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the caged lion-第12节

小说: the caged lion 字数: 每页4000字

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 very astounding to commonplace minds; sometimes when in dire distress even helping himself to his unpaid allowance from his father's mails; and always with buoyant high spirits and unfailing drollery that scandalized the grave seniors of the Court; there is full proof that Prince Hal ever kept free from the gross vices which a later age has fancied inseparably connected with his frolics; and though always in disgrace; the vexation of the Court; and a by…word for mirth; he was true to the grand ideal he was waiting to accomplish; and never dimmed the purity and loftiness of his aim。 That little band of princely youths; who sported; studied; laughed; sang; and schemed in the glades of Windsor; were strangely brought togetherthe captive exiled King; the disinherited heir of the realm; and the sons of the monarch who held the one in durance and occupied the throne of the other; and yet their affection had all the frank delight of youthful friendship。  The younger lads were in more favour with their father than was the elder。  Thomas was sometimes preferred to him in a mortifying manner; John's grave; quiet nature prevented him from ever incurring displeasure; and Humfrey was the spoilt pet of the family; but nothing could lessen Harry's large… minded love of his brothers; and he was the idol and hero of the whole young party; who implicitly believed in his mighty destinies as a renovator of the world; the deliverer of Jerusalem; and restorer of the unity and purity of the Church。

'Harry the Fifth was crowned;' and with the full intention of carrying out his great dream。  But his promise of releasing James became matter of question。  The House of Albany; who held the chief power in Scotland; had bound Henry IV。 over not to free their master; and it was plain that to send him home before his welcome was ensured would be but tossing him on their spears。  In vain James pleaded that he was no boy; and was able to protect himself; and vowed that when the faithful should rally round his standard; he would be more than a match for his enemies; or that if not; he would rather die free than live in bondage。  Henry would not listen; and insisted upon retaining him until he should himself be at leisure to bring him home with a high hand; utterly disregarding his assurance that this would only be rendering him in the eyes of his subjects another despised and hated Balliol。

Deeming himself a divinely…appointed redresser of wrongs; Henry was already beginning on his great work of purifying Europe in preparation for his mighty Crusade; and having won that splendid victory which laid distracted France at his feet; he only waited to complete the conquest as thoroughly and rapidly as might be; and; lest his grand purpose should be obstructed; this great practical visionary; though full of kindness and generosity; kept in thraldom a whole troop of royal and noble captives。

He had; however; been so far moved by James's entreaties; as to consent that when he himself offered his devotions at the shrine of St。 John of Beverley; the native saint who shared with the two cordwainers his gratitude for the glories of 'Crispin Crispian's day;' his prisoner should; unknown to any save the few who shared the pilgrimage; push on to reconnoitre his own country; and judge for himself; having first sworn to reveal himself to no one; and to avoid all who could recognize him。  James had visited Glenuskie within a special view to profiting by the wisdom of Sir David Drummond; and had then been at Stirling; Edinburgh; and Perth。  On his way back; falling in with Malcolm in his distress; he had conceived the project of taking him to England; and finding himself already more than half recognized by Sir David; had obtained his most grateful and joyous consent。  In truth; James's heart had yearned to his young cousin; his own situation had become much more lonely of late; for Henry was no longer the comrade he had once been; since he had become a keeper instead of a fellow…sufferer。  It was true that he did his best to forget this by lavishing indulgences on his captive; and insisting on being treated on terms of brotherly familiarity; but though his transcendent qualities commanded love; the intimacy could be but a semblance of the once equal friendship。  Moreover; that conspiracy which cost the life of the Earl of Cambridge had taught James that cautious reserve was needed in dealing with even his old friends the princes; so easily might he be accused of plotting either with Henry's immediate heir or with the Mortimers; and; in this guarded life; he had hailed with delight the opportunity of taking to himself the young orphan cousin of kindred blood; of congenial tastes; and home…like speech; whom he might treat at once as a younger brother and friend; and mould by and by into a trusty counsellor and assistant。  That peculiar wistfulness and gentleness of Malcolm's look and manner; together with the refinement and intellect apparent to all who conversed with him without alarming him; had won the King's heart; and made him long to keep the boy with him。  As to Malcolm's longing for the cloister; he deemed it the result of the weakly health and refined nature which shrank from the barbarism of the outer world; and he thought it would pass away under shelter from the rude taunts of the fierce cousins; at a distance from the well… meaning exhortations of the monks; and at the spectacle of brave and active men who could also be pious; conscientious; and cultivated。 In the renewed sojourn at Windsor which James apprehended; the training of such a youth as Malcolm of Glenuskie would be no small solace。

By the time Malcolm had learnt as much of all this as Sir Nigel Baird knew; or chose to communicate; the King entered the room。  He flung himself on his knees; exclaiming; with warm gratitude; as he kissed the King's hand; 'My liege; I little kenned'

'I meant thee to ken little;' said James; smiling。  'Well; laddie; wilt thou share the prisoner's cell?Ay; Bairdsbrae; you were a true prophet。  Harry will do all himself; and will not hear of losing me to deal with my own people at my own gate。  No; no; he'll have me back with Southron bows and bills; so soon as this small trifle of France lies quiet in his grasp!  I had nearly flung back my parole in his face; and told him that no English sword should set me on the Bruce's throne; but there is something in Harry of Monmouth that one MUST love; and there are moments when to see and hear him one would as soon doubt the commission of an angel with a flaming sword。'

'A black angel!' growled Sir Nigel。

'Scoff and chafe; Baird; but look at his work。  Look at Normandy; freed from misrule and exaction; in peace and order。  Look at this land。  Was ever king so loved?  Or how durst he act as he did this day?'

'Nay; an it were so at home;' said Baird; 'I had as lief stay here as where a man is not free to fight out his own feud。  Even this sackless callant thought it shame to see two honest men baulked。'

'Poor Scotland!' sighed James。  'Woe is the land where such thoughts come readiest to gray…haired men and innocent boys。  I tell you; cousin; this precious right is the very cause that our poor country is so lawless and bloody; that yon poor silly sparrow would fain be caged for fear of the kites and carrion…crows。'

'Alack; my Lord; let me but have my way。  I cannot fight!  Let Patrick Drummond have my sister and my lands; and your service will be far better done;' said Malcolm。

'I know all that;' said the King; kindly。  'There is time enough for settling that question; and meantime you will not be spoilt for monk or priest by cheering me awhile in my captivity。  I need you; laddie;' me added; laying his hand on the boy's shoulder; with all the instinctive fascination of a Stewart。  'I lack a comrade of my own blood; for I am all alone!'

'Oh; Sir!' and Malcolm; looking into his face; saw it full of tenderness。

'Books and masters you shall have;' continued James; 'such as for church or state; cathedral; cloister; or camp; shall render you the meeter prince; and I pass you my royal word; that if at full age the cowl be your choice; I will not gainsay you。  Meantime; abide with me; and be the young brother I have yearned for。'

The King threw his arms round Malcolm; who felt; and unconsciously manifested; a strange bliss in that embrace; even while fixed in his determination that nothing should make him swerve from his chosen path; nor render him false to his promise to Patrick and Lilias。  It was a strange change; from being despised and down…trodden by fierce cousins; or only fondled; pitied; and treated with consideration by his own nearest and dearest friends; to be the chosen companion of a king; and SUCH a king。  Nor could it be a wile of Satan; thought Malcolm; since James still promised him liberty of choice。  He would ask counsel of a priest next time he went to confession; and in the meantime; in the full tide of gratitude; admiration; and affection; he gave himself up to the enjoyment of his new situation; and of time King's kindness and solicitude。  This was indeed absolutely that of an elder brother; for; observing that Malcolm's dress and equipments; the work of Glenuskie looms; supplemented by a few Ed

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