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troilus and criseyde-第30节

小说: troilus and criseyde 字数: 每页4000字

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And with his teres salte hir brest bireyned;

He gan tho teris wypen of ful dreye;

And pitously gan for the soule preye;

And seyde; ‘O lord; that set art in thy trone;  1175

Rewe eek on me; for I shal folwe hir sone!'

She cold was and with…outen sentement;

For aught he woot; for breeth ne felte he noon;

And this was him a preignant argument

That she was forth out of this world agoon;  1180

And whan he seigh ther was non other woon;

He gan hir limes dresse in swich manere

As men don hem that shul be leyd on bere。

And after this; with sterne and cruel herte;

His swerd a…noon out of his shethe he twighte;  1185

Him…self to sleen; how sore that him smerte;

So that his sowle hir sowle folwen mighte;

Ther…as the doom of Mynos wolde it dighte;

Sin love and cruel Fortune it ne wolde;

That in this world he lenger liven sholde。  1190

Thanne seyde he thus; fulfild of heigh desdayn;

‘O cruel Iove; and thou; Fortune adverse;

This al and som; that falsly have ye slayn

Criseyde; and sin ye may do me no werse;

Fy on your might and werkes so diverse!  1195

Thus cowardly ye shul me never winne;

Ther shal no deeth me fro my lady twinne。

‘For I this world; sin ye han slayn hir thus;

Wol lete; and folowe hir spirit lowe or hye;

Shal never lover seyn that Troilus  1200

Dar not; for fere; with his lady dye;

For certeyn; I wol bere hir companye。

But sin ye wol not suffre us liven here;

Yet suffreth that our soules ben y…fere。

‘And thou; citee; whiche that I leve in wo;  1205

And thou; Pryam; and bretheren al y…fere;

And thou; my moder; farwel! For I go;

And Attropos; make redy thou my bere!

And thou; Criseyde; o swete herte dere;

Receyve now my spirit!' wolde he seye;  1210

With swerd at herte; al redy for to deye

But as god wolde; of swough ther…with she abreyde;

And gan to syke; and ‘Troilus' she cryde;

And he answerde; ‘Lady myn Criseyde;

Live ye yet?' and leet his swerd doun glyde。  1215

‘Ye; herte myn; that thanked be Cupyde!'

Quod she; and ther…with…al she sore sighte;

And he bigan to glade hir as he mighte;

Took hir in armes two; and kiste hir ofte;

And hir to glade he dide al his entente;  1220

For which hir goost; that flikered ay on…lofte;

In…to hir woful herte ayein it wente。

But at the laste; as that hir eyen glente

A…syde; anoon she gan his swerd aspye;

As it lay bare; and gan for fere crye;  1225

And asked him; why he it hadde out…drawe?

And Troilus anoon the cause hir tolde;

And how himself ther…with he wolde have slawe。

For which Criseyde up…on him gan biholde;

And gan him in hir armes faste folde;  1230

And seyde; ‘O mercy; god; lo; which a dede!

Allas! How neigh we were bothe dede!

‘Thanne if I ne hadde spoken; as grace was;

Ye wolde han slayn your…self anoon?' quod she。

‘Ye; douteless;' and she answerde; ‘Allas!  1235

For; by that ilke lord that made me;

I nolde a forlong wey on…lyve han be;

After your deeth; to han been crouned quene

Of al the lond the sonne on shyneth shene。

‘But with this selve swerd; which that here is;  1240

My…selve I wolde han slayn!'  quod she tho;

‘But ho; for we han right y…now of this;

And late us ryse and streight to bedde go

And there lat ys speken of oure wo。

For; by the morter which that I see brenne;  1245

Knowe I ful wel that day is not fer henne。'

Whan they were in hir bedde; in armes folde;

Nought was it lyk tho nightes here…biforn;

For pitously ech other gan biholde;

As they that hadden al hir blisse y…lorn;  1250

Biwaylinge ay the day that they were born。

Til at the last this sorwful wight Criseyde

To Troilus these ilke wordes seyde: 

‘Lo; herte myn; wel wot ye this;' quod she;

‘That if a wight alwey his wo compleyne;  1255

And seketh nought how holpen for to be;

It nis but folye and encrees of peyne;

And sin that here assembled be we tweyne

To finde bote of wo that we ben inne;

It were al tyme sone to biginne。  1260

‘I am a womman; as ful wel ye woot;

And as I am avysed sodeynly;

So wol I telle yow; whyl it is hoot。

Me thinketh thus; that nouther ye nor I

Oughte half this wo to make skilfully。  1265

For there is art y…now for to redresse

That yet is mis; and sleen this hevinesse。

‘Sooth is; the wo; the whiche that we ben inne;

For ought I woot; for no…thing elles is

But for the cause that we sholden twinne。  1270

Considered al; ther nis no…more amis。

But what is thanne a remede un…to this;

But that we shape us sone for to mete?

This al and som; my dere herte swete。

‘Now that I shal wel bringen it aboute  1275

To come ayein; sone after that I go;

Ther…of am I no maner thing in doute。

For dredeles; with…inne a wouke or two;

I shal ben here; and; that it may be so

By alle right; and in a wordes fewe;  1280

I shal yow wel an heep of weyes shewe。

‘For which I wol not make long sermoun;

For tyme y…lost may not recovered be;

But I wol gon to my conclusioun;

And to the beste; in ought that I can see。  1285

And; for the love of god; for…yeve it me

If I speke ought ayein your hertes reste;

For trewely; I speke it for the beste;

‘Makinge alwey a protestacioun;

That now these wordes; whiche that I shal seye;  1290

Nis but to shewe yow my mocioun;

To finde un…to our helpe the beste weye;

And taketh it non other wyse; I preye。

For in effect what…so ye me comaunde;

That wol I doon; for that is no demaunde。  1295

‘Now herkneth this; ye han wel understonde;

My goinge graunted is by parlement

So ferforth; that it may not be with…stonde

For al this world; as by my Iugement。

And sin ther helpeth noon avysement  1300

To letten it; lat it passe out of minde;

And lat us shape a bettre wey to finde。

‘The sothe is; that the twinninge of us tweyne

Wol us disese and cruelliche anoye。

But him bihoveth som…tyme han a peyne;  1305

That serveth love; if that he wol have Ioye。

And sin I shal no ferthere out of Troye

Than I may ryde ayein on half a morwe;

It oughte lesse causen us to sorwe。

‘So as I shal not so ben hid in muwe;  1310

That day by day; myn owene herte dere;

Sin wel ye woot that it is now a trewe;

Ye shal ful wel al myn estat y…here。

And er that truwe is doon; I shal ben here;

And thanne have ye bothe Antenor y…wonne  1315

And me also; beth glad now; if ye conne;

‘And thenk right thus; 〃Criseyde is now agoon;

But what! She shal come hastely ayeyn;〃

And whanne; allas? By god; lo; right anoon;

Er dayes ten; this dar I saufly seyn。  1320

And thanne at erste shul we been so fayn;

So as we shulle to…gederes ever dwelle;

That al this world ne mighte our blisse telle。

‘I see that ofte; ther…as we ben now;

That for the beste; our counseil for to hyde;  1325

Ye speke not with me; nor I with yow

In fourtenight; ne see yow go ne ryde。

May ye not ten dayes thanne abyde;

For myn honour; in swich an aventure?

Y…wis; ye mowen elles lite endure!  1330

‘Ye knowe eek how that al my kin is here;

But…if that onliche it my fader be;

And eek myn othere thinges alle y…fere;

And nameliche; my dere herte; ye;

Whom that I nolde leven for to see  1335

For al this world; as wyd as it hath space;

Or elles; see ich never Ioves face!

‘Why trowe ye my fader in this wyse

Coveiteth so to see me; but for drede

Lest in this toun that folkes me dispyse  1340

By…cause of him; for his unhappy dede?

What woot my fader what lyf that I lede?

For if he wiste in Troye how wel I fare;

Us neded for my wending nought to care。

‘Ye seen that every day eek; more and more;  1345

Men trete of pees; and it supposed is;

That men the quene Eleyne shal restore;

And Grekes us restore that is mis。

So though ther nere comfort noon but this;

That men purposen pees on every syde;  1350

Ye may the bettre at ese of herte abyde。

‘For if that it be pees; myn herte dere;

The nature of the pees mot nedes dryve

That men moste entrecomunen y…fere;

And to and fro eek ryde and gon as blyve  1355

Alday as thikke as been flen from an hyve;

And every wight han libertee to bleve

Where…as him list the bet; with…outen leve。

‘And though so be that pees ther may be noon;

Yet hider; though ther never pees ne were;  1360

I moste come; for whider sholde I goon;

Or how mischaunce sholde I dwelle there

Among tho men of armes ever in fere?

For which; as wisly god my soule rede;

I can not seen wher…of ye sholden drede。  1365

‘Have here another wey; if it so be

That al this thing ne may yow not suffyse。

My fader; as ye knowen wel; pardee;

Is old; and elde is ful of coveityse;

And I right now have founden al the gyse;  1370

With…oute net; wher…with I shal him hente;

And herkeneth how; if that ye wole assente。

‘Lo; Troilus; men seyn that hard it is

The wolf ful; and the wether hool to have;

This is to seyn; that men ful ofte; y…wis;  1375

Mot spenden part; the remenant for to save。

For ay with

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