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itinerary of archibishop-第14节

小说: itinerary of archibishop 字数: 每页4000字

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eople assembled; and the dog; with bitter howlings; lamented his master's fate。  The murderer; by chance; passed that way; and; in order to prove his innocence; mingled with the crowd of spectators; and; as if moved by compassion; approached the body of the deceased。  The dog; suspending for a while his moans; assumed the arms of revenge; rushed upon the man; and seized him; howling at the same time in so dolorous a manner; that all present shed tears。  It was considered as a proof against the murderer; that the dog seized him from amongst so many; and would not let him go; and especially; as neither the crime of hatred; envy; or injury; could possibly; in this case; be urged against the dog。  On account; therefore; of such a strong suspicion of murder (which the soldier constantly denied); it was determined that the truth of the matter should be tried by combat。  The parties being assembled in a field; with a crowd of people around; the dog on one side; and the soldier; armed with a stick of a cubit's length; on the other; the murderer was at length overcome by the victorious dog; and suffered an ignominious death on the common gallows。

Pliny and Solinus relate that a certain king; who was very fond of dogs; and addicted to hunting; was taken and imprisoned by his enemies; and in a most wonderful manner liberated; without any assistance from his friends; by a pack of dogs; who had spontaneously sequestered themselves in the mountainous and woody regions; and from thence committed many atrocious acts of depredation on the neighbouring herds and flocks。  I shall take this opportunity of mentioning what from experience and ocular testimony I have observed respecting the nature of dogs。  A dog is in general sagacious; but particularly with respect to his master; for when he has for some time lost him in a crowd; he depends more upon his nose than upon his eyes; and; in endeavouring to find him; he first looks about; and then applies his nose; for greater certainty; to his clothes; as if nature had placed all the powers of infallibility in that feature。  The tongue of a dog possesses a medicinal quality; the wolf's; on the contrary; a poisonous:  the dog heals his wounds by licking them; the wolf; by a similar practice; infects them; and the dog; if he has received a wound in his neck or head; or any part of his body where he cannot apply his tongue; ingeniously makes use of his hinder foot as a conveyance of the healing qualities to the parts affected。


Passage of the rivers Avon and Neth … and of Abertawe and Goer

Continuing our journey; {89} not far from Margan; where the alternate vicissitudes of a sandy shore and the tide commence; we forded over the river Avon; having been considerably delayed by the ebbing of the sea; and under the guidance of Morgan; eldest son of Caradoc; proceeded along the sea…shore towards the river Neth; which; on account of its quicksands; is the most dangerous and inaccessible river in South Wales。  A pack…horse belonging to the author; which had proceeded by the lower way near the sea; although in the midst of many others; was the only one which sunk down into the abyss; but he was at last; with great difficulty; extricated; and not without some damage done to the baggage and books。  Yet; although we had Morgan; the prince of that country; as our conductor; we did not reach the river without great peril; and some severe falls; for the alarm occasioned by this unusual kind of road; made us hasten our steps over the quicksands; in opposition to the advice of our guide; and fear quickened our pace; whereas; through these difficult passages; as we there learned; the mode of proceeding should be with moderate speed。  But as the fords of that river experience a change by every monthly tide; and cannot be found after violent rains and floods; we did not attempt the ford; but passed the river in a boat; leaving the monastery of Neth {90} on our right hand; approaching again to the district of St。 David's; and leaving the diocese of Landaf (which we had entered at Abergevenny) behind us。

It happened in our days that David II。; bishop of St。 David's; passing this way; and finding the ford agitated by a recent storm; a chaplain of those parts; named Rotherch Falcus; being conversant in the proper method of crossing these rivers; undertook; at the desire of the bishop; the dangerous task of trying the ford。  Having mounted a large and powerful horse; which had been selected from the whole train for this purpose; he immediately crossed the ford; and fled with great rapidity to the neighbouring woods; nor could he be induced to return until the suspension which he had lately incurred was removed; and a full promise of security and indemnity obtained; the horse was then restored to one party; and his service to the other。

Entering the province called Goer; {91} we spent the night at the castle of Sweynsei; {92} which in Welsh is called Abertawe; or the fall of the river Tawe into the sea。  The next morning; the people being assembled after mass; and many having been induced to take the cross; an aged man of that district; named Cador; thus addressed the archbishop:  〃My lord; if I now enjoyed my former strength; and the vigour of youth; no alms should ransom me; no desire of inactivity restrain me; from engaging in the laudable undertaking you preach; but since my weak age and the injuries of time deprive me of this desirable benefit (for approaching years bring with them many comforts; which those that are passed take away); if I cannot; owing to the infirmity of my body; attain a full merit; yet suffer me; by giving a tenth of all I possess; to attain a half。〃  Then falling down at the feet of the archbishop; he deposited in his hands; for the service of the cross; the tenth of his estate; weeping bitterly; and intreating from him the remission of one half of the enjoined penance。  After a short time he returned; and thus continued:  〃My lord; if the will directs the action; and is itself; for the most part; considered as the act; and as I have a full and firm inclination to undertake this journey; I request a remission of the remaining part of the penance; and in addition to my former gift; I will equal the sum from the residue of my tenths。〃  The archbishop; smiling at his devout ingenuity; embraced him with admiration。

On the same night; two monks; who waited in the archbishop's chamber; conversing about the occurrences of their journey; and the dangers of the road; one of them said (alluding to the wildness of the country); 〃This is a hard province;〃 the other (alluding to the quicksands); wittily replied; 〃Yet yesterday it was found too soft。〃

A short time before our days; a circumstance worthy of note occurred in these parts; which Elidorus; a priest; most strenuously affirmed had befallen himself。  When a youth of twelve years; and learning his letters; since; as Solomon says; 〃The root of learning is bitter; although the fruit is sweet;〃 in order to avoid the discipline and frequent stripes inflicted on him by his preceptor; he ran away; and concealed himself under the hollow bank of a river。 After fasting in that situation for two days; two little men of pigmy stature appeared to him; saying; 〃If you will come with us; we will lead you into a country full of delights and sports。〃 Assenting and rising up; he followed his guides through a path; at first subterraneous and dark; into a most beautiful country; adorned with rivers and meadows; woods and plains; but obscure; and not illuminated with the full light of the sun。  All the days were cloudy; and the nights extremely dark; on account of the absence of the moon and stars。  The boy was brought before the king; and introduced to him in the presence of the court; who; having examined him for a long time; delivered him to his son; who was then a boy。 These men were of the smallest stature; but very well proportioned in their make; they were all of a fair complexion; with luxuriant hair falling over their shoulders like that of women。  They had horses and greyhounds adapted to their size。  They neither ate flesh nor fish; but lived on milk diet; made up into messes with saffron。 They never took an oath; for they detested nothing so much as lies。 As often as they returned from our upper hemisphere; they reprobated our ambition; infidelities; and inconstancies; they had no form of public worship; being strict lovers and reverers; as it seemed; of truth。

The boy frequently returned to our hemisphere; sometimes by the way he had first gone; sometimes by another:  at first in company with other persons; and afterwards alone; and made himself known only to his mother; declaring to her the manners; nature; and state of that people。  Being desired by her to bring a present of gold; with which that region abounded; he stole; while at play with the king's son; the golden ball with which he used to divert himself; and brought it to his mother in great haste; and when he reached the door of his father's house; but not unpursued; and was entering it in a great hurry; his foot stumbled on the threshold; and falling down into the room where his mother was sitting; the two pigmies seized the ball which had dropped from his hand; and d

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