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itinerary of archibishop-第10节

小说: itinerary of archibishop 字数: 每页4000字

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or and strangers; and because they do not live as others upon fixed incomes; but depend only on their labour and forethought for subsistence; they are anxious to obtain lands; farms; and pastures; which may enable them to perform these acts of hospitality。  However; to repress and remove from this sacred Order the detestable stigma of ambition; I wish they would sometimes call to mind what is written in Ecclesiasticus; 〃Whoso bringeth an offering of the goods of the poor; doth as one that killeth the son before his father's eyes;〃 and also the sentiment of Gregory; 〃A good use does not justify things badly acquired;〃 and also that of Ambrose; 〃He who wrongfully receives; that he may well dispense; is rather burthened than assisted。〃  Such men seem to say with the Apostle; 〃Let us do evil that good may come。〃  For it is written; 〃Mercy ought to be of such a nature as may be received; not rejected; which may purge away sins; not make a man guilty before the Lord; arising from your own just labours; not those of other men。〃  Hear what Solomon says; 〃Honour the Lord from your just labours。〃  What shall they say who have seized upon other men's possessions; and exercised charity?  〃O Lord! in thy name we have done charitable deeds; we have fed the poor; clothed the naked; and hospitably received the stranger:〃 to whom the Lord will answer; 〃Ye speak of what ye have given away; but speak not of the rapine ye have committed; ye relate concerning those ye have fed; and remember not those ye have killed。〃  I have judged it proper to insert in this place an instance of an answer which Richard; king of the English; made to Fulke; {63} a good and holy man; by whom God in these our days has wrought many signs in the kingdom of France。 This man had among other things said to the king; 〃You have three daughters; namely; Pride; Luxury; and Avarice; and as long as they shall remain with you; you can never expect to be in favour with God。〃  To which the king; after a short pause; replied:  〃I have already given away those daughters in marriage:  Pride to the Templars; Luxury to the Black Monks; and Avarice to the White。〃  It is a remarkable circumstance; or rather a miracle; concerning Lanthoni; that; although it is on every side surrounded by lofty mountains; not stony or rocky; but of a soft nature; and covered with grass; Parian stones are frequently found there; and are called free…stones; from the facility with which they admit of being cut and polished; and with these the church is beautifully built。  It is also wonderful; that when; after a diligent search; all the stones have been removed from the mountains; and no more can be found; upon another search; a few days afterwards; they reappear in greater quantities to those who seek them。  With respect to the two Orders; the Cluniac and the Cistercian; this may be relied upon; although the latter are possessed of fine buildings; with ample revenues and estates; they will soon be reduced to poverty and destruction。  To the former; on the contrary; you would allot a barren desert and a solitary wood; yet in a few years you will find them in possession of sumptuous churches and houses; and encircled with an extensive property。  The difference of manners (as it appears to me) causes this contrast。  For as without meaning offence to either party; I shall speak the truth; the one feels the benefits of sobriety; parsimony; and prudence; whilst the other suffers from the bad effects of gluttony and intemperance:  the one; like bees; collect their stores into a heap; and unanimously agree in the disposal of one well…regulated purse; the others pillage and divert to improper uses the largesses which have been collected by divine assistance; and by the bounties of the faithful; and whilst each individual consults solely his own interest; the welfare of the community suffers; since; as Sallust observes; 〃Small things increase by concord; and the greatest are wasted by discord。〃  Besides; sooner than lessen the number of one of the thirteen or fourteen dishes which they claim by right of custom; or even in a time of scarcity or famine recede in the smallest degree from their accustomed good fare; they would suffer the richest lands and the best buildings of the monastery to become a prey to usury; and the numerous poor to perish before their gates。

The first of these Orders; at a time when there was a deficiency in grain; with a laudable charity; not only gave away their flocks and herds; but resigned to the poor one of the two dishes with which they were always contented。  But in these our days; in order to remove this stain; it is ordained by the Cistercians; 〃That in future neither farms nor pastures shall be purchased; and that they shall be satisfied with those alone which have been freely and unconditionally bestowed upon them。〃  This Order; therefore; being satisfied more than any other with humble mediocrity; and; if not wholly; yet in a great degree checking their ambition; and though placed in a worldly situation; yet avoiding; as much as possible; its contagion; neither notorious for gluttony or drunkenness; for luxury or lust; is fearful and ashamed of incurring public scandal; as will be more fully explained in the book we mean (by the grace of God) to write concerning the ecclesiastical Orders。

In these temperate regions I have obtained (according to the usual expression) a place of dignity; but no great omen of future pomp or riches; and possessing a small residence {64} near the castle of Brecheinoc; well adapted to literary pursuits; and to the contemplation of eternity; I envy not the riches of Croesus; happy and contented with that mediocrity; which I prize far beyond all the perishable and transitory things of this world。  But let us return to our subject。


The journey by Coed Grono and Abergevenni

From thence {65} we proceeded through the narrow; woody tract called the bad pass of Coed Grono; leaving the noble monastery of Lanthoni; inclosed by its mountains; on our left。  The castle of Abergevenni is so called from its situation at the confluence of the river Gevenni with the Usk。

It happened a short time after the death of king Henry I。; that Richard de Clare; a nobleman of high birth; and lord of Cardiganshire; passed this way on his journey from England into Wales; accompanied by Brian de Wallingford; lord of this province; and many men…at…arms。  At the passage of Coed Grono; {66} and at the entrance into the wood; he dismissed him and his attendants; though much against their will; and proceeded on his journey unarmed; from too great a presumption of security; preceded only by a minstrel and a singer; one accompanying the other on the fiddle。  The Welsh awaiting his arrival; with Iorwerth; brother of Morgan of Caerleon; at their head; and others of his family; rushed upon him unawares from the thickets; and killed him and many of his followers。  Thus it appears how incautious and neglectful of itself is too great presumption; for fear teaches foresight and caution in prosperity; but audacity is precipitate; and inconsiderate rashness will not await the advice of the leader。

A sermon having been delivered at Abergevenni; {67} and many persons converted to the cross; a certain nobleman of those parts; named Arthenus; came to the archbishop; who was proceeding towards the castle of Usk; and humbly begged pardon for having neglected to meet him sooner。  Being questioned whether he would take the cross; he replied; 〃That ought not be done without the advice of his friends。〃 The archbishop then asked him; 〃Are you not going to consult your wife?〃  To which he modestly answered; with a downcast look; 〃When the work of a man is to be undertaken; the counsel of a woman ought not to be asked;〃 and instantly received the cross from the archbishop。

We leave to others the relation of those frequent and cruel excesses which in our times have arisen amongst the inhabitants of these parts; against the governors of castles; and the vindictive retaliations of the governors against the natives。  But king Henry II。 was the true author; and Ranulf Poer; sheriff of Hereford; the instrument; of the enormous cruelties and slaughter perpetrated here in our days; which I thought better to omit; lest bad men should be induced to follow the example; for although temporary advantage may seem to arise from a base cause; yet; by the balance of a righteous judge; the punishment of wickedness may be deferred; though not totally avoided; according to the words of the poet; …

〃Non habet eventus sordida praeda bonos。〃

For after seven years of peace and tranquillity; the sons and grandsons of the deceased; having attained the age of manhood; took advantage of the absence of the lord of the castle (Abergevenni); and; burning with revenge; concealed themselves; with no inconsiderable force during the night; within the woody foss of the castle。  One of them; name Sisillus (Sitsylt) son of Eudaf; on the preceding day said rather jocularly to the constable; 〃Here will we enter this night;〃 pointing out to him a certain angle in the wall where it seemed the lowest; but since

〃 … Ridendo dicere verum Quis vetat?〃


〃 … fas est et ab hoste doceri;〃

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