troilus and criseyde-第14节
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Go now; farwel! And; Venus here to borwe;
I hope; and thou this purpos holde ferme; 1525
Thy grace she shal fully ther conferme。'
Quod Troilus; ‘Y…wis; thou nedelees
Conseylest me; that sykliche I me feyne;
For I am syk in ernest; doutelees;
So that wel neigh I sterve for the peyne。' 1530
Quod Pandarus; ‘Thou shalt the bettre pleyne;
And hast the lasse need to countrefete;
For him men demen hoot that men seen swete。
‘Lo; holde thee at thy triste cloos; and I
Shal wel the deer un…to thy bowe dryve。' 1535
Therwith he took his leve al softely;
And Troilus to paleys wente blyve。
So glad ne was he never in al his lyve;
And to Pandarus reed gan al assente;
And to Deiphebus hous at night he wente。 1540
What nedeth yow to tellen al the chere
That Deiphebus un…to his brother made;
Or his accesse; or his siklych manere;
How men gan him with clothes for to lade;
Whan he was leyd; and how men wolde him glade? 1545
But al for nought; he held forth ay the wyse
That ye han herd Pandare er this devyse。
But certeyn is; er Troilus him leyde;
Deiphebus had him prayed; over night;
To been a freend and helping to Criseyde。 1550
God woot; that he it grauntede anon…right;
To been hir fulle freend with al his might。
But swich a nede was to preye him thenne;
As for to bidde a wood man for to renne。
The morwen com; and neighen gan the tyme 1555
Of meel…tyd; that the faire quene Eleyne
Shoop hir to been; an houre after the pryme;
With Deiphebus; to whom she nolde feyne;
But as his suster; hoomly; sooth to seyne;
She com to diner in hir playn entente。 1560
But god and Pandare wiste al what this mente。
Com eek Criseyde; al innocent of this;
Antigone; hir sister Tarbe also;
But flee we now prolixitee best is;
For love of god; and lat us faste go 1565
Right to the effect; with…oute tales mo;
Why al this folk assembled in this place;
And lat us of hir saluinges pace。
Gret honour dide hem Deiphebus; certeyn;
And fedde hem wel with al that mighte lyke。 1570
But ever…more; ‘Allas!' was his refreyn;
‘My goode brother Troilus; the syke;
Lyth yet〃and therwith…al he gan to syke;
And after that; he peyned him to glade
Hem as he mighte; and chere good he made。 1575
Compleyned eek Eleyne of his syknesse
So feithfully; that pitee was to here;
And every wight gan waxen for accesse
A leche anoon; and seyde; ‘In this manere
Men curen folk; this charme I wol yow lere。' 1580
But ther sat oon; al list hir nought to teche;
That thoughte; best coude I yet been his leche。
After compleynt; him gonnen they to preyse;
As folk don yet; whan som wight hath bigonne
To preyse a man; and up with prys him reyse 1585
A thousand fold yet hyer than the sonne:
‘He is; he can; that fewe lordes conne。'
And Pandarus; of that they wolde afferme;
He not for…gat hir preysing to conferme。
Herde al this thing Criseyde wel y…nough; 1590
And every word gan for to notifye;
For which with sobre chere hir herte lough;
For who is that ne wolde hir glorifye;
To mowen swich a knight don live or dye?
But al passe I; lest ye to longe dwelle; 1595
For for o fyn is al that ever I telle。
The tyme com; fro diner for to ryse;
And; as hem oughte; arisen everychoon;
And gonne a while of this and that devyse。
But Pandarus brak al this speche anoon; 1600
And seyde to Deiphebus; ‘Wole ye goon;
If youre wille be; as I yow preyde;
To speke here of the nedes of Criseyde?'
Eleyne; which that by the hond hir held;
Took first the tale; and seyde; ‘Go we blyve;' 1605
And goodly on Criseyde she biheld;
And seyde; ‘Ioves lat him never thryve;
That dooth yow harm; and bringe him sone of lyve!
And yeve me sorwe; but he shal it rewe;
If that I may; and alle folk be trewe。' 1610
‘Tel thou thy neces cas;' quod Deiphebus
To Pandarus; ‘for thou canst best it telle。'
‘My lordes and my ladyes; it stant thus;
What sholde I lenger;' quod he; ‘do yow dwelle?'
He rong hem out a proces lyk a belle; 1615
Up…on hir fo; that highte Poliphete;
So heynous; that men mighte on it spete。
Answerde of this ech worse of hem than other;
And Poliphete they gonnen thus to warien;
‘An…honged be swich oon; were he my brother; 1620
And so he shal; for it ne may not varien。'
What sholde I lenger in this tale tarien?
Pleynly; alle at ones; they hir highten
To been hir helpe in al that ever they mighten。
Spak than Eleyne; and seyde; ‘Pandarus; 1625
Woot ought my lord; my brother; this matere;
I mene; Ector? Or woot it Troilus?'
He seyde; ‘Ye; but wole ye now me here?
Me thinketh this; sith Troilus is here;
It were good; if that ye wolde assente; 1630
She tolde hir…self him al this; er she wente。
‘For he wole have the more hir grief at herte;
By cause; lo; that she a lady is;
And; by your leve; I wol but right in sterte;
And do yow wite; and that anoon; y…wis; 1635
If that he slepe; or wole ought here of this。'
And in he lepte; and seyde him in his ere;
‘God have thy soule; y…brought have I thy bere!'
To smylen of this gan tho Troilus;
And Pandarus; with…oute rekeninge; 1640
Out wente anoon to Eleyne and Deiphebus;
And seyde hem; ‘So there be no taryinge;
Ne more pres; he wol wel that ye bringe
Criseyda; my lady; that is here;
And as he may enduren; he wole here。 1645
‘But wel ye woot; the chaumbre is but lyte;
And fewe folk may lightly make it warm;
Now loketh ye; (for I wol have no wyte;
To bringe in prees that mighte doon him harm
Or him disesen; for my bettre arm); 1650
Wher it be bet she byde til eft…sones;
Now loketh ye; that knowen what to doon is。
‘I sey for me; best is; as I can knowe;
That no wight in ne wente but ye tweye;
But it were I; for I can; in a throwe; 1655
Reherce hir cas unlyk that she can seye;
And after this; she may him ones preye
To ben good lord; in short; and take hir leve;
This may not muchel of his ese him reve。
‘And eek; for she is straunge; he wol forbere 1660
His ese; which that him thar nought for yow;
Eek other thing that toucheth not to here;
He wol me telle; I woot it wel right now;
That secret is; and for the tounes prow。'
And they; that no…thing knewe of his entente; 1665
With…oute more; to Troilus in they wente。
Eleyne; in al hir goodly softe wyse;
Gan him saluwe; and womanly to pleye;
And seyde; ‘Ywis; ye moste alweyes aryse!
Now fayre brother; beth al hool; I preye!' 1670
And gan hir arm right over his sholder leye;
And him with al hir wit to recomforte;
As she best coude; she gan him to disporte。
So after this quod she; ‘We yow biseke;
My dere brother; Deiphebus and I; 1675
For love of god; and so doth Pandare eke;
To been good lord and freend; right hertely;
Un…to Criseyde; which that certeinly
Receyveth wrong; as woot wel here Pandare;
That can hir cas wel bet than I declare。' 1680
This Pandarus gan newe his tunge affyle;
And al hir cas reherce; and that anoon;
Whan it was seyd; sone after; in a whyle;
Quod Troilus; ‘As sone as I may goon;
I wol right fayn with al my might ben oon; 1685
Have god my trouthe; hir cause to sustene。'
‘Good thrift have ye;' quod Eleyne the quene。
Quod Pandarus; ‘And it your wille be
That she may take hir leve; er that she go?'
‘O; elles god for…bede;' tho quod he; 1690
‘If that she vouche sauf for to do so。'
And with that word quod Troilus; ‘Ye two;
Deiphebus; and my suster leef and dere;
To yow have I to speke of o matere;
‘To been avysed by your reed the bettre': 1695
And fond; as hap was; at his beddes heed;
The copie of a tretis and a lettre;
That Ector hadde him sent to axen reed;
If swich a man was worthy to ben deed;
Woot I nought who; but in a grisly wyse 1700
He preyede hem anoon on it avyse。
Deiphebus gan this lettre to unfolde
In ernest greet; so did Eleyne the quene;
And rominge outward; fast it gan biholde;
Downward a steyre; in…to an herber grene。 1705
This ilke thing they redden hem bi…twene;
And largely; the mountaunce of an houre;
Thei gonne on it to reden and to poure。
Now lat hem rede; and turne we anoon
To Pandarus; that gan ful faste prye 1710
That al was wel; and out he gan to goon
In…to the grete chambre; and that in hye;
And seyde; ‘God save al this companye!
Com; nece myn; my lady quene Eleyne
Abydeth yow; and eek my lordes tweyne。 1715
‘Rys; take with yow your nece Antigone;
Or whom yow list; or no fors; hardily;
The lesse prees; the bet; com forth with me;
And loke that ye thonke humblely
Hem alle three; and; whan ye may goodly 1720
Your tyme y…see; taketh of hem your leve;
Lest we to longe his restes him bireve。'
Al innocent of Pandarus entente;
Quod tho Criseyde; ‘Go we; uncle dere';
And arm in arm inward with him she wente; 1725
Avysed wel hir wordes and hir chere;
And Pandarus; in ernestful manere;
Seyde; ‘Alle