even when the service was ended; the King would not leave the Minster。  He lifted himself up to bid Bedford and his companions return; but for himself; he intended to remain and confess; in preparation for being 'houselled' at the Mass for the dead early the next morning; before hastening on the southern journey。

Was this; thought the bewildered Malcolm as he fell asleep; the godless atmosphere he had been used to think all that was not Glenuskie or ColdinghamEngland above all?

Indeed; in the frosty twilight of the spring morning; though Henry was now clad in his usual garb; sleeplessness; sorrow; and fasting made him as wan and haggard as any ascetic monk; his eyes were sunken; and his closed lips bore a stern fixed expression; which scarcely softened even when the sacrificial rite struck the notes of praise; and though a light came into his eye; it was rather the devotion of one who had offered himself; than the gleam of hopeful exultation。  The horses stood saddled at the west door; for Henry was feverishly eager to reach Pontefract; where he had left his queen; and wished to avoid the delay of breaking his fast at York; but only to snatch a meal at some country hostel on his way。

Round the horses; however; a crowd of the citizens were collected to gaze; and two or three women with children in their arms made piteous entreaties for the King's healing touch for their little ones。  The kind Henry waited; ungloved his hand; asked his treasurer for the gold pieces that were a much…esteemed part of the cure; and signed to his attendant chaplain to say the Collect appointed for the rite。

Fervent blessings were meantime murmured through the crowd; which broke out into loud shouts of 'God save King Harry!' as he at length leapt into the saddle; but at that moment; a feeble; withered old man; leaning on a staff; and wearing a bedesman's gown; peered up; and muttered to a comrade …

'Fair…faced; quothafair; maybe; but not long for this world!  One is gone already; and the rest will not be long after; the holy man's words will have their waythe death mark is on him。'

The words caught James's ear; and he angrily turned round:  'Foul… mouthed raven; peace with thy traitor croak!' but Bedford caught his arm; crying …

'Hush! 'tis a mere bedesman;' and bending forward to pour a handful of silver into the beggar's cap; he said; 'Pray; Gaffer; praypray for the dead and living; both。'

'So;' said James; as both mounted; 'there's a fee for a boding traitor。'

'I knew his face;' said Bedford; with a shudder; 'he belonged to Archbishop Scrope。'

'A traitor; too;' said James。

'Nay; there was too much cause for his words。  Never shall I forget the day when Scrope was put to death on this very moor on which we are entering。  There sat my father on his horse; with us four boys around him; when the old man passed in front of us; and looked at him with a face pitiful and terrible。  〃Harry of Bolingbroke;〃 he said; 〃because thou hast done these things; therefore shall thy foes be of thine own household; the sword shall never depart therefrom; but all the increase of thy house shall die in the flower of their age; and in the fourth generation shall their name be clean cut off。〃  The commons will have it that at that moment my father was struck with leprosy; and struck to the heart assuredly he was; nor was he ever the same man again。  I always believed that those words made him harder upon every prank of poor Hal's; till any son save Hal would have become his foe!  And see now; the old bedesman may be in the right; poor pretty Blanche has long been in her grave; Thomas is with her now; and Jamie;'he lowered his voice;'when men say that Harry hath more of Alexander in him than there is in other men; it strikes to my heart to think of the ring lying on the empty throne。'

'Now;' said James; 'what strikes ME is; what doleful bodings can come into a brave man's head on a chill morning before he has broken his fast。  A tankard of hot ale will chase away omens; whether of bishop or bedesman。'

'It may chase them from the mind; but will not make away with them;' said John。  'But I might have known better than to speak to you of such thingsyou who are well…nigh a Lollard in disbelief of all beyond nature。'

'No Lollard am I;' said James。  'What Holy Church tells me; I believe devoutly; but not in that which she bids me loathe as either craft of devils or of men。'

'Ay; of which?  There lies the question;' said John。

'Of men;' said the Scottish king; 'of men who have wit enough to lay hold of the weaker side even of a sober youth such as Lord John of Lancaster!  Your proneness to believe in sayings and prophecies; in sorceries and magic; is the weakest point of all of you。'

'And it is the weakest point in you; James; that you will not credit upon proof; such proof as was the fulfilment of the prophecy of the place of my father's death。'

'One such saying as that; fulfilled to the ear; though not in truth; is made the plea for all this heart…sinkingay; and what is worse; for the durance of your father's widow as a witch; and of her brave young son; because forsooth his name is Arthur of Richemont; and some old Welsh rhymester hath whispered to Harry that Richmond shall come out of Brittany; and be king of England。'

'Arthur is no worse off than any other captive of Agincourt;' said Bedford; 'and I tell you; James; the day may come when you will rue your want of heed to timely warnings。'

'Better rue once than pine under them all my life; and far better than let them betray me into deeming some grewsome crime an act of justice; as you may yet let them do;' said James。

Such converse passed between the two princes; while King Henry rode in advance; for the most part silent; and only desirous of reaching Pontefract Castle; where he had left the young wife whose presence he longed for the more in his trouble。  The afternoon set in with heavy rain; but he would not halt; although he gave free permission to any of his suite to do so; and James recommended Malcolm to remain; and come on the next day with Brewster。  The boy; however; disclaimed all weariness; partly because bashfulness made him unwilling to venture from under his royal kinsman's wing; and partly because he could not bear to let the English suppose that a Scotsman and a Stewart could be afraid of weather。  As the rain became harder with the evening twilight; silence sank upon the whole troop; and they went splashing on through the deep lanes; in mud and mire; until the lights of Pontefract Castle shimmered on high from its hill。  The gates were opened; the horses clattered in; torches came forth; flickering and hissing in the darkness。  The travellers went through what seemed to Malcolm an interminable number of courts and gateways; and at length flung themselves off their horses; when Henry; striding on; mounted the steps; entered the building; and; turning the corner of a great carved screen; he and his brother; with James and Malcolm; found themselves in the midst of a blaze of cressets and tapers; which lighted up the wainscoted part of the hall。

The whole scene was dazzling to eyes coming in from the dark; and only after a moment or two could Malcolm perceive that; close to the great fire; sat a party of four; playing at what he supposed to be that French game with painted cards of which Patrick Drummond had told him; and that the rest seemed to be in attendance upon them。

Dark eyed and haired; with a creamy ivory skin; and faultless form and feature; the fair Catherine would have been unmistakable; save that as Henry hurried forward; the lights glancing on his jaded face; matted hair; and soaked dress; the first to spring forward to meet him was a handsome young man; who wrung his hand; crying; 'Ah; Harry; Harry; then 'tis too true!' while the lady made scarcely a step forwards:  no shade of colour tinged her delicate cheek; and though she did not resist his fervent embrace; it was with a sort of recoil; and all she was heard to say was; 'Eh; Messire; vos bottes sont crottees!'

'You know all; Kate?' he asked; still holding her hand; and looking afraid of inflicting a blow。

'The battle?  Is it then so great a disaster?' and; seeing his amazed glance; 'The poor Messire de Clarence! it was pity of him; he was a handsome prince。'

'Ah; sweet; he held thee dear;' said Henry; catching at the crumb of sympathy。

'But yes;' said Catherine; evidently perplexed by the strength of his feeling; and repeating; 'He was a beau sieur courtois。  But surely it will not give the Armagnacs the advantage?'

'With Heaven's aid; no!  But how fares it with poor Madgehis wife; I mean?'

'She is away to her estates。  She went this morn; and wished to have taken with her the Demoiselle de Beaufort

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