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itinerary of archibishop-第25节

小说: itinerary of archibishop 字数: 每页4000字

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re; {182} and; although it abounds with salmon; yet none are found in the lake。  It is also remarkable; that this river is never swollen by rains; but often rises by the violence of the winds。

Chester boasts of being the burial…place of Henry; {183} a Roman emperor; who; after having imprisoned his carnal and spiritual father; pope Paschal; gave himself up to penitence; and; becoming a voluntary exile in this country; ended his days in solitary retirement。  It is also asserted; that the remains of Harold are here deposited。  He was the last of the Saxon kings in England; and as a punishment for his perjury; was defeated in the battle of Hastings; fought against the Normans。  Having received many wounds; and lost his left eye by an arrow in that engagement; he is said to have escaped to these parts; where; in holy conversation; leading the life of an anchorite; and being a constant attendant at one of the churches of this city; he is believed to have terminated his days happily。 {184}  The truth of these two circumstances was declared (and not before known) by the dying confession of each party。  We saw here; what appeared novel to us; cheese made of deer's milk; for the countess and her mother keeping tame deer; presented to the archbishop three small cheeses made from their milk。

In this same country was produced; in our time; a cow partaking of the nature of a stag; resembling its mother in the fore parts and the stag in its hips; legs; and feet; and having the skin and colour of the stag; but; partaking more of the nature of the domestic than of the wild animal; it remained with the herd of cattle。  A bitch also was pregnant by a monkey; and produced a litter of whelps resembling a monkey before; and the dog behind; which the rustic keeper of the military hall seeing with astonishment and abhorrence; immediately killed with the stick he carried in his hand; thereby incurring the severe resentment and anger of his lord; when the latter became acquainted with the circumstance。

In our time; also; a woman was born in Chester without hands; to whom nature had supplied a remedy for that defect by the flexibility and delicacy of the joints of her feet; with which she could sew; or perform any work with thread or scissors; as well as other women。


Of the journey by the White Monastery; Oswaldestree; Powys; and Shrewsbury

The feast of Easter having been observed with due solemnity; and many persons; by the exhortations of the archbishop; signed with the cross; we directed our way from Chester to the White Monastery; {185} and from thence towards Oswaldestree; where; on the very borders of Powys; we were met by Gruffydd son of Madoc; and Elissa; princes of that country; and many others; some few of whom having been persuaded to take the cross (for several of the multitude had been previously signed by Reiner; {186} the bishop of that place); Gruffydd; prince of the district; publicly adjured; in the presence of the archbishop; his cousin…german; Angharad; daughter of prince Owen; whom; according to the vicious custom of the country; he had long considered as his wife。  We slept at Oswaldestree; or the tree of St。 Oswald; and were most sumptuously entertained after the English manner; by William Fitz…Alan; {187} a noble and liberal young man。  A short time before; whilst Reiner was preaching; a robust youth being earnestly exhorted to follow the example of his companions in taking the cross; answered; 〃I will not follow your advice until; with this lance which I bear in my hand; I shall have avenged the death of my lord;〃 alluding to Owen; son of Madoc; a distinguished warrior; who had been maliciously and treacherously slain by Owen Cyfeilioc; his cousin…german; and while he was thus venting his anger and revenge; and violently brandishing his lance; it suddenly snapped asunder; and fell disjointed in several pieces to the ground; the handle only remaining in his hand。  Alarmed and astonished at this omen; which he considered as a certain signal for his taking the cross; he voluntarily offered his services。

In this third district of Wales; called Powys; there are most excellent studs put apart for breeding; and deriving their origin from some fine Spanish horses; which Robert de Belesme; {188} earl of Shrewsbury; brought into this country:  on which account the horses sent from hence are remarkable for their majestic proportion and astonishing fleetness。

Here king Henry II。 entered Powys; in our days; upon an expensive; though fruitless; expedition。 {189}  Having dismembered the hostages whom he had previously received; he was compelled; by a sudden and violent fall of rain; to retreat with his army。  On the preceding day; the chiefs of the English army had burned some of the Welsh churches; with the villages and churchyards; upon which the sons of Owen the Great; with their light…armed troops; stirred up the resentment of their father and the other princes of the country; declaring that they would never in future spare any churches of the English。  When nearly the whole army was on the point of assenting to this determination; Owen; a man of distinguished wisdom and moderation … the tumult being in some degree subsided … thus spake: 〃My opinion; indeed; by no means agrees with yours; for we ought to rejoice at this conduct of our adversary; for; unless supported by divine assistance; we are far inferior to the English; and they; by their behaviour; have made God their enemy; who is able most powerfully to avenge both himself and us。  We therefore most devoutly promise God that we will henceforth pay greater reverence than ever to churches and holy places。〃  After which; the English army; on the following night; experienced (as has before been related) the divine vengeance。

From Oswaldestree; we directed our course towards Shrewsbury (Salopesburia); which is nearly surrounded by the river Severn; where we remained a few days to rest and refresh ourselves; and where many people were induced to take the cross; through the elegant sermons of the archbishop and archdeacon。  We also excommunicated Owen de Cevelioc; because he alone; amongst the Welsh princes; did not come to meet the archbishop with his people。  Owen was a man of more fluent speech than his contemporary princes; and was conspicuous for the good management of his territory。  Having generally favoured the royal cause; and opposed the measures of his own chieftains; he had contracted a great familiarity with king Henry II。  Being with the king at table at Shrewsbury; Henry; as a mark of peculiar honour and regard; sent him one of his own loaves; he immediately brake it into small pieces; like alms…bread; and having; like an almoner; placed them at a distance from him; he took them up one by one and ate them。  The king requiring an explanation of this proceeding; Owen; with a smile; replied; 〃I thus follow the example of my lord;〃 keenly alluding to the avaricious disposition of the king; who was accustomed to retain for a long time in his own hands the vacant ecclesiastical benefices。

It is to be remarked that three princes; {190} distinguished for their justice; wisdom; and princely moderation; ruled; in our time; over the three provinces of Wales:  Owen; son of Gruffydd; in Venedotia; or North Wales; Meredyth; his grandson; son of Gruffydd; who died early in life; in South Wales; and Owen de Cevelioc; in Powys。  But two other princes were highly celebrated for their generosity; Cadwalader; son of Gruffydd; in North Wales; and Gruffydd of Maelor; son of Madoc; in Powys; and Rhys; son of Gruffydd; in South Wales; deserved commendation for his enterprising and independent spirit。  In North Wales; David; son of Owen; and on the borders of Morgannoc; in South Wales; Howel; son of Iorwerth of Caerleon; maintained their good faith and credit; by observing a strict neutrality between the Welsh and English。


Of the journey by Wenloch; Brumfeld; the castle of Ludlow; and Leominster; to Hereford

From Shrewsbury; we continued our journey towards Wenloch; by a narrow and rugged way; called Evil…street; where; in our time; a Jew; travelling with the archdeacon of the place; whose name was Sin (Peccatum); and the dean; whose name was Devil; towards Shrewsbury; hearing the archdeacon say; that his archdeaconry began at a place called Evil…street; and extended as far as Mal…pas; towards Chester; pleasantly told them; 〃It would be a miracle; if his fate brought him safe out of a country; whose archdeacon was Sin; whose dean the devil; the entrance to the archdeaconry Evil…street; and its exit Bad…pass。〃 {191}

From Wenloch; we passed by the little cell of Brumfeld; {192} the noble castle of Ludlow; through Leominster to Hereford leaving on our right hand the districts of Melenyth and Elvel; thus (describing as it were a circle) we came to the same point from which we had commenced this laborious journey through Wales。

During this long and laudable legation; about three thousand men were signed with the cross; well skilled in the use of arrows and lances; and versed in military matters; impatient to attack the enemies of the faith; profitably and happily engaged for the service of Christ; if the expedition of the Holy

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