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itinerary of archibishop-第27节

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nty; extending into Montgomeryshire; in which is the church of Keri:  Elvein retains in modern days the name of Elvel; and is a hundred in the southern part of the county; separated from Brecknockshire by the Wye; and Warthrenion; in which was the castle built by prince Rhys at Rhaiadyr…gwy; seems to have been situated between the other two。 Warthrenion may more properly be called Gwyrthrynion; it was anciently one of the three comots of Arwystli; a cantref of Merioneth。  In the year 1174; Melyenith was in the possession of Cadwallon ap Madawc; cousin german to prince Rhys; Elvel was held by Eineon Clyd and Gwyrthrynion by Eineon ap Rhys; both sons…in…law to that illustrious prince。

{20}  The church of Saint Germanus is now known by the name of Saint Harmans; and is situated three or four miles from Rhaiadyr; in Radnorshire; on the right…hand of the road from thence to Llanidloes; it is a small and simple structure; placed on a little eminence; in a dreary plain surrounded by mountains。

{21}  Several churches in Wales have been dedicated to Saint Curig; who came into Wales in the seventh century。

{22}  Glascum is a small village in a mountainous and retired situation between Builth and Kington; in Herefordshire。

{23}  Bangu。 … This was a hand bell kept in all the Welsh churches; which the clerk or sexton took to the house of the deceased on the day of the funeral:  when the procession began; a psalm was sung; the bellman then sounded his bell in a solemn manner for some time; till another psalm was concluded; and he again sounded it at intervals; till the funeral arrived at the church。

{24}  Rhaiadyr; called also Rhaiader…gwy; is a small village and market…town in Radnorshire。  The site only of the castle; built by prince Rhys; A。D。 1178; now remains at a short distance from the village; it was strongly situated on a natural rock above the river Wye; which; below the bridge; forms a cataract。

{25}  Llywel; a small village about a mile from Trecastle; on the great road leading from thence to Llandovery; it was anciently a township; and by charter of Philip and Mary was attached to the borough of Brecknock; by the name of Trecastle ward。

{26}  Leland; in his description of this part of Wales; mentions a lake in Low Elvel; or Elvenia; which may perhaps be the same as that alluded to in this passage of Giraldus。  〃There is a llinne in Low Elvel within a mile of Payne's castel by the church called Lanpeder。 The llinne is caullid Bougklline; and is of no great quantite; but is plentiful of pike; and perche; and eles。〃 … Leland; Itin。 tom。 v。 p。 72。

{27}  Hay。 … A pleasant market…town on the southern banks of the river Wye; over which there is a bridge。  It still retains some marks of baronial antiquity in the old castle; within the present town; the gateway of which is tolerably perfect。  A high raised tumulus adjoining the church marks the site of the more ancient fortress。  The more modern and spacious castle owes its foundation probably to one of those Norman lords; who; about the year 1090; conquered this part of Wales。  Little notice is taken of this castle in the Welsh chronicles; but we are informed that it was destroyed in 1231; by Henry II。; and that it was refortified by Henry III。

{28}  Llanddew; a small village; about two miles from Brecknock; on the left of the road leading from thence to Hay; its manor belongs to the bishops of Saint David's; who had formerly a castellated mansion there; of which some ruins still remain。  The tithes of this parish are appropriated to the archdeaconry of Brecknock; and here was the residence of our author Giraldus; which he mentions in several of his writings; and alludes to with heartfelt satisfaction at the end of the third chapter of this Itinerary。

{29}  Aberhodni; the ancient name of the town and castle of Brecknock; derived from its situation at the confluence of the river Hodni with the Usk。  The castle and two religious buildings; of which the remains are still extant; owed their foundation to Bernard de Newmarch; a Norman knight; who; in the year 1090; obtained by conquest the lordship of Brecknock。  'The modern Welsh name is Aberhonddu。'

{30}  Iestyn ap Gwrgant was lord of the province of Morganwg; or Glamorgan; and a formidable rival to Rhys ap Tewdwr; prince of South Wales; but unable to cope with him in power; he prevailed on Robert Fitzhamon; a Norman knight; to come to his assistance。

{31}  This little river rises near the ruins of Blanllyfni castle; between Llangorse pool and the turnpike road leading from Brecknock to Abergavenny; and empties itself into the river Usk; near Glasbury。

{32}  A pretty little village on the southern banks of the Usk; about four miles from Hay; on the road leading to Brecknock。

{33}  The great desolation here alluded to; is attributed by Dr。 Powel to Howel and Meredyth; sons of Edwyn ap Eineon; not to Howel; son of Meredith。  In the year 1021; they conspired against Llewelyn ap Sitsyllt; and slew him:  Meredith was slain in 1033; and Howel in 1043。

{34}  William de Breusa; or Braose; was by extraction a Norman; and had extensive possessions in England; as well as Normandy:  he was succeeded by his son Philip; who; in the reign of William Rufus; favoured the cause of king Henry against Robert Curthose; duke of Normandy; and being afterwards rebellious to his sovereign; was disinherited of his lands。  By his marriage with Berta; daughter of Milo; earl of Hereford; he gained a rich inheritance in Brecknock; Overwent; and Gower。  He left issue two sons:  William and Philip: William married Maude de Saint Wallery; and succeeded to the great estate of his father and mother; which he kept in peaceable possession during the reigns of king Henry II。 and king Richard I。 In order to avoid the persecutions of king John; he retired with his family to Ireland; and from thence returned into Wales; on hearing of the king's arrival in Ireland; his wife Maude fled with her sons into Scotland; where she was taken prisoner; and in the year 1210 committed; with William; her son and heir; to Corf castle; and there miserably starved to death; by order of king John; her husband; William de Braose; escaped into France; disguised; and dying there; was buried in the abbey church of Saint Victor; at Paris。  The family of Saint Walery; or Valery; derived their name from a sea… port in France。

{35} A small church dedicated to Saint David; in the suburbs of Brecknock; on the great road leading from thence to Trecastle。  〃The paroche of Llanvays; Llan…chirch…Vais extra; ac si diceres; extra muros。  It standeth betwixt the river of Uske and Tyrtorelle brooke; that is; about the lower ende of the town of Brekenok。〃 … Leland; Itin。 tom。 v。 p。 69。

{36}  David Fitzgerald was promoted to the see of Saint David's in 1147; or according to others; in 1149。  He died A。D。 1176。

{37}  Now Howden; in the East Riding of Yorkshire。

{38}  Osred was king of the Northumbrians; and son of Alfred。  He commenced to reign in A。D。 791; but was deprived of his crown the following year。

{39}  St。 Kenelm was the only son and heir of Kenulfus; king of the Mercians; who left him under the care of his two sisters; Quendreda and Bragenilda。  The former; blinded by ambition; resolved to destroy the innocent child; who stood between her and the throne; and for that purpose prevailed on Ascebert; who attended constantly on the king; to murder him privately; giving him hopes; in case he complied with her wishes; of making him her partner in the kingdom。 Under the pretence of diverting his young master; this wicked servant led him into a retired vale at Clent; in Staffordshire; and having murdered him; dug a pit; and cast his body into it; which was discovered by a miracle; and carried in solemn procession to the abbey of Winchelcomb。  In the parish of Clent is a small chapel dedicated to this saint。

{40}  Winchelcumbe; or Winchcomb; in the lower part of the hundred of Kiftsgate; in Gloucestershire; a few miles to the north of Cheltenham。

{41}  St。 Kynauc; who flourished about the year 492; was the reputed son of Brychan; lord of Brecknock; by Benadulved; daughter of Benadyl; a prince of Powis; whom he seduced during the time of his detention as an hostage at the court of her father。  He is said to have been murdered upon the mountain called the Van; and buried in the church of Merthyr Cynawg; or Cynawg the Martyr; near Brecknock; which is dedicated to his memory。

{42}  In Welsh; Illtyd; which has been latinised into Iltutus; as in the instance of St。 Iltutus; the celebrated disciple of Germanus; and the master of the learned Gildas; who founded a college for the instruction of youth at Llantwit; on the coast of Glamorganshire; but I do not conceive this to be the same person。  The name of Ty… Illtyd; or St。 Illtyd's house; is still known as Llanamllech; but it is applied to one of those monuments of Druidical antiquity called a cistvaen; erected upon an eminence named Maenest; at a short distance from the village。  A rude; upright stone stood formerly on one side of it; and was called by the country people Maen Illtyd; or Illtyd's stone; but was removed about a century ago。  A well; the stream of which divides this parish from the neighbouring one of

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