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itinerary of archibishop-第23节

小说: itinerary of archibishop 字数: 每页4000字

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deacon of that place; and of Sisillus; abbot of Stratflur。  Many chosen youths of the family of Roderic were seated on an opposite rock; and not one of them could be prevailed upon to take the cross; although the archbishop and others most earnestly exhorted them; but in vain; by an address particularly directed to them。  It came to pass within three days; as if by divine vengeance; that these young men; with many others; pursued some robbers of that country。  Being discomfited and put to flight; some were slain; others mortally wounded; and the survivors voluntarily assumed that cross they had before despised。  Roderic; also; who a short time before had incestuously married the daughter of Rhys; related to him by blood in the third degree; in order; by the assistance of that prince; to be better able to defend himself against the sons of his brothers; whom he had disinherited; not paying attention to the wholesome admonitions of the archbishop on this subject; was a little while afterwards dispossessed of all his lands by their means; thus deservedly meeting with disappointment from the very source from which he expected support。  The island of Mona contains three hundred and forty…three vills; considered equal to three cantreds。  Cantred; a compound word from the British and Irish languages; is a portion of land equal to one hundred vills。  There are three islands contiguous to Britain; on its different sides; which are said to be nearly of an equal size … the Isle of Wight on the south; Mona on the west; and Mania (Man) on the north…west side。 The two first are separated from Britain by narrow channels; the third is much further removed; lying almost midway between the countries of Ulster in Ireland and Galloway in Scotland。  The island of Mona is an arid and stony land; rough and unpleasant in its appearance; similar in its exterior qualities to the land of Pebidion; {163} near St。 David's; but very different as to its interior value。  For this island is incomparably more fertile in corn than any other part of Wales; from whence arose the British proverb; 〃Mon mam Cymbry; Mona mother of Wales;〃 and when the crops have been defective in all other parts of the country; this island; from the richness of its soil and abundant produce; has been able to supply all Wales。

As many things within this island are worthy of remark; I shall not think it superfluous to make mention of some of them。  There is a stone here resembling a human thigh; {164} which possesses this innate virtue; that whatever distance it may be carried; it returns; of its own accord; the following night; as has often been experienced by the inhabitants。  Hugh; earl of Chester; {165} in the reign of king Henry I。; having by force occupied this island and the adjacent country; heard of the miraculous power of this stone; and; for the purpose of trial; ordered it to be fastened; with strong iron chains; to one of a larger size; and to be thrown into the sea。 On the following morning; however; according to custom; it was found in its original position; on which account the earl issued a public edict; that no one; from that time; should presume to move the stone from its place。  A countryman; also; to try the powers of this stone; fastened it to his thigh; which immediately became putrid; and the stone returned to its original situation。

There is in the same island a stony hill; not very large or high; from one side of which; if you cry aloud; you will not be heard on the other; and it is called (by anti…phrasis) the rock of hearers。 In the northern part of Great Britain (Northumberland) so named by the English; from its situation beyond the river Humber; there is a hill of a similar nature; where if a loud horn or trumpet is sounded on one side; it cannot be heard on the opposite one。  There is also in this island the church of St。 Tefredaucus; {166} into which Hugh; earl of Shrewsbury; (who; together with the earl of Chester; had forcibly entered Anglesey); on a certain night put some dogs; which on the following morning were found mad; and he himself died within a month; for some pirates; from the Orcades; having entered the port of the island in their long vessels; the earl; apprised of their approach; boldly met them; rushing into the sea upon a spirited horse。  The commander of the expedition; Magnus; standing on the prow of the foremost ship; aimed an arrow at him; and; although the earl was completely equipped in a coat of mail; and guarded in every part of his body except his eyes; the unlucky weapon struck his right eye; and; entering his brain; he fell a lifeless corpse into the sea。  The victor; seeing him in this state; proudly and exultingly exclaimed; in the Danish tongue; 〃Leit loup;〃 let him leap; and from this time the power of the English ceased in Anglesey。  In our times; also; when Henry II。 was leading an army into North Wales; where he had experienced the ill fortune of war in a narrow; woody pass near Coleshulle; he sent a fleet into Anglesey; and began to plunder the aforesaid church; and other sacred places。 But the divine vengeance pursued him; for the inhabitants rushed upon the invaders; few against many; unarmed against armed; and having slain great numbers; and taken many prisoners; gained a most complete and bloody victory。  For; as our Topography of Ireland testifies; that the Welsh and Irish are more prone to anger and revenge than any other nations; the saints; likewise; of those countries appear to be of a more vindictive nature。

Two noble persons; and uncles of the author of this book; were sent thither by the king; namely; Henry; son of king Henry I。; and uncle to king Henry II。; by Nest; daughter of Rhys; prince of South Wales; and Robert Fitz…Stephen; brother to Henry; a man who in our days; shewing the way to others; first attacked Ireland; and whose fame is recorded in our Vaticinal History。  Henry; actuated by too much valour; and ill supported; was pierced by a lance; and fell amongst the foremost; to the great concern of his attendants; and Robert; despairing of being able to defend himself; was badly wounded; and escaped with difficulty to the ships。

There is a small island; almost adjoining to Anglesey; which is inhabited by hermits; living by manual labour; and serving God。  It is remarkable that when; by the influence of human passions; any discord arises among them; all their provisions are devoured and infected by a species of small mice; with which the island abounds; but when the discord ceases; they are no longer molested。  Nor is it to be wondered at; if the servants of God sometimes disagree; since Jacob and Esau contended in the womb of Rebecca; and Paul and Barnabas differed; the disciples also of Jesus disputed which of them should be the greatest; for these are the temptations of human infirmity; yet virtue is often made perfect by infirmity; and faith is increased by tribulations。  This island is called in Welsh; Ynys Lenach; {167} or the ecclesiastical island; because many bodies of saints are deposited there; and no woman is suffered to enter it。

We saw in Anglesey a dog; who accidentally had lost his tail; and whose whole progeny bore the same defect。  It is wonderful that nature should; as it were; conform itself in this particular to the accident of the father。  We saw also a knight; named Earthbald; born in Devonshire; whose father; denying the child with which his mother was pregnant; and from motives of jealousy accusing her of inconstancy; nature alone decided the controversy by the birth of the child; who; by a miracle; exhibited on his upper lip a scar; similar to one his father bore in consequence of a wound he had received from a lance in one of his military expeditions。  Stephen; the son of Earthbald; had a similar mark; the accident being in a manner converted into nature。  A like miracle of nature occurred in earl Alberic; son of Alberic earl of Veer; {168} whose father; during the pregnancy of his mother; the daughter of Henry of Essex; having laboured to procure a divorce; on account of the ignominy of her father; the child; when born; had the same blemish in its eye; as the father had got from a casual hurt。  These defects may be entailed on the offspring; perhaps; by the impression made on the memory by frequent and steady observation; as it is reported that a queen; accustomed to see the picture of a negro in her chamber; unexpectedly brought forth a black child; and is exculpated by Quintilian; on account of the picture。  In like manner it happened to the spotted sheep; given by Laban out of his flock to his nephew Jacob; and which conceived by means of variegated rods。 {169}  Nor is the child always affected by the mother's imagination alone; but sometimes by that of the father; for it is well known that a man; seeing a passenger near him; who was convulsed both behind and before; on going home and telling his wife that he could not get the impression of this sight off his mind; begat a child who was affected in a similar manner。


Passage of the river Conwy in a boat; and of Dinas Emrys

On our return to Banchor from Mona; we were shown the tombs of prince Owen and his younger brother Cadwalader; {170} who were buried in a double vault before the high

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